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发布时间:2023-11-17 22:13:37

[单项选择]A 16-year-old student has been admitted to your psychiatric unit after fainting in physical education class. She has a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, weighs 88 lb (40 kg), and is 5’4" (1.6 m) tall. She has been weighing herself several times per day at home and has lost 30 lb (13.5 kg) in the past 3 months. Which nursing diagnosis would be most appropriate for the client
A. Disturbed thought processes.
B. Impaired adjustment.
C. Imbalanced nutrition. Less than body requirements.
D. Ineffective sexuality patterns.

更多"A 16-year-old student has been admi"的相关试题:

[单项选择]A 16-year-old student has been admitted to your psychiatric unit after fainting in physical education class. She has a diagnosis of anorexia nervosa, weighs 88 lb (40 kg), and is 5’4" (1.6 m) tall. She has been weighing herself several times per day at home and has lost 30 lb (13.5 kg) in the past 3 months. Which nursing diagnosis would be most appropriate for the client ?()
A. Disturbed thought processes.
B. Impaired adjustment.
C. Imbalanced nutrition. Less than body requirements.
D. Ineffective sexuality patterns.
[简答题]Just because someone has been your best friend since elementary school, it doesn’t mean he or she will make a great roommate. Often living together can destroy even a close friendship.
[简答题]Question 3
· Your department has recently been found to be loss efficient than others in the company, and your head of department wishes to make improvements. You have been asked to make a proposal concerning this.
· Write your proposal for the head of department,
outlining the current problems in efficiency
giving reasons for the lack of efficiency
suggesting ways of improving efficiency
explaining the resources needed to implement these improvements
· Write 200—250 words.

[多项选择]· Your company has recently been taken over by another company, and your department has been restructured. This has resulted in a number of problems which you want to make the new owners aware of.
· Write a letter to the Managing Director of the new owners:
· outlining what the situation in your department was before the takeover
· explaining what problems have arisen and why
· suggesting how these problems could be resolved
· warning what might happen if these problems are not resolved.
[多项选择] Your friend Steven has been enrolled by Yale University. Write a note to congratulate Mm, ex pressing your happiness and admiration for him.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.
[多项选择]PART ONE
·James, one of your employees has been in sewice for ten years. As the HR(Human Resources) Manager of your company, you wish to write a letter of congratuIatiOns to James:
·stating the purpose of your letter.
·thanking him for his contributions and loyalty.
·giving him your good wishes.
·Write 40-50 words.
·Write on the opposite page.
[单项选择]Due to cuts in funding, your project has been terminated. The scope verification process ().
A. should be delayed until the project is completed
B. should determine the correctness of the work results
C. should establish and document the level and extent of completion
D. will form the basis of the project audit
[单项选择]Only when your identity has been checked,( ).
A. you are allowed in
B. you will be allowed in
C. will you allow in
D. will you be allowed in
[单项选择]Since ancient times it has been known that your word is a cause set in motion. In fact, the universe itself is claimed to have emanated from a single primordial sound. In the science of yoga, it is believed that certain Sanskrit words, known as mantras, can bring about magical results, thus you can secure abundance with a certain mantra, peace with another, and so on. On a more practical level, your word still remains highly potent.
With your words, you can wound someone, sending them into spirals of defeat, and with your words you can heal someone, raising them up from a dismal place to soaring hope and motivation. In fact, the entire field of self-improvement is the transmission of words that will assist others to get a firm perspective and move forward with their lives, fulfilling their dreams and desires.
On a personal level, too, your words affect you. What you say to yourself about anyone or anything affects you, too. If you speak well of someone or something, yo
A. words are changeable from time to time
B. words can have great influence on other things
C. the same word can have different meanings for different people
D. words can lead to both good and bad results
[多项选择]Your friend Bob has been seriously injured in a car accident. But you don’t have the time to go and see him for the time being. Now write to him to express your concern.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropirateness.
[多项选择]Your friend Mike has been seriously injured in a traffic accident. But you don ~ t have the time to go and see him for the time being. Now write to him to express your concern and tell him about the likely time of your visit.
Marks will be awarded for content, organization, grammar and appropriateness.


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