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发布时间:2023-10-13 12:57:12

[填空题](adequate)Normally, three staff members are enough to handle new business, but obviously are ______ now.

更多"(adequate)Normally, three staff mem"的相关试题:

[简答题]Questions 4
·Your company has planned three staff development courses:
·Time management for all;
·Health and Safety procedures in the workplace;
·Better interpersonal communication skills
·You have been asked to write a report, explaining which one of these courses you think would be most useful for people who do the same kind of job as you.
·Write the report, saying which course you have chosen. Explain why you feel it would be the most useful and also explain why the others are not so suitable.
·Write 200- 250 words your Answer Sheet.

[简答题]MemorandumTo: All members of staff, Lampton BranchFrom: Harrison FordDate: 5 December, 2006As you know, one of the reasons for introduction of PCs in Lampton ranch was to provide us with feedback before we decide whether to install PCs in other departments. The Board has asked me to submit a report on your experiences by the end of this week. I talked to some of you informally about this last month. During my brief visit, I noticed a junior member of staff playing some kind of computer game in the lunch hour, and a senior manager told me that he used his for writing letters—a job for a secretary, surely So that I can compile a full report, I would like everyone to let me know what they personally use the PC for, what software they use and how long per day they spend actually using it. It would also be useful to find out how their PC has not come up to expectations, and any unanticipated uses they have found for their PC, so that others can benefit from your experience.
[单项选择]Why do the staff members cover themselves with cloth as they work
A. So that they are protected from scratches by the crane’s talons.
B. So that they aren’t exposed to infectious diseases.
C. So that the chicks can be examined in a sterile environment.
D. So that the chicks don’t become dependent on human being.
[单项选择]()staff members are late in the morning
A. A little 
B. Little  
C. Few  
D. Much
[单项选择]The staff members were asked to arrive a few minutes earlier before the meeting ______.
A. will start
B. starts
C. started
D. would start
[单项选择]How have three members of Action Direct Group been acquitted
A. After they had been on hunger strike.
B. After they lodged strong protest.
C. After the court failed to get enough evidence.
D. After the victim testified they were innocent.
[单项选择]Everything ()taken care of by the staff members right now
A. has been
B. was
C. is being 
D. would be
[填空题]The roles staff members play are that ______.

[单项选择]Staff members within a firm are ______ evaluated by their performance.
A. admirably
B. largely
C. deeply
D. previously
[填空题]The factory has over 1,000 staff members, ______ (其中三分之二是女工) that you are going.

How many staff members ______ this year (hire)
[填空题] Staff appraisals
Good preparation for staff appraisals can pay dividends in terms of staff loyalty and satisfaction
Many managers, particularly those running smaller companies, feel they are too busy to give their employees appraisals, and many staff clearly dread them. (0) G .They provide the opportunity for the manager to have one-to-one discussions with an employee and find out about any concerns, as well as identifying training needs and discovering career aspirations. They can make a staff member feel valued and so build loyalty.

The annual appraisal can either be a rewarding or painful experience. According to research carried out among 500 employees, the standard office appraisal is far from perfect. (8) The possible outcome for the company is even worse; up to a quarter of employees will look for a new job within two weeks of a bad appraisal and 40% within a month.

[简答题]Staff Development: how to administer a staff budget effectively
[填空题]Article Three


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