A. The sterile hybrid of a horse and a donkey. B. A common term of cursing. C. The local form of" hello". D. A usual way of affection. 参考答案:D 答案解析:[详细解答] If you are in Newcastle,you might hear people refer to each other as“hinny”- a common term of
第26题: [单项选择]关于砂的检验批次,下列叙述错误的是( )。 A. 以同一产地、同一规格每400m3或600t为一验收批,不足400m3或600t也应按一批计,每一验收批取样一组(20kg) B. 当质量比较稳定、进料量较大时,可定期进行检验 C. 取样部位应均匀分布,在料堆上应从6个不同部位抽取等量试样(每份15kg) D. 取样时用四分法缩至20kg,取样前先将取样部位表面铲除 参考答案:C