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发布时间:2023-11-16 07:31:36

[单项选择]Prostitution is thought to be accepted in the Black community because _______.

A. black women are silent about it
B. it has been taken for granted since the days of slavery
C. white men assume free access to Black women
D. it met no opposition when a white master picked any black woman to have sex with

更多"Prostitution is thought to be accep"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Prostitution is thought to be accepted in the Black community because _______.

A. black women are silent about it
B. it has been taken for granted since the days of slavery
C. white men assume free access to Black women
D. it met no opposition when a white master picked any black woman to have sex with
[单项选择]After legalization and regulation of prostitution, the main cause of reduction in the spread of venereal diseases would probably be______.

[单项选择]According to the passage, prostitution falls into the category of______.

A. index crime
B. professional crime
C. white-collar crime
D. victimless crime
[单项选择]Two thirds of the U.S. basketball players are black, and the number would be greater ______ the continuing practice of picking white bench warmers for the sake of balance.
A. was it not because of
B. had it not been for
C. were it not for
D. would it not have been for
[单项选择]______ in our class, Kevin has now become the black sheep of the group.

A. He was once the first prize winner
B. Being the first prize winner
C. The first prize winner he was
D. Once the first prize winner
[单项选择]Despite their intense pain and suffering, the Black men found a small measure of comfort in ______.
A. their exercise periods on deck
B. the breathtaking ocean scenery
C. their conversations with the Black women
D. their conversations with one another
[单项选择]Scientifically unexplained ideas are accepted widely because ______.

A. they have overwhelmed the world through media
B. mass media have in fact functioned as schools
C. scientists do not write papers or books for a limited audience
D. the public are interested in ideas which are not fully tested
[单项选择]She accepted the present happily.
A. angrily
B. gladly
C. sadly
D. unwillingly
[单项选择]The reason Hamilton accepted the challenge may have been ______.

A. he was too angry to think clearly
B. he wanted to kill Burr
C. he was urged by his supporters to do so
D. he felt it was a matter of honor
[单项选择]A generally accepted method to confirm accuracy of task progress is through ______ .
A. earned value
B. probability vs. outcome
C. maximum ceiling
D. work breakdown structure
[单项选择]These suggestions are unlikely to be accepted by the majority of members.
A. 大多数成员都不可能接受这些建议。
B. 主要成员看起来都不会接受这些建议。
C. 主要成员都不喜欢这些建议,因而是不会接受它们的。
D. 这些建议不可能被那些主要成员接受。
[单项选择]It is commonly accepted in American society that too much sleep is______.

A. unreasonable
B. criminal
C. harmful
D. costly

The case for college has been accepted without question for more than a generation. All high school graduates ought to go, says conventional wisdom and statistical evidence, because college will help them earn more money, become "better" people, and learn to be more responsible citizens than those who don’t go.
But college has never been able to work its magic for everyone. And now that close to half our high school graduates are attending, those who don’t fit the pattern are becoming more numerous, and more obvious. College graduates are selling shoes and driving taxi; college students interfere with each other’s experiments and write false letters of recommendation in the intense competition for admission to graduate school. Others find no stimulation in their studies, and drop out--often encouraged by college administrators.
Some observers say that the fault is with the young people themselves--they are spoiled and they are ex
A. Cheat in school is on the rise.
B. Some people concerned challenge the traditional view that college is the best place for high school graduates.
C. College administrators should be responsible for the increasing number of drop-out.
D. College education is not the first choice for intelligent peopl


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