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发布时间:2024-07-03 02:29:48

[单项选择]With that came integration into the world investment system.( )
A. 它和集成物一起进入世界投资体系。
B. 继之而来的是融入世界投资体系。
C. 它融入了世界投资体系。
D. 它一来,就融入了世界投资体系。

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The multilateral (多边的) trading system was developed through a series of trade negotiations or rounds. The first rounds dealt mainly with tariff reductions but later
negotiations (谈判) included other areas such as anti-dumping (反倾销) and non-tariff measures. The latest round, the 1986 ~ 1994 Uruguay Round, led to the WTO’s creation,
The negotiations did not end there. Some continued after the end of the Uruguay Round. In February 1997 agreement was reached on telecommunications (电信) services, with 69 governments agreeing to wide-ranging liberation measures that went beyond those agreed in Uruguay Round.
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[填空题]In old days secretaries were men. Then came World War I and male secretaries were (1)re by women. A man’s secretary became his personal servant, charged (2)w remembering his wife’s birthday and buying her presents, taking his suits to the dry-cleaners, telling (3)l on the telephone to keep people he did not wish to speak to at bay, and, of course, typing and filing and taking shorthand.
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Central Reserve

needed to finance trade or investments or to intervene with in currency markets. Held in the
[单项选择]Three world-class tennis players came to (contend) for this title.
A. compete
B. argue
C. claim
D. wish
[单项选择]Jack Smith, CFA, is analyzing independent investment projects X and Y. Smith has calculated the net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) for each project: Project X: NPV=$250; IRR=15% Project Y: NPV=$5000; IRR=8% Smith should make which of the following recommendations concerning the two projects Project X Project Y()①A. Accept Accept ②B. Accept Reject ③C. Reject Accept
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③


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