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发布时间:2024-07-07 00:09:46


Questions 1-4

What’s the speaker’s definition of jet lag?()
A. A flight over time zones.
B. A loss of one’s characters.
C. A symptom of leg problems.
D. A condition of sleep disorders.

更多"Questions 1-4 What’s the speaker’s"的相关试题:


Questions 1-4

What is the speaker’s suggestion for further advancement in learning English?()
A. Try another approach.
B. Give yourself some time for sleeping.
C. Keep on learning and practicing.
D. Reward yourself from time to time.
·What’s your name How do you spell your first name/surname
·Where do you live Do you like living there Why / Why not
·What do you do Do you like being a ... Why /Why not
·What do you like doing in your free time

What was the speaker’s friend
[单项选择]What is the speaker’s attitude
A. He couldn’t agree any more.
B. He agrees completely.
C. He agrees partially.
D. He couldn’t stand it any more.

Questions 1-4

According to the speaker, what should you try to do once you arrive in your destination?()
A. Sleep as soon as possible.
B. Nap even during daytime.
C. Get a good night’s sleep.
D. Relax yourself in a cafe.
[单项选择]What is the speaker’s mainly discussing
A. The importance of anthropology to modem society.
B. A good source of information about a society.
C. Attitudes toward culture in the 1940’s.
D. The relationship between anthropology and the military.
[单项选择]What size is the speaker’s room
[填空题]What’s the speaker’s attitude towards the "open learning" method of study

Questions 1-4

What does the speaker recommend if you do not want to drink much water during the flight?()
A. Avoid junk food, salty foods, caffeine and alcohol.
B. Drink as little water as possible between meals.
C. Take drinks with less sugar, carbonation or caffeine.
D. Always have other fluid on the plane.
[单项选择]In the speaker’s opinion, what’s the best place for a man to keep his wallet()
A. The back pocket of his tight trousers.
B. The top pocket of his jacket.
C. A side pocket of his jacket.
D. A side pocket of his trousers.
What is the speaker’s attitude toward individualism
A. Families and troops should not be influenced by individualism, which is very strong in our society.
B. We should nurture virtues like self-sacrifice, loyalty and love to phase out individualism.
C. Individualism is so strong in our society that it will replace virtues like self-sacrifice, loyalty and love even in families.
D. An individualistic society is not what we want, though it’s powerful.

What is the speaker’ s attitude towards digital radio
What is the speaker’s mother always suggesting to her

[单项选择]What is the speaker’s problem( ).
A. He knows nothing about engineering.
B. He wants to postpone the presentation.
C. He never spoke to high school students before.
D. He is not yet ready for the presentation.
[填空题]What will happen if the speaker’s girlfriend sees his mother She won’t ______.
[填空题]What kind of stories did the speaker’ s grandmother tell him The stories about ______ during World War Ⅱ.
[单项选择]What do we know about the speaker’s friend
A. He was once a friend of the ruler.
B. He was a tax collector.
C. He was a government official.
D. He was once a school teacher in India.

What kind of stories did the speaker’s grandmother tell him The stories about__________ during World War Ⅱ.


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