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发布时间:2024-07-10 18:19:21

[多选题]About the commom carotid arteries, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.The left common carotid artery is a branch of the brachiocephalic trunk.
B.The right common carotid artery arises from the arch of the aorta.
C.They divide into the external and internal carotid arteries at the level of the upper border of the
D.The carotid sinus is a slight dilation formed at the end of the common carotid artery and the initia
E.The pulsation (搏动) of the common carotid artery can be detected by pressing gently on the place be

更多"[多选题]About the commom carotid arter"的相关试题:

[多选题]About the interventricular septum, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.Its position is indicated by the anterior and posterior interventricular grooves.
B.It can be divided into muscular and membranous parts.
C.The upper part is thicker than the lower part.
D.It pressents the fossa ovalis in the lower part.
E.If the interventricular septum is defect, it is one of congenital cardiac disease called as ventricu
Which two statements about the use of VLANs to segment a network are true? (Choose two.)
A. VLANs increase the size of collision domains.
B. VLANs allow logical grouping of users by function.
C. VLANs simplify switch administration.
D. VLANs enhance network security.
[单选题]Which of the following about AT&T Dolphin Tales is TRUE?
A.Visitors have to pay extra money to watch it.
B.visitors should book their tickets in advance.
C.It is really worth watching for visitors.
D.It is open all day long to visitors.
[多选题]About the pericardium, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is a fibrous sac which encloses only the heart.
B.It consists of the fibrous pericardium and serous pericardium.
C.The serous pericardium can be subdivided into visceral layer (脏层) and parietal layer (壁层).
D.The pericardial cavity is a potential space between the fibous pericardium and serous pericardium.
E.The transverse sinus and oblique sinus are located within the pericardial cavity.
[多选题]About facial nucleus, which of the following descriptions are correct ?
A.It situates in the pons.
B.It is deep to the facial colliculus.
C.It is one of the special visceral motor nuclei.
D.It gives fibers to form the facial nerve.
E.The abdducent nerve wind it.
[多选题]About the heart, which of the following descriptions are correct.
A.The heart is located in the anterior mediastinum.
B.About two-thirds of the heart is located left of the midline
C.Anterior to the heart are the sternum and the second to sixth costal cartilages.
D.Posterior to the heart are the bodies of the fourth to eight vertebrae.
E.The heart rests upon the diaphragm.
[多选题]About the esophagus, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is a muscular tube, approximately 25 cm long.
B.It can be divided into cervical , thoracic and abdominal portions.
C.Posteriorly, the cervical portion is adjacent to the anterior wall of trachea.
D.The three narrows in the esophagus course are called constrictions of esophagus (食管狭窄).
E.The third constriction lies at the place where it passes through the esophageal hiatus.
[多选题]About the stomach, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is the most distensible part of the alimentary canal.
B.It is divided into four regions: cardiac part, body of stomach, pyloric antrum (幽门窦)and pyloric c
C.It has two surfaces, two borders and two orifices.
D.The right concave border is named the lesser curvature of stomach (胃小弯).
E.The orifice by which the stomach communicates with the duodenum is called the cardiac orifice.
[多选题]About the nose, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is not only the beginning part of respiratory duct, but also the olfactory organ (嗅觉 器官).
B.It can be divided into 2 parts: external nose and nasal cavity.
C.The nasal cavity is subdivided into nasal vestibule (鼻前庭) and proper nasal cavity (固有鼻腔).
D.On the lateral walls of nasal cavity are three bony projections, the superior, middle, and inferior
E.The paranasal sinuses open into the nasal cavity.
[多选题]About the kidney, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.Each kidney has two ends, two borders and two surfaces.
B.The central part of the lateral border has the renal hilum (肾门).
C.The structures, which pass through the renal hilum, are enclosed together by the connective tissue t
D.From superior to inferior, the order of structures in the renal pedicle is renal vien, renal artery,
E.The left kidney is lower than the right kidney
[多选题]About the liver, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is the largest gland in the body.
B.Its main function is to secrete the bile (胆汁) to promote the digestion and absorption of fat.
C.Its large portion lies in the right hypochondriac region (右季肋区)and epigastric region (腹上部), s
D.The visceral surface can be divided into right lobe, left lobe, quadrate lobe (方叶) and caudate lob
E.The structures that enter or come out the porta hepatis are enclosed by connective tissue and form t
Which two statements about static NAT translations are true?(choose two)
A. They are always present in the NAT table.
B. They allow connection to be initiated from the outside.
C. They can be configured with access lists, to allow two or more connections to be initiated from theoutside.
D. They require no inside or outside interface markings because addresses are statically defined.
[多选题]About the greater splanchnic nerve, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is formed by the preganglionic fibers (节前纤维) which pass through the sixth to ninth thoracic g
B.It descends obliquely on the bodies of vertebrae.
C.It perforates the crus of the diaphragm (膈脚).
D.It ends in the aorticorenal ganglion.
E.The postganglionic fibers (节后纤维) distribute to the pelvic organs.
[多选题]Which of the following descriptions about the eyelids (眼睑) are coorect?
A.It can be divided into superior eyelid and inferior eyelid.
B.From superficial to profundal, it has five layers.
C.The superficial fascia of the eyelids is very loose.
D.The tarsus ( 睑板) is in the third layer.
E.The fifth layer is palpebral conjunctiva (睑结膜).
Which statement about IPv6. is true?
A. Addresses are not hierarchical and are assigned at random.
B. Only one IPv6. address can exist on a given interface.
C. There are 2..7. billion addresses available.
D. Broadcasts have been eliminated and replaced with multicasts.
[多选题]About the paranasal sinuses, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.Each sinus communicates with the nasal cavity on its own side via drainage duct.
B.The maxillary sinus is large cavity and drains into the middle nasal meatus.
C.The frontal sinus lies in the frontal bone and drains into the superior nasal meatus.
D.The ethmoidal sinus opens into inferior nasal meatus.
E.The spenoidal sinus is contained within the sphenoid bone and opens into sphenoethmoidal recess (蝶
[多选题]About the uterine tube, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.The paired uterine tubes transport ovums from the overies to the uterus.
B.It can be divided into 3 parts.
C.The isthmus of uterine tube is the narrowest part and is the region where the ligation of the uterin
D.Fertilization occurs in the uterine part of uterine tube.
E.The infundibulum of the uterine tube bears s number of finger-like processes called fimbriae of uter
[多选题]About the sinoatrial node, which of the following descriptions are not correct?
A.It is known as the‘pacemaker’of the heart.
B.It is located in the posterior wall of the left atrium.
C.It is ellipse in shape.
D.It generates an impulse at the rate of about 50/min.
E.The impulse generated by the sinoatrial node travels through the internodal tract (结间束) to reach
[多选题]About the left ventricle, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It can be separated into inflowing part and outflowing part by the supraventricular crest.
B.The left ventricle shows two orifices: left atrioventricular orifice and aortic orifice.
C.The left atrioventricular orifice is guarded by the tricuspid valve.
D.The aortic orifice is guarded by the aortic valve (主动脉瓣).
E.Blood in the left ventricle passes through the aortic orifice into the ascending aorta.


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