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发布时间:2024-09-18 03:14:09

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

The citizens of France are once again taking a pasting on the op-ed pages. Their failing this time is not that they are cheese-eating surrender monkeys, as they were thought to be during the invasion of Iraq, but rather that they voted to reject the new European Union constitution. According to the pundits, this was the timid, shortsighted choice of u backward-looking people afraid to face the globalized future. But another way of looking at it is that the French were simply trying to hold on to their perks—their cradle-to-grave welfare state and, above all, their cherished 35-hour workweek.
What’s so bad about that There was a time when the 35-hour workweek was the envy of the world, and especially of Americans, who used to travel to France just so they could watch the French relax. Some people even moved to France, bought farmhouses, adjusted their own internal clocks and wrote admiring, best-selling books
A. Those that are of Russian origin.
B. Those Russian workers.
C. Those exceedingly hardworking ones.
D. Those socialists.

更多"{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}} The citizens of"的相关试题:

{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

The citizens of France are once again taking a pasting on the op-ed pages. Their failing this time is not that they are cheese-eating surrender monkeys, as they were thought to be during the invasion of Iraq, but rather that they voted to reject the new European Union constitution. According to the pundits, this was the timid, shortsighted choice of u backward-looking people afraid to face the globalized future. But another way of looking at it is that the French were simply trying to hold on to their perks—their cradle-to-grave welfare state and, above all, their cherished 35-hour workweek.
What’s so bad about that There was a time when the 35-hour workweek was the envy of the world, and especially of Americans, who used to travel to France just so they could watch the French relax. Some people even moved to France, bought farmhouses, adjusted their own internal clocks and wrote admiring, best-selling books
A. French people are leisurely people.
B. French people are now working 35 hours a week.
C. They world is getting busier.
D. In the near future, people will work much less in a week.
[单项选择]The citizens of France are once again taking a pasting on the op-ed pages. Their failing this time is not that they are cheese-eating surrender monkeys, as they were thought to be during the invasion of Iraq, but rather that they voted to reject the new European Union constitution. According to the pundits, this was the timid, shortsighted choice of a backward- looking people afraid to face the globalized future. But another way of looking at it is that the French were simply trying to hold on to their perks -- their cradle-to-grave welfare state and, above all, their cherished 35-hour workweek.
What’s so bad about that There was a time when the 35-hour workweek was the envy of the world, and especially of Americans, who used to travel to France just so they could watch the French relax. Some people even moved to France, bought farmhouses, adjusted their own internal clocks and wrote admiring, best-selling books about the leisurely and sensual French lifestyle.
But no more. T
A. Those that are of Russian origin.
B. Those Russian workers.
C. Those exceedingly hardworking ones.
D. Those socialists.
[单项选择]{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}
There are a number of facets to any emotional experience. If you have ever experienced extreme fear, you will recognize that subjective feelings are one part of any emotional experience.
Subjective feelings can be classified in terms of intensity, pleasantness or unpleasantness, and complexity. For example, joy is a simple, pleasant, and intense emotion. Jealousy is a complex, unpleasant emotion that may vary in intensity. Unfortunately, it is difficult to go beyond simple classification of subjective feelings because they are extremely difficult to describe. In one rather bizarre study, women were required to crash snails between their fingers and to describe their emotional reactions. The best they could do was to name their emotions. The second part of any emotional experience consists of emotional expressions. Emotional e
A. different parts of emotional experience
B. the classification of subjective feelings
C. emotional expressions
D. verbal expressions of emotion
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

Born in the trough of the Great Depression, Edmund Phelps, a professor at Columbia University who won the Nobel Prize for economics, has spent much of his intellectual life studying slumps of a different kind. The Depression, which cost both of his parents their jobs, was exacerbated by the monetary, authorities, who kept too tight a grip on the money supply. Mr. Phelps is interested in unemployment that even open-handed central bankers cannot cure.
Most scholars stand on the shoulders of giants. But Mr. Phelps won his laurels in part tar kicking the feet from under his intellectual forerunners. In 1958 William Phillips, of the London School of Economics, showed that for much of the previous hundred years, unemployment was low in Britain when wage inflation was high, and high when inflation was low. E
A. unemployment is a hot potato for economists to study.
B. unemployment is the topic that interests Mr. Phelps the most.
C. Mr. Phelps’s parents asked him to study unemployment.
D. Mr. Phelps’s research is based on the existing research results.
{{B}}TEXT B{{/B}}

The romantic image of the trusty postman, delivering letters to the farthest-flung corners of the land, makes the reform of postal services a sensitive subject. This is especially true when the impetus for reform comes from the European Union. This month the European Parliament starts work on a directive, drawn up by the European Commission, to remove the last monopolies in postal markets by 2009--the final stage in a slow and laborious liberalisation that began in 1992. Directives in 1997 and 2002 chipped away at the centuries-old monopolies enjoyed by national operators, and the proposed new law will open the whole market to competition by abolishing the "reserved area" on mail weighing less than 50 grams. But although the legislative wheels are in motion, some countries are as sceptical as ever.
A. appealed,
B. repealed.
C. aggravated.
D. consolidated.
{{B}}TEXT D{{/B}}

What are the zebra stripes on the tomato soup cans and potato chip bags.’ They are special black and white vertical lines. These black and white stripes can be read by an optical scanner, or computer. The "scanner’’, which reads the lines of code, is a small laser beam of light. When the light ray is broken by the black stripes, the computer "reads" the in formation about the product.
The code is called the Universal Product Code (UPC). h is de signed to add speed and efficiency to stores by using computers. It can do this in several ways. First, it is not necessary for workers to put individual prices on items. Errors in prices are eliminated, or done away with. Also, the time spent checking out is reduced. UPC gives an itemized receipt to the customer with all the items, prices, and totals. The store clerk does not need to spend time checking the price on the item and punching it into cash register. This U
A. Manufacturer.
B. Item.
C. Grocery store name.
D. Price.


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