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发布时间:2023-10-03 03:19:19

[单项选择]In order for effective price discrimination to occur the seller must:()
A. face a demand curve with a negative slope.
B. maximize revenue by selling at the highest price possible.
C. be able to advertise the product among customers.

更多"In order for effective price discri"的相关试题:

[单项选择]Price discrimination is most likely an attempt by a monopoly to:()
A. resell a product.
B. capture a producer surplus.
C. capture a consumer surplus.
[单项选择]The author implies that allelomimetic behavior occurs most often among animals that ______.
A. prey on other animals
B. are less intelligent than their enemies
C. move in groups
D. have one sense organ that dominates perception
[单项选择]They declared that all discrimination based on either race or religion was a threat to national unity and a __________ to American democracy.
A. maneuver
B. melody
C. menace
D. miniature
[单项选择]When the air in a certain space is squeezed to occupy a smaller space, the air is said to be ______.
A. commenced
B. compressed
C. compromised
D. compensated
[单项选择]According to the text, discrimination can lead to ______.
A. higher levels of poverty
B. low levels of self-esteem
C. tension between different races
D. increased gender sensitization
[单项选择]Prejudice and discrimination _______.
[单项选择]Ironically, racial discrimination, which is ______ with democratic principles, has existed in America, "his greatest democracy in the world".
A. incompatible
B. unanimous
C. disagreeable
D. contrary
[单项选择]For effective management of information resources, the manager should ______.

A. convert all paper documents to electronic media
B. make media conversion when necessary
C. control the media used to generate information both inside and out side his organization
D. use one format in processing information
[单项选择]The development of a thoroughly effective treatment for narcolepsy is regarded by the author as

A. possible, but not very important
B. interesting, but too costly to be practical
C. promising, but many years off
D. extremely unlikely
E. (E) highly probable


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