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发布时间:2024-01-06 23:39:58

[单项选择]The most difficult problem we faced with is to reduce China’s population to less than 1 billion within 20 years()
A. 现在摆在我们面前最艰巨的问题就是在20年里把中国人口降低到10亿。
B. 我们所面临的最艰难的问题是在20年里使中国的人口减少10亿。
C. 我们所面临的最艰难的问题是在20年里把中国人口降低到10亿以下。
D. 最艰巨的问题摆在我们面前就是在20年里把中国人口减少10亿。

更多"The most difficult problem we faced"的相关试题:

[单项选择]First of all, this difficult problem has to be tackled, thus ( ) us to proceed to the others.
A. to enable
B. enabled
C. enabling
D. having enabled
[单项选择]It’s such a difficult problem _______ no one can work it out.
A. as
B. that
C. so
D. thus
[单项选择]When we talk with a foreign lady, in most cases we should not ask such personal questions as her age.
A. 但我们和一位外国女士谈话时,要防止我们问她个人问题,像年龄。
B. 但我们和一位外国女士谈话时,在很多事件中我们不应该问她如年龄这样的个人问题。
C. 与外国女士交谈时,在多数情况下我们不能把年龄作为个人问题来问。
D. 我们在同外国女士交谈时,多数情况下我们不问及年龄这样的个人隐私问题。
[简答题]China is now faced with a dilemma. We are pushing up sales of automobiles in order to speed up economic development, yet cities designed for bicycles and buses are now choked by an expanding fleet of cars. Traffic jam is one of our pressing concerns. What is your opinion about the matter Write an essay of about 400 words to develop your views on {{B}} Should We Encourage People to Buy Cars {{/B}} In the first part of your writing you should present your thesis statement, and in the second part you should support the thesis statement with appropriate details. In the last part you should bring what you have written to a natural conclusion or a summary. {{I}}Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriacy. Failure to follow the above instructions may result in a loss of marks. Write your composition on ANSWER SHEET FOUR{{/I}}
[单项选择]Two of the most important men in America faced each other at dawn on July 1, 1804. There were no words of greeting, nor any smiles as they proceeded with their business. Each had taken two of his closest friends with him. A small crowd was beginning to gather as one of the men produced a set of dueling pistols. Both men, in their late thirties, had already achieved great fame, wealth and political success. One, Alexander Hamilton, had been Secretary of the Treasury and at this time headed the Federalist Party; the other, Aaron Burr, was actually Vice President of the United States.
What prompted these two men to a duel Why would they risk their lives here on this dismal morning To find the answer we have to take a good look at these two personalities. Both men were about the same age, both had taken an active part in the Revolutionary War, and both had achieved high office in the army under George Washington, despite the fact that they were very young. These similarities did n
A. Washington,D.C.
B. New York
C. New Jersey
D. Pennsylvania
[单项选择]We are inevitably faced with the necessity to recognize that having more people implies a lower standard of living.
A. 我们不可避免地要面对一种必然结果,即承认更多的人就暗示着生活的低标准。
B. 我们不可避免地要面对这样的事实:人口的增长意味着生活水准的降低。
C. 随着人的增多,生活水平会很低,这不可避免,我们只能面对这种必然的现实。
D. 我们承认一种必然结果是无法避免的,我们得面对人越多生活水平就越低的事实。
[填空题]The problem is too difficult for me (solve)()


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