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发布时间:2024-02-04 02:04:18

[单项选择]Distinctive sound refers to()
A. allomorph
B. phoneme
C. phone
D. minimal pairs

更多"Distinctive sound refers to()"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Distinctive sound refers to ______.
A. allomorph
B. phoneme
C. phone
D.minimal pairs
[单项选择]Competence refers to
A. the ideal language user’s knowledge of the rules of his language.
B. the ideal knowledge of meaning of sentences.
C. what speakers can do with certain languages.
D. the realization of the language user’s knowledge in utterances.
[单项选择]AIO refers to
A. actions, involvement and options.
B. activities, interests and opinions.
C. advertising, impact and opportunities.
[单项选择]Phatic communication refers to
A. language’s function of the expression of identity.
B. social interaction of language.
C. language’s function of expressing itself.
D. sociological use of language.

Vocational Education
Vocational education refers to education for a particular occupation. Industrialized countries have seen a fall in demand for unskilled workers, and an increase in jobs in the professional, technical, commercial, and administrative sector. Vocational education is traditionally associated with trades and crafts: young people were apprentice to employers for a number of years and learned on the job. Today the focus has shifted from the workplace to secondary and higher education institutions, and from employers’ to government provision and finance. Trainees in most occupations combine workplace training with study at a technical or academic institution. In the former Soviet Union, school and work were always strongly linked from primary school. Germany provides nine out of ten young people not entering higher education with vocational training, and training is planned from national down to locate level through joint committees of government
A. Right
B. Wrong
C. Not mentioned

[单项选择]The Spenserian Stanza refers to
A. a free style.
B. a nine-line verse stanza.
C. a free verse stanza.
D. nine-line poems.

The distinctive architectural feature of the typical Broadway theater is the juxtaposition of two almost independent buildings facing and opening into one another through a proscenium arch. The audience sits in the auditorium structure and watches the actors perform in the stage house. 61) This separation is more than an aesthetic impression, because the building codes require that a physical barrier protect the audience from a fire starting on the stage. A fireproof wall, rather than a more partition separates the structures, and 62) this separation is completed by a fireproof curtain that is rigged to fall automatically and close the proscenium opening in case of fire. Automatic fire doors similarly close all other openings between the two structures. The codes keep such openings to a minimum.
This separation came about in the 19th century in the United States as a result of theater fires. 63) It has produced a fundamental structural change from previou

[填空题]The loud, distinctive noises of genuine laughter often make it spread more quickly to ______.


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