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发布时间:2024-09-18 07:41:58

[简答题]With only a fortnight left before the deadline,not even a third of companies,charities and public bodies have met their legal requirement to yublish figures on their gender pay gaps.There was plenty of notice that all with more than 250 employees would need to do so.The slow Dace indicates the low priority afforded to such concerns and,perhaps,a hope that embarrassing figures will be buried in a late rush of filings.It seems probable that many organisations will not comply,and it is unclear whether and how they will be punished.They should be.The figures are not perfect.Nonetheless,the data published so far is powerful.Few if any women will be surprised that male colleagues outearn them per hour.But cold statistics have real force when'they show disparities as stark as these:men at the UK wing of Coldman Sachs International earn more than twice the mean hourly pay of women.Such figures demonstrate to each woman that the problem is not an isolated case,but structural.They are not alone.Now they can prove it.So far,many firms have boasted that they are commnted to diversity and that they pay the same for the same kind of work.This is not deserving of a gold star;equal pay is a legal reqUJrement,in place for almost half a century.The shame is that it is not,in fact,being met in full.Worse,many companies seem to have missed the point.They say,in essence,that the gap exists because the senior jobs are dominated by men.This is not an explanation of the problem.It is the problem itself.The pattern of more women in low-paid jobs and fewer in high-paid jobs is seen in most organisations,across very different sectors;and it is why the figures showing employment rates per quartile are every bit as important as the hourly comparison.Some women may simply leave organisations that do not reward them.Good for them;bad for the companies losing talent unnecessarily-bu will their bosses realise this?The time for excuses and explanations is over.Real progress requires a broader response,with management,unions and politicians putting forward concrete plans to change the culture through measures such as blind CVs and unconscious-bias training;and setting specific,numerical targets.The equalities watchdog should call out those who do not report,and those whose figures are woeful.The duty to report these figures is an annual one.There is a risk that their effect may dwindle in the more than twice the mean hourly pay of women.But close analysis and publicity could make them more powerful,not less;it will become evident that some companies are closing the gap while others are making little or no progress."The truth will set you free,said Gloria Steinem."But first,it will piss you off.Prepare to get angry!

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[简答题]With only a fortnight left before the deadline,not even a third of companies,charities and public bodies have met their legal requirement to yublish figures on their gender pay gaps.There was plenty of notice that all with more than 250 employees would need to do so.The slow Dace indicates the low priority afforded to such concerns and,perhaps,a hope that embarrassing figures will be buried in a late rush of filings.It seems probable that many organisations will not comply,and it is unclear whether and how they will be punished.They should be.The figures are not perfect.Nonetheless,the data published so far is powerful.Few if any women will be surprised that male colleagues outearn them per hour.But cold statistics have real force when'they show disparities as stark as these:men at the UK wing of Coldman Sachs International earn more than twice the mean hourly pay of women.Such figures demonstrate to each woman that the problem is not an isolated case,but structural.They are not alone.Now they can prove it.So far,many firms have boasted that they are commnted to diversity and that they pay the same for the same kind of work.This is not deserving of a gold star;equal pay is a legal reqUJrement,in place for almost half a century.The shame is that it is not,in fact,being met in full.Worse,many companies seem to have missed the point.They say,in essence,that the gap exists because the senior jobs are dominated by men.This is not an explanation of the problem.It is the problem itself.The pattern of more women in low-paid jobs and fewer in high-paid jobs is seen in most organisations,across very different sectors;and it is why the figures showing employment rates per quartile are every bit as important as the hourly comparison.Some women may simply leave organisations that do not reward them.Good for them;bad for the companies losing talent unnecessarily-bu will their bosses realise this?The time for excuses and explanations is over.Real progress requires a broader response,with management,unions and politicians putting forward concrete plans to change the culture through measures such as blind CVs and unconscious-bias training;and setting specific,numerical targets.The equalities watchdog should call out those who do not report,and those whose figures are woeful.The duty to report these figures is an annual one.There is a risk that their effect may dwindle in the more than twice the mean hourly pay of women.But close analysis and publicity could make them more powerful,not less;it will become evident that some companies are closing the gap while others are making little or no progress."The truth will set you free,said Gloria Steinem."But first,it will piss you off.Prepare to get angry!
[单选题]When John left the office,Amy__ather desk.
A.is still working
B.has still worked
C.had still working
D.was still working
[单选题]Only with ATC permission is an aircraft of higher speed allowed to overtake the slower one on or before downwind leg, and overtaking should be made on the outer side of the pattern with a lateral separation of _______ meters.
B.not less than 500
D.not less than 1000
[单选题]When the president and his delegation left the country,_______of people were at the airport to_______.
A.thousand;see off them
B.thousands;see off them
C.thousand ;see them off
D.thousands ;see them off
[单选题] "在Excel中,使用函数LEFT(A1,4)等价于( ),
[单选题] You must have left your glasses ()_.
A. somewhere else
B.anywhere else
C. somewhere other
D. some other where
[单选题]How many presidents were there before Abraham Lincoln? "Fifteen,so he was______."
A.the sixteen president
B.the sixteenth president
C.president sixteen
D.president the sixteenth
[单选题]Text 3 Even before economist Howard Davies thinking where to put extra airport capacity in Britain,rejecting the idea of building a big new hub in the Thames Estuary,the backlash had begun.Boris Johnson,the mayor of London and an enthusiastic supporter of the Thames plan,spluttered in advance,then branded the decision"shortsighted".NIMBYs opposing the expansion of Heathrow and Catwick groaned,knowing that the remaining options all involve building or extending ninways at one of those airports.Sir Howard's final recommendation is sure to run into heavy rire.To make mat-ters worse,he and his team must hazard a guess about the future of air travel,Heathrow and Gatwick are both full,or close to it,and want to expand.But the two airports presently serve quite different parts of the market.Some 37%of passengers at Heathrow transfer between flights.Nearly a third of its customers are on business.By contrast,only 13%of Gatwick's cusiomers are business travellers.Most are going on holiday.Just 7%transfer there-a proportion that has fallen by half over the past decade.Heathrow's shiny new Terminal 2,which opened in June,is full of expensive shops and restaurants run by Michelin-starred cooks lo entice rich passengers.At CaLwick,recenL improvements reflect its popularity with holiday goers:a wider lane at security gate has been set aside for families,while an area in ihe southern terminal is now reserved for elderly passengers,with comfortable seats and a small duty-free shop.The airports'managers also hold entirely different views about the way the airline industry will develop,and its place in the broader economy.Much of the argument for expanding Heathrow rests on the idea that hub airporls are,and will remain,vital.Without further expansion,boosters argue,fewer flights to distant places such as Wuhan and Xiamen will be available to businessmen.If the capaciiy plight persists,domestic flights are more likely to be delayed or canceUed.European airports will pick up those passengers inslead."That's our CDP leaking out,"says Jon Proudlove,Lhe general manager of air-traffic control at Heathrow.Not surpnsingly,Calwick takes a different view.Over the past ten years the growth of low-cost airlines has been explosive.poinls out Sir Roy McNulty,chairman of the Gatwick group.People are travelling in different ways,with more"self-connecting"to keep costs down.AIthough connections with emerging markets are important.Europe and North America will remain Bricain's largesl trading partners,he argues.London will be a deslinalion in its own right. it can be inferred from Paragraph 3 that_____
A.Michelin restaurants are popular around the world
B.Heathrw's Terminal 2 aims at high-end customers
C.Gatwick airport is designed to attract all passengers
D.both Heathrow and Gatwick cater to public demand
[单选题]It’s the first turning the left after the traffic lights.
[单选题]Jonathan and Joe left the house to go for?after supper.
B.the walk
D.a walk
[Part III Reading Comprehension]

According to the author, energy security can only be achieved by________.

A.using less Oil in power generation
B.replacing fossil fuels with more nuclear power
C.seeking energy self sufficiency
D.expanding the sources Of power supply


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