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发布时间:2024-02-03 19:09:13

[单选题]( )S1:Are you under imminent danger? S2:Yes, danger of damage by sea. Q:What is the danger?
A.Breaking apart
B.Heavy listing
C.Decreasing stability
D.Damage by sea

更多"[单选题]( )S1:Are you under immin"的相关试题:

[单选题]( )S1:Are you under imminent danger? S2:Yes, danger of damage by sea. Q:What is the danger?
A.Breaking apart
B.Heavy listing
C.Decreasing stability
D.Damage by sea
[单选题]( )S1:Is danger imminent? S2:Yes,danger of sinking. Q:What is the problem?
A.The vessel is sinking
B.The vessel is flooding
C.The vessel is on fire
D.The vessel is grounding
[单选题]( )S1: What’s the matter with you? S2:I’ve got a headache and a sore throat. Sometimes I feel cold.Q: Which is not mentioned in the conversation?
A.A headache
B.A cough
C.A sore throat
D.A cold
[单选题]( )S1:Do you need some bonded stores? S2: We just got some at the last port. But if your prices are more reasonable, we may buy some more wine and cigarettes. Q:What can you learn from the conversation?
A.The vessel didn ‘ t need any bonded stores
B.The vessel may take some bonded stores
C.The wine and cigarettes are expensive at this port
D.The wine and cigarettes are expensive at the last port
[单选题]( )S1:What problems do you have? S2:I have problems with steering gear. Q:What happened to the vessel?
A.She had an engine failure
B.She had a steering gear failure
C.Something is wrong with her propeller
D.Something is wrong with her cargo gear
[单选题]( )S1:Do you have tension winches? S2:Yes, we have tension winches forward and aft. Q:What are they talking about?
A.Winches for cargo handling
B.Winches for mooring lines
C.State of mooring lines
D.State of the cargo handling
[单选题]( )S1: Hello. Are you ready to order? S2:Yes, I am S1 :Right. What would you like? S2:Latte, coffee with milk, please. Q: Where does this conversation probably take place?
A.In the mess room
B.In the galley
C.In the cafe
D.In the supermarket
[单选题]( )S1: Don’t you like vegetables? S2:Yes, I do. Q: What is TRUE of the second speaker?
A.He dislikes vegetables
B.He does like vegetables
C.He prefers vegetables
D.He would like to have some vegetables
[单选题]( )S1: When were you born? S2:On the 9th of February 1959. Q:When was the second speaker born?
A.On February 5th, 1959
B.On February 9th, 1957
C.On February 5th, 1957
D.On February 9th, 1959
[单选题]S1:How are you feeling,James? S2:Fine at the moment.A little tired. S1:I heard about your accident yesterday. S2:Yeah, it was awful.Who told you about it? S1:0h, Chris did. He said that you entered a toxic space. S2:Yeah, I did. But did he tell you why I wasnS1: carrying any safety equipment with me? S1:No, he didn’t. He said you didn’t have your breathing apparatus. That’s all. S2:Well, the Bosun told me that the area I entered was safe. S1:So what was the problem if he told you it was safe? S2:It was the wrong area! He thought I was entering a different hatch. S1:Uh oh? bad mistake. S2:Right. I was very lucky. I can, t even remember going past the hatch. S1:Carl found you immediately after
You went in, didn’t he? S2:Yeah. He was right behind me. He was collecting the tools when I entered the toxic area. Then I immediately fell unconscious. S1:That’ s frightening because you were expecting it to be safe. S2:Yeah, well, I’ ve learned my lesson. I will always check the air before I work in enclosed spaces. I donS1:want that to happen again. 问题 1:Who entered the toxic space?
A. Chris.
B. James.
C. Carl.
D. Bosun.
[单选题]( )S1:Where are you from? S2:I’m from Berlin Germany.S1:We have another German on board: the Second Office, His name is Thomede Gamond Q: How many crewmembers onboard are there from Germany?
A. 1
C. 3
D. 4


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