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发布时间:2024-07-03 01:46:00

[单项选择]When the air in a certain space is squeezed to occupy a smaller space, the air is said to be ______.
A. commenced
B. compressed
C. compromised
D. compensated

更多"When the air in a certain space is "的相关试题:

[单项选择]When the air in a certain space is squeezed to occupy a smaller space, the air is said to be ______.
A. commenced
B. compressed
C. compromised
D. compensated
[单项选择]Most cloud formations occur when air masses of different temperatures collide.

A. touch
B. smash
C. bump
D. clash
[单项选择]When did the media report say the air strike occurred
A. On Monday.
B. On Tuesday.
C. On Sunday
[单项选择]When the plane was going up, the air hostess told Henry not to worry about ______.
A. the plane
B. the strange feeling
C. his seat
D. his health
[单项选择]Up () into the air when the ten-second countdown was over.
A. the rocket shot
B. shot the rocket
C. was the rocket shot
D. the rocket was shot
[单项选择]Up ______ into the air when the ten-second countdown was over.

A. the rocket shot
B. shot the rocket
C. was the rocket shot
D. the rocket was shot
[单项选择]In order for effective price discrimination to occur the seller must:()
A. face a demand curve with a negative slope.
B. maximize revenue by selling at the highest price possible.
C. be able to advertise the product among customers.
[单项选择]Up _____into the air when the ten-second countdown was over.
A. the rocket shot
B. shot the rocket
C. was the rocket shot
D. the rocket was shot
[单项选择]The author implies that allelomimetic behavior occurs most often among animals that ______.
A. prey on other animals
B. are less intelligent than their enemies
C. move in groups
D. have one sense organ that dominates perception
[单项选择]()man must fear when traveling in space is radiation(辐射) from the sun.
A. Which
B. How
C. What
D. That
[单项选择]In order to prove air takes up space, we can ______.
A. stuff a dry handkerchief into the bottom of a glass
B. stuff a wet handkerchief into the bottom of a glass
C. stuff a dry handkerchief into the bottom of a jar
D. stuff a wet handkerchief into the bottom of a glass
[单项选择]The Space Age () in October 1957 when the first artificial satellite was launched by the Soviet Union.
A. initiated
B. originated
C. embarked
D. commenced


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