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发布时间:2024-03-15 04:44:15

[单项选择]First of all, this difficult problem has to be tackled, thus ( ) us to proceed to the others.
A. to enable
B. enabled
C. enabling
D. having enabled

更多"First of all, this difficult proble"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The most difficult problem we faced with is to reduce China’s population to less than 1 billion within 20 years()
A. 现在摆在我们面前最艰巨的问题就是在20年里把中国人口降低到10亿。
B. 我们所面临的最艰难的问题是在20年里使中国的人口减少10亿。
C. 我们所面临的最艰难的问题是在20年里把中国人口降低到10亿以下。
D. 最艰巨的问题摆在我们面前就是在20年里把中国人口减少10亿。
[单项选择]To solve such a difficult problem is really ______ my grasp.
A. beyond
B. out of
C. beneath
D. away from
[单项选择]It’s more difficult to solve a problem than()
A. a question is found
B. finding a question
C. that of finding a question
D. to find a question
[填空题]The problem is too difficult for me (solve)()

Since ancient times, May first has been a traditional day to celebrate spring. In modern times, May Day also became a traditional day for countries to honor workers.
In eighteen eighty-nine, Socialists held an international congress in Paris. They chose May first as a workers’ holiday and a day for demonstrations. Since then, the first of May has been observed as International Labor Day.
The United States, however, had already settled on another day. Peter McGuire was a New York labor leader. He is said to have suggested the first Monday in September as a holiday to honor labor. He said it was a nice time of the year for a celebration. He suggested parades to show the strength of labor organizations. And he urged people to end the day with outdoor parties.
The first Labor Day celebration in the United States took place in New York City on September fifth, eighteen eighty-two. About ten thousand workers marched through the streets. Then everyone went
A. The 1st of May.
B. The 1st of September.
C. The 1st Monday in September.
D. The 1st Monday in May.

[简答题]First of all, allow me to thank all of you for your kind invitation to the party. I’m greatly honored to have such a chance to visit your country. My visit is both interesting and memorable. It is not only a source of pleasure but also an opportunity to discuss some important problems with Chinese scholars. I’ve gained a lot from my visit.

How We Form First Impression.

1 We all have first impression of someone we just met. But why do we form an opinion about someone without really knowing anything about him or her, aside perhaps from a few remarks or readily observable traits.
2 The answer is related to how your brain allows you to be aware of the world. Your brain is so sensitive in picking up facial traits, even very minor difference in how a person’s eyes, ears, nose, or mouth are placed in relation to each other make you sea him or her as different. In fact, your brain continuously processes incoming sensory information the sights and sounds of your world. These incoming "signals" are compared against a host of "memories" stored in the brain areas called the cortex system to determine what these new signals "mean."
3 If you see someone you know and like at school, your brain says "familiar and safe." If you see someone new, it says, "new potentially threatenin
[填空题]The world’s first completely automatic railway has been built under the busy streets of London. On this railway, the trains drive themselves, and all the work is done by machines. This railway has seven "separate" lines, which connect at various stations. Together they serve most parts of England’s capital city.
The people of London saw that this new line was very different from the others. The stations on the other lines needed a lot of workers. People are needed to sell tickets, and to check them. Others collect tickets when people leave the trains. There are men and women on the platforms (站台). They check that everything is all right. On the trains, too, there are several workers.
This is all different on the Victoria Line. Here a machine checks and collects the tickets, and there are no workers on the platforms. If a man wants to ask about the trains, he must use a special telephone.
How many divided lines does this railway have
This railway has ______ divided lines


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