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发布时间:2024-07-03 02:05:42

[填空题]The integration of independent states could best be brought about by first creating a central organization with authorities over technical economic tasks. A. could best be B. first C. with authorities D. technical

更多"The integration of independent stat"的相关试题:

[填空题]Who could ride bicycles at that time
()could ride bicycles.
[单项选择]Which of the following best states the main point of the passage
A. The approach to the problem of spatial boundaries is plagued by a number of problems that historiographers are obliged to confront.
B. Historiographers can benefit from studying the traditional geography of nations in greater depth.
C. Historiographers should try to refrain from solving the practical issues that arise in the resolution of spatial boundary issues.
D. The categorization and demarcations of geography at the national level is more complicated than that of the sub-national or supra-national level.
E. The spatial demarcation of nations is the most complicated issue in contemporary historiography.
[单项选择]Which of the following could be the best title for the passage
A. Two Lawyers.
B. Roach and Paula Cooper.
C. No Capital Punishment for Minors.
D. The Death Penalty in tile U. S.: Old Enough to Kill, Old Enough to Die
[单项选择]Which of the following best states the author’s main point about the theory of cultural essentialists
A. It is a sterile, abstract theory, which fails to make experimental predictions.
B. It is a historically important element in the linguistic discourse on enculturation, but is incorrect.
C. It is a convincing and cogent alternative to the theories of linguistic expressivists.
D. It is experimentally accurate but theoretically inconsistent.
E. It is overly focused on the complicated nature of non-linguistic reality.
[简答题]The recession came at the best time that it could because it has given the US a chance to make permanent adjustments to the government’s economic and regulatory policies and has offered businesses and individuals the opportunity to change decades-old habits. It has also allowed the nation to look at its place in the world, especially its best options to compete with China and other emerging countries, in a way that would have been forestalled (阻止,阻碍) if the recession had not happened in 2008 and 2009.
The cause of the recession is often blamed on financial firms that took astonishingly large risks with the goal of multiplying their earnings at unprecedented levels and consumers who were willing to aggressively borrow against inflated home values that were not sustainable. Government policies might have prevented this if regulators could have looked ahead in 2005 and seen the danger in financial firms trading in exotic financial instruments and offering homeowners loans based on ra
[单项选择]The child tried his best, but he could not get his kite because it is ______ his reach.

A. near
B. within
C. out on
D. beyond
[单项选择]You could say on the court, these are the best days in the history of NBA. So why isn’t the world is singing the praise of the NBA Why isn’t today’s NBA outperforming the NFL, NASCAR, and Major League of Baseball (MLB), all of which have been rocked by scandals large and small over the last few years Simple Because today’s NBA scares the white people.
The NBA stands at the dead-center intersection of two rampant social dynamics: the ascendancy of hip-hop culture and 21st-centrury marketing’s sworn duty to easily definable demographic group. Break yourself into generalized demographic qualities: gender, age, race, economic class. There is full range of music, TV shows, movies, and website explicitly designed to keep you warm and toasty in your comfort zone, free from sharp edges.
The NBA as it stands today has plenty of sharp edges and has a serious image problem; more than any other sports. For years, whites make up a majority of fan base, blacks make up a majority of players
A. A.NFL, NASCAR, MLB are better than NB
B. B.Because of the racialism in NB
[填空题]Creative justice started in the United States is based on ______.


W: Could you tell me the best way to send these books to Beijing
M: You should send them by express mail.

Where is this conversation probably taking place ()
A. In a classroom.
B. In a library.
C. In a post office.
D. In Beijin

C.to help

How (could) you make(such) a little child (to help) you (carry) the big box
[单项选择]A. Other American states. B. Foreign countries.
C. Regions outside the city where people live. D. Other cities in the state where people live.


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