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发布时间:2023-10-05 23:26:34

[单项选择]Jack Smith, CFA, is analyzing independent investment projects X and Y. Smith has calculated the net present value (NPV) and internal rate of return (IRR) for each project: Project X: NPV=$250; IRR=15% Project Y: NPV=$5000; IRR=8% Smith should make which of the following recommendations concerning the two projects Project X Project Y()①A. Accept Accept ②B. Accept Reject ③C. Reject Accept
A. ①
B. ②
C. ③

更多"Jack Smith, CFA, is analyzing indep"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Jack Smith, CFA, manages the Heaven Foundation Portfolio and does research about yield calculation. Which of the following yields considers an annualized rate of return that accounts for the impact of interest on interest for different frequencies of compounding()
A. Holding period yield.
B. Effective annual yield.
C. Money market yield.
[单项选择]Matthew Smith, CFA, was recently promoted to senior portfolio manager. In his new position, Smith is required to supervise three portfolio managers. Smith asks for a copy of his firm’s written supervisory policies and procedures, but is advised that no such policies are required by regulatory standards in the country where Smith’s firm conducts the majority of its business. According to the Standards of Practice Handbook, Smith’s most appropriate course of action would be to:()
A. require that his firm adopted the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.
B. require that the employees he supervises adopt the CFA Institute Code of Ethics and Standards of Professional Conduct.
C. decline to accept supervisory responsibility until his firm adopts procedures to allow him to adequately exercise such responsibility.
[单项选择]Bob Smith, CFA, is an outside board member of Atlantic Technologies, but is not paid by the firm for his services. An employee at Atlantic informs Smith that Atlantic has improperly timed the booking of contracts to achieve the desired quarterly financial results. The misleading financial statements would turn losses into profits. Smith confers with the firm’s legal counsel who indicates that this conduct is, in fact, illegal. Smith urges Sharon White, Atlantic’s chief operating executive, to change the financial statements, but she refuses to do so. According to CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct, which of the following statements best describes what Smith should do in this situation ()
A. Smith should immediately make CFA Institute aware of the situation at Atlantic.
B. Smith should wait until the next board meeting, which is scheduled in two weeks, to make other board members aware of the situation.
C. Smith should promptly disassociate himself from Atlantic’s actions by resigning as a director or by reporting the activities to the appropriate authorities.
[单项选择]Caleb Smith, CFA, is an investment advisor and manages the portfolios of several high-net-worth individuals. To comply with the Standards of Professional Conduct relating to suitability, at the inception of the client relationship, Smith must :()
A. gather client information including the client's financial circumstances, personal data that are relevant to investment decisions, attitudes towards risk, and objectives in investing.
B. invest in a manner consistent with the stated mandate.
C. consider the possibilities of rapidly changing investment environments and their likely impact on a client's holdings.
[单项选择]Who is Jack Smith()
A. A close friend of Dr. Johnson.
B. A regular patient of Dr. Johnson.
C. A new patient of Dr. Johnson.
D. An old patient of Dr. Johnson.
[单项选择]Jack George, CFA, does research about financial leverage and gathers the following information about a company (in millions):
2011 2010
Interest expense $15 $15
Net profit margin 12.0% 9.0%
Total asset turnover 2.0 2.2
If return on equity decreased over the same time period, the company's financial leverage most likely:()
A. decreased.
B. remained the same.
C. increased.

Conversation 1

Who is Jack Smith()
A. A close friend of Dr. Johnson.
B. A regular patient of Dr. Johnson.
C. A new patient of Dr. Johnson.
D. An old patient of Dr. Johnson.

M: Good evening, I’m Jack, Jack Smith. I’m coming to see if I can have a vacation job.
W: Oh, come in, Jack.

What does Jack want to do ( )
A. Find a job.
B. Borrow some money.
C. See a boss.
When can Jack phone (电话,电话机)Mr. Smith [A] Jack can phone him before 9:00. [B] Jack can phone him from 9:00 to 10:00. [C] Jack can phone him until 9:00.
Central Reserve

needed to finance trade or investments or to intervene with in currency markets. Held in the
[单项选择]With that came integration into the world investment system.( )
A. 它和集成物一起进入世界投资体系。
B. 继之而来的是融入世界投资体系。
C. 它融入了世界投资体系。
D. 它一来,就融入了世界投资体系。
[填空题]Betty Smith

Wesley Whitcomb, CFA, participated as a CFA examination grader in 2012. Prior to participating in grading CFA examinations, Whitcomb was required to sign a CFA Institute Grader Agreement drafted by CFA Institute stating that graders are not to reveal or discuss the exam materials with anyone except CFA Institute staff and other graders. Several weeks after the conclusion of the CFA exam grading, Whitcomb returns to his office and is having dinner with several colleagues some of who are the Level Ⅲ candidates in the CFA Program. One of the candidates mentions that he is very disappointed about his examination this time and afraid of failing for the exam because he unintentionally made a calculation mistake when answering the first essay question of investment policy statement. Whitcomb responds by telling the candidate that he was a grader for the 2012 examination and that it would be unfortunate if the candidate did give wrong answer to that question because most candidates scored
A. A
B. B
C. C

[单项选择]Jack Anderson. Jack graduated from the University of Trent with a degree in Economies two years ago. He would like an academic position. What is the best job for Jack
[单项选择]Neil Barton, CFA, and Nancy Roberts, CFA, began a joint research report on Stamp Corporation. Nancy spent several days visiting Stamp’s corporate headquarters and meeting with all company officers. Prior to the completion of the report, Nancy was reassigned to another project. Nell utilized his and Nancy’s research to write the report. According to the CFA Institute Standards of practice Handbook, did Nell violate any CFA Institute Standards of Professional Conduct()
A. No.
B. Yes, with respect to misrepresentation.
C. Yes, with respect to independence and objectivity.


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