第26题: [单项选择]My friends and I ______ one another when we're apart, and we shall continue to care about each other until we are permanently parted by death. A. pine for B. yearn for C. lust for D. languish for 参考答案:A
第34题: [多项选择]妇科肿块穿刺的适应证有()。 A. 滤泡囊肿 B. 黄体囊肿 C. 巧克力囊肿 D. 包裹性积液 E. 确定盆腔肿块的性质 参考答案:C, D, E 答案解析:滤泡囊肿与黄体囊肿都属卵巢的生理性囊肿,一般会自行消退,不需特殊治疗;盆腔包裹性积液是一种炎症性疾病,目前临床上也无迅速有效的治疗方法,全身用药治疗效果较慢,而超声引导下穿刺注入药物治疗,手术简单方便