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发布时间:2023-11-25 19:25:46

[单项选择]Passage Six That shabby unknown bundle of neglect and despair that was dropped off by the police six weeks ago -- later to be identified by his mother, who turns up occasionally -- is now a driving force on the infants’ ward. Once he was bathed a few times and his rashes were treated, he mined out to be a 14-month-old boy named Vergil, still recovering from premature birth J birth weight, 21/2 pounds. It came obvious he had never received any real attention, and practically no solid food, and it was never very clear who assumed responsibility for him in his family, if anyone. Miraculously he survived, with almost no outside help. At first he just lay there, withdrawn, sucking on an empty bottle as he had been used to doing at home. After a few days it became clear he was ravenously hungry and he downed bottle after bottle of milk. Slowly he began to respond to the ward staff around him who hung over the side of his crib, tempting him back to life. He started by cautiousl
A. was treated as an orphan
B. was born prematurely
C. had himself renamed
D. drove the staff busy

更多"Passage Six That shabby unknow"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Passage Six That shabby unknown bundle of neglect and despair that was dropped off by the police six weeks ago -- later to be identified by his mother, who turns up occasionally -- is now a driving force on the infants’ ward. Once he was bathed a few times and his rashes were treated, he mined out to be a 14-month-old boy named Vergil, still recovering from premature birth J birth weight, 21/2 pounds. It came obvious he had never received any real attention, and practically no solid food, and it was never very clear who assumed responsibility for him in his family, if anyone. Miraculously he survived, with almost no outside help. At first he just lay there, withdrawn, sucking on an empty bottle as he had been used to doing at home. After a few days it became clear he was ravenously hungry and he downed bottle after bottle of milk. Slowly he began to respond to the ward staff around him who hung over the side of his crib, tempting him back to life. He started by cautiousl
A. vitality
B. shabbiness
C. premature birth
D. physical well-being
[单项选择]At the beginning Lauren mentions the following negative effects of gambling EXCEPT ______.
A. financial problems
B. family problems
C. work problems
D. mental problems
[单项选择]In the front room of a shabby terraced house in Maryport, Cumbria, a woman lay on the sofa covered by a blanket, her body emaciated by years of illness. 66. ( ) His father, also a Maryport man, had been often out of work; his son, now 15, aspires no higher than a factory job because he knows that he will be lucky to get even this when he leaves school. The family is beset by poverty, illness and despair. The man is dependent on tranquilizers; his wife has been in and out of psychiatrichospital. She said: " I got run down because we had so much debt and things just got on top of me. " Unemployment, said the man, sapped all his vitality. " It’’s the same thing every day. You get off bed in the morning, eat and then back to bed, and that’’s it," he said. The three children would have no heavy clothes this winter. They all lived on canned food and could not remember when they last ate fresh meat. When the fuel bills came in the rent could not be paid. Unemployment in Ma
[简答题]下列程序的功能是:计算出自然数SIX和NINE,它们满足的条件是SIX+SIX+SIX=NINE+NINE的个数cnt,以及满足此条件的所有SIX与NINE的和sum。请编写函数countValue( )实现程序要求,最后调用函数writeDAT( )把结果cnt和sum输出到文件 OUT51.DAT中。其中的S,I,X,N,I,N,E各代表一个十进制数。
请勿改动主函数main( )和写函数writeDAT( )的内容。
#include<stdio. h>
int cnt, sum;
void countValue ( )

void main ( )

countValue ( );
printf ( "满足条件的个数=%d/n", cnt);
printf ("满足条件所有的SIX与NINE的和=%d/n", sum);
writeDAT ( );

writeDAT ( )

FILE *fp;
fiD=foDen ("OUT51. DAT", "w" );
fprintf (fp, "%d/n%d/n", cnt, sum);
fclose (fp);

· Read the text below about the salary offer negotiation.
· In most of the lines (34-45), there is one extra word. It is either grammatically incorrect or does not fit in with the meaning of the text. Some lines, however, are correct.
· If a line is correct, write CORRECT on your Answer Sheet.
· If there is an extra word in the line, write the extra word in CAPITAL LETTERS on your Answer Sheet.
Know your market, and know your marketability. Always keep a minimum salary
requirement in the mind. With a little research, you can determine a realistic and
34.satisfactory salary. Decide what you need, want, and can survive on before you
35.walk into for an interview. Wait for an offer—don’t just announce your minimum
36.to the interviewer. And never respond too immediately—take time to think things
37.over. If you feel the package is unsatisfactory, figure out what you would make
38.the packag


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