发布时间:2024-02-02 23:21:18

[简答题]Part B
Directions: Read the following text carefully and then give short answers to the five questions.
Both in America and Britain there is an eagerness on the part of TV executives to play down the importance of the small screen, except, of course, in the field of selling goods.
This desire to minimize the social impact of TV is perfectly natural. If it could be conclusively proved that the electronic box was a major factor in determining the attitudes and the values of a nation then two awkward questions would have to be answered.
Is it right that a medium that has such influence should be primarily concerned with the provision of entertainment and the advertising of goods
And an even more embarrassing question people might ask is whether the men now running TV have the authority, the understanding or the intelligence to be in control of such a vital part of the state apparatus.
Because it is disrupting and

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Part C Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Your translation should be written clearly on ANSWER SHEET II. 46) Women make up 40 percent of tile world’s work force in agriculture, a quarter in industry, and a third in services. Women farmers in the developing countries grow at least 50 percent of the world’ s food, as much as 80 percent in some African countries. 47) In addition to income and generating activities( in cash and kind}, women’s household activities include caring for the sick, house maintenance, and such vital work as caring for children, preparing food, and fetching firewood and water. Yet women’s productivity remains low. A woman works both in income-generating work and in home production. Improving women’ s productivity can contribute to growth, efficiency, and poverty reduction A key development goals everywhere. 48) Investing in


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