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发布时间:2023-12-13 05:59:57

[单项选择]At the beginning Lauren mentions the following negative effects of gambling EXCEPT ______.
A. financial problems
B. family problems
C. work problems
D. mental problems

更多"At the beginning Lauren mentions th"的相关试题:

[单项选择]The passage mentions all of the following factors for the existence of life EXCEPT( ).
A. the right amount of atmosphere.
B. a steady supply of water.
C. steady heat and light.
D. the right distance from the sun.
[单项选择]The author mentions all of the following as examples of complications arising from the application of spatial markers EXCEPT
A. An area of a country smaller than the nation considers itself to be a nation.
B. A boundary is demarcated around a nation which does not include the people of the nation.
C. A continent is divided into two areas for implicit ideological purposes.
D. Two nations dispute the exact geography of a border based on an ancient historical claim.
E. The history of a nation is erroneously conflated with the character of one particular region.
[单项选择]The author mentions all of the following as factors which limit the persuasiveness of the evidence suggesting a link between environmental pollutants and cancer EXCEPT
A. The lack of study of the effects of pollutants on human health
B. Increased diagnosis rates
C. An increase in the worldwide breast cancer rate
D. A decrease in the worldwide uterine cancer rate
E. Geographical differences in cancer susceptibility
[单项选择]The passage mentions that all of the following issues were at stake in the conflict between antebellum ideology and the values born in the Civil War EXCEPT
A. The question of whether benevolent organization funds should be used for non-charitable purposes
B. The degree to which benevolent organizations were centralized in their administration and control
C. The type of relationship that should exist between women’s charitable organizations and government
D. The question of the amount of money and the status women received in exchange for their work
E. The determination of working conditions for those women associated with benevolent organizations
[单项选择]The author mentions all of the following as uses to which photography has been employed since its invention EXCEPT
A. Surveillance
B. Supplying evidence
C. Idealizing a subject
D. Providing a historical reference
E. Questioning the viewers’ assumptions
[单项选择]Lauren suggests that a person beginning to be bothered by gambling ______.
A. talk to some friends
B. quit gambling immediately
C. appeal to professional service
D. concentrate on work
[单项选择]In the following works, which signs the beginning of the American literature
A. The Sketch Book.
B. Leaves of Grass.
C. Leather-Stocking Tales.
D. Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.
[判断题]The delightful book the mathematician mentions was written by G. H. Hardy.
[单项选择]The author mentions Thomas Jefferson in paragraph 1 as an example of (a) a leader during the Revolution (b) an inventor of new farming techniques (c) a philosopher who believed farmers were essential to the creation of a good society (d) a farmer who guided the agrarian movement toward an emphasis on economic development
[单项选择]The countries that are predicted to experience negative population growth are mainly in
A. Asia.
B. Africa.
C. Latin America.
D. The Caribbean.
[单项选择]Passage Six That shabby unknown bundle of neglect and despair that was dropped off by the police six weeks ago -- later to be identified by his mother, who turns up occasionally -- is now a driving force on the infants’ ward. Once he was bathed a few times and his rashes were treated, he mined out to be a 14-month-old boy named Vergil, still recovering from premature birth J birth weight, 21/2 pounds. It came obvious he had never received any real attention, and practically no solid food, and it was never very clear who assumed responsibility for him in his family, if anyone. Miraculously he survived, with almost no outside help. At first he just lay there, withdrawn, sucking on an empty bottle as he had been used to doing at home. After a few days it became clear he was ravenously hungry and he downed bottle after bottle of milk. Slowly he began to respond to the ward staff around him who hung over the side of his crib, tempting him back to life. He started by cautiousl
A. was treated as an orphan
B. was born prematurely
C. had himself renamed
D. drove the staff busy
[单项选择]The professor mentions the energy that maintains the stars at a high temperature. Where does the energy come from
A. From the conversion of hydrogen to helium.
B. From the internal gravity of the stars.
C. From the conversion of helium to hydrogen.
D. From the light emitted by other stars.
[单项选择]The author mentions the transfer of momentum and energy in order to indicate that
A. eddies, and not just jet streams, modify the distribution of temperature and kinetic energy within the atmosphere
B. the relationship between baroclinic waves and the jet stream that produces them is decidedly reciprocal
C. the process of secondary atmospheric circulation has a pronounced effect on the location and movement of the jet stream
D. eddies play as great a role in dictating fluctuations in global temperatures as do the jet stream
E. the meridional temperature gradient between the equator and poles produces a very diverse variety of atmospheric phenomenon
[填空题]Step Four mentions that trails are usually in logical places, try to seek trails near ______.


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