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发布时间:2024-07-31 00:00:40


Conversation 1
M: Ah, Maria, did I tell you that we’re starting up the English classes again
W: Oh, are you Great! Where
M: Er... in the training center. So could you tell your people
W: Sure.
M: And let me have a list of names by... um... let’s say Wednesday,
W: Yes, last time there was a mistake about the number.
M: Yes, we’ll buy the books as soon as we get the number.

Why does the man ask for the list of names()
A. To buy the books accordingly.
B. To start up the class.
C. To count the number of participants.
D. To open the training center.

更多"Conversation 1 [听力原文]6-7 M: Ah,"的相关试题:


Conversation 1
M: Ah, Maria, did I tell you that we’re starting up the English classes again
W: Oh, are you Great! Where
M: Er... in the training center. So could you tell your people
W: Sure.
M: And let me have a list of names by... um... let’s say Wednesday,
W: Yes, last time there was a mistake about the number.
M: Yes, we’ll buy the books as soon as we get the number.

What is starting up according to the man()
A. A training course.
B. An English class.
C. A book store.
D. A conference.

W: Did you graduate when your cousin did, in 1985
M: No, I finished school a year before she did.

When did the man graduate()
A. In 1983.
B. In 1984.
C. In 1985.
D. In 1986.

M: Did you hear the weather forecast
W: Yes, they said it would be gold tomorrow.

What kind of weather are they having ()
A. Hot.
B. Cloudy.
C. Cold.
D. Mild.

M: Did Henry decorate the whole house himself
W: He had it decorated because he has no time.

Why did Henry have his house decorated ()
A. Because Henry has no time.
B. Because someone else decorated the house.
C. Because there was no instruments in the house.
D. Because Henry decorated the house himself.

M: Did you go to the movie yesterday
W: Oh, yes. It was supposed to start at 3:30, but it was delayed fifteen minutes.

When did the movie start ()
A. At 3:35.
B. At 3:45.
C. At 4:00.
D. At 4:20.

M: Did you attend the meeting last Friday?
W: No, I didn't, because I was ill.
Q: Why didn't the woman attend the meeting?()

A. She was ill at that time.
B. She was busy with her work.
C. She forgot about the meeting.
D. She was preparing for a trip.

W: Did you find the tie you wanted
M: No, I didn’t have any luck at all.

What does the man mean ()
A. He didn’t look for a tie.
B. He couldn’t find the tie.
C. He didn’t want the tie.
D. He couldn’t try the tie on.

W: Did you like the film
M: Not particularly. I’d expected it’d be much more interesting.

What does the man mean ()
A. On the whole the film was interesting.
B. He had never seen such a terrible film.
C. The film wasn’t as good as he had expected.
D. He likes that film very much.

W: Did you see the car that girl just drove past on
M: That wasn’t a bad-looking car. I wouldn’t mind having one like it.

What does the man say about the car ()
A. He used to have one like that.
B. He didn’t think it looked good.
C. He would like to have one.
D. He couldn’t drive it.

W: How did your interview go
M: I couldn’t feel better about it. The questions were very fair, and I seemed to find an answer for all of them.

What is the man’s attitude about the interview ()
A. He is sick.
B. He is worried.
C. He is confident.
D. He is angry.

Conversation 1
[听力原文] 6-7
W: When did you become interested in collecting stamps
M: (6)Oh, when I was about ten years old.
W: Ten years old So you have loved it for 9 years.
M: Yeah, it’s really an exciting hobby. You know, the first postage stamps were issued in Britain in 1840.
W: Really I didn’t know that. What’s on the first postage stamps
M: Well, look, here’s a picture of the first two stamps issued.
W: (7)Oh, they both bear a picture of Queen Victoria, don’t they
M: Yes, I wish I had the originals, then I would be a wealthy man instead of a poor stamp collector.
W: But I believe collecting stamps gives you much pleasure which not all wealthy men can enjoy.
M: Yes, I do agree.

How old was the man when be became interested in collecting stamps()
A. 10.
B. 9.
C. 12.
D. 8.

When Tom left school, he did not really know what he wanted to do. He first worked in an office, but he found that it was boring. There was also some trouble with his second job in a car factory. He then decided to work out of doors, and got a job as a gardener in a park.
Now he works much harder than he did in the office or in the factory, because his work is more varied. He works the hardest in autumn and winter, keeping the park tidy and preparing for spring and summer. In summer he can relax and he can feel proud that he has helped to make the park so beautiful Many people visit the park and he is always pleased when he hears them say how lovely it looks.

Where did Tom first work
He first worked().

W: What did you think of the lecture
M: I thought it was very interesting.
W: Did you really
M: Yes, didn’t you
W: Certainly not. I thought he talked a lot of rubbish.
M: So you think you know more than he does.
W: Well, take coal for instance.
W: What about it
M: Coal won’t become important again.
W: Why not
M: It’s too dirty. They won’t be able to find people to work down in coal mines in the future.
W: They’ll invent new kinds of machinery.
M: Nonsense. The only sort of power they’ll use in the future is atomic power.

What are the two people talking about()
A. A film.
B. A lecture.
C. A tour.
D. ATV program.


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