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发布时间:2023-10-23 11:00:22

[单选题]( )S1:I was under attack by pirates. I require assistance. S2:What kind of assistance is required? Q:What happened to the vessel?
A.She ran aground
B.She was flooding
C.She was attacked
D.She was in collision

更多"[单选题]( )S1:I was under attack "的相关试题:

[单选题]( )S1:I was under attack by pirates. I require assistance. S2:What kind of assistance is required? Q:What happened to the vessel?
A.She ran aground
B.She was flooding
C.She was attacked
D.She was in collision
[单选题]( )I was under attack by pirates. I require navigational assistance
A.The vessel needs military assistance due to piracy
B.The vessel needs navigational assistance due to piracy
C.The vessel needs navigational assistance due to armed attack
D.The vessel needs military assistance due to armed attack
[单选题]( )S1:Are you under imminent danger? S2:Yes, danger of damage by sea. Q:What is the danger?
A.Breaking apart
B.Heavy listing
C.Decreasing stability
D.Damage by sea
[单选题]( )S1:r d like to check the provisions list and the food supplies. S2: All right. Q:What is to be checked?
A.provisions list and store list
B.provisions list and food store
C.The store list and food
D.The store list and spare parts
[单选题]( )S1:r d like to send this parcel to Germany. S2; Surface mail or air mail? Q: Where are they most probably?
A.At a shop
B.At a bank
C.At a hotel
D.At a post office
[单选题]( )S1I need to get to the airport before 10. Can you make it? S2I can’t promise, but I’ll do my best. Q:What is TRUE of the dialogue?
A.They may arrive at the airport before 10
B.They are sure to arrive at the airport before 10
C.They are supposed to reach the airport before 10
D.They promise to get to the airport before 10
[单选题]( )S1:I am sinking after collision. I require assistance. S2:I am proceeding to your assistance. Q:What happened to the vessel?
A.She ran aground
B.She was flooding
C.She had a collision
D.She had an explosion
[单选题]( )S1:I am sinking after explosion. I require assistance. S2:I am proceeding to your assistance. Q:What happened to the vessel?
A.She ran aground
B.She was flooding
C.She had a collision
D.She had an explosion
[单选题]( )S1: What’s the matter with you? S2:I’ve got a headache and a sore throat. Sometimes I feel cold.Q: Which is not mentioned in the conversation?
A.A headache
B.A cough
C.A sore throat
D.A cold
[单选题]( )S1:Captain, fog is setting. S2: I see. Have you taken any action? S1: Radar and auto whistle are working. Engine room is informed. S2:OK,just keep a proper lookout and broadcast ship,s movement periodically. Q: Which of the following actions does 00W not take?
A.Keep radar and auto whistle in working condition
B.Inform the engine room what happens
C.Broadcast ship, s movement periodically
D.Keep two anchors ready


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