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发布时间:2024-07-02 18:12:23

[单项选择]Questions 17-18Q17 ES CHIMPANZéS ARLENT 1. Maintenant,c’est chose faite ou presque 2. En somme,pour être considéré comme un humain authentique,il ne lui manque plus que la parole 3. Il y a longtemps qu’on se pose la question de "I’humanité" du singe 4. Dans le documentaire "le chimpanzé,I’autre homme,on vous montre que cet animal est capable d’apprendre quelques rudiments du langage des signes des sourds-muets.
A. 3-1-4-2
B. 4-3-1-2
C. 3-4-1-2
D. 4-2-1-3

更多"Questions 17-18Q17 ES CHIMPANZéS A"的相关试题:

·What’s your name How do you spell your first name/surname
·Where do you live Do you like living there Why / Why not
·What do you do Do you like being a ... Why /Why not
·What do you like doing in your free time

{{B}}Questions 32 to 3S are based on the passage you have just heard.{{/B}}

A. Dates and names that cannot be verified.
B. Unusual works of art.
C. Articles written by previous historians.
D. Significant events and influential people.

Questions 1-4

What’s the speaker’s definition of jet lag?()
A. A flight over time zones.
B. A loss of one’s characters.
C. A symptom of leg problems.
D. A condition of sleep disorders.
[简答题]El supermercado El gran supermercado es casi el símbolo (象征) de la vida económica de los Estados Unidos. Piense Ud. en la enorme (1) variedad de cosas que ofrecen! No sólo venden comestibles de todas las partes del país---y a veces (2) de todas las partes del mundo—sino también cosas que antes solo se vendían en farmacias, papelerías y ferreterías (五金店). Está claro que los norteamericanos somos grandes admiradores de la eficacia (效益) y que el supermercado, donde se vende de todo bajo un solo techo (3) , es una manifestación de esa eficacia. Hoy día (4) también se encuentran supermercados en casi todos los países hispánicos—especialmente (5) en las grandes ciudades. Pero no son tan populares (6) como en los Estados Unidos. Para los hispanos, el ir de compras todavía es una ocasión social (7). Prefieren comprar las cosas que necesitan para vivir en distintas tiendas peque as en su propio barrio o vecindad. Para ellos es importante conocer personalmente a los propietarios de las tiend
A. A.vasta

Questions 7~10
U.S. consumer prices climbed faster than expected in May, further fanning investor fears over inflation. Stock markets around the world have cracked sharply lower the past few weeks, with the Dow Jones Industrial Average losing all the ground it had gained so far this year. Japan’s stock market is down 11% on the year; gold has had its biggest slide in a decade and a half; and many emerging markets are wobbling. After Wednesday’s Consumer Price Index report from the Labor Department, which showed a 0.4 percent increase in prices for May (core inflation, which excludes food and energy, rose 0.3 percent), the stock market made a comeback. But with future interest rate hikes now starting to be priced into the market, investor fears that central bankers around the world will go overboard and continue to drive rates higher is set to further spook markets. This is no trading correction that investors have to absorb. The r


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