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发布时间:2023-10-19 14:42:37

[简答题]I was taking a train to London′s Victoria Station. I had noticed that the carriage was noise and filled with people. Before long, a train inspector comes to check out tickets. A passenger realized he couldn′t find his ticket but became quite upset. Then everyone inthe carriage began searching the ticket, which was eventually found under aseat several rows from his owner. The person who found a ticket smiled with pleasure at his success. No one in the carriage had previous spoken to or even noticedthe ticket-owner before. Yet, they had so quickly offered the strangers theirhelp. If we could show concern to others on need, the world would be a better place to live in. 第10处错误___________

更多"[简答题]I was taking a train to London"的相关试题:

[简答题]I was taking a train to London′s Victoria Station. I had noticed that the carriage was noise and filled with people. Before long, a train inspector comes to check out tickets. A passenger realized he couldn′t find his ticket but became quite upset. Then everyone inthe carriage began searching the ticket, which was eventually found under aseat several rows from his owner. The person who found a ticket smiled with pleasure at his success. No one in the carriage had previous spoken to or even noticedthe ticket-owner before. Yet, they had so quickly offered the strangers theirhelp. If we could show concern to others on need, the world would be a better place to live in. 第9处错误___________
[单选题]Train companies in Tokyo are taking action to reduce the number of people jumping in front of trains.They are fitting blue lights on station platforms to try and create a more calming atmosphere.The East Japan Railway Company has invested almost$170,000 to install the lights in all of the 29 stations on the capital's busy Yamanote Line.There has been an alarming rise in the number of people committing suicide at train stations.A total of 68 people threw themselves under trains in the year up to March.This compares with 42 suicides in the same period a year earlier.In 2008,Japan had nearly 2,000 suicides by jumping in front of a train;around six percent of all suicides nationwide.Suicides have risen sharply in the past decade due to poor economic conditions. No one knows if the blue lights will work.There is no evidence to show that blue light reduces suicidal feelings.Keihan Railway spokesman Osamu Okawa stated:"We thought we had to do something to save lives.We know there is no scientific proof that blue lights deter suicides,but if blue has a soothing effect on the mind,we want to try it to save lives."The Associated Press news agency reports on a Japanese therapist called Mizuki Takahashi.She explained her reasons why the blue lights might be a good idea:"We associate the color with the sky and the sea.It has a calming effect on agitated people,or people obsessed with one particular thing,which in this case is committing suicide,"she said.Other companies are watching this experiment with interest. What is the writer's attitude toward the experiment?He is__.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Earthquake

How does an earthquake start?
What makes an earthquake happen? The rock of the earth's crust(地壳)may have a
"fault",a kind of break in the surface.The blocks which make up the earth move,and
sometimes this may cause the sides of the fault to move up and down or lengthways(纵向
地)against each other. When one piece of rock starts to rub on another with great force,a
lot of energy is used. This energy is changed into vibrations(振动)and it is these vibrations
that we feel as an earthquake.The vibrations can travel thousands of kilometers and so an
earthquake in Turkey may be felt in Greece.
What to do during an earthquake?
At school
As soon as the earthquake starts,students should get under the desks immediately and
wait until the teacher tells them it is safe to come out.The teacher should,at the same
time, go immediately to the teacher's desk, get underneath(在……下面)it and stay there
till the danger is over. Students must not argue with the teacher or question instructions.
As soon as the tremors(震动)stop, all students should walk towards the exit and go
straight to the school playground or any open space such as a square or a park.They must
wait there until the teacher tells them it is safe to go.
At home
If you are at home when the earthquake occurs,get immediately under the table in the
living room or kitchen.Choose the biggest and strongest table you can find.You must not
go anywhere near the window and don't go out onto the balcony(阳台).Once the tremors
have stopped,you can come out from under the table but you must leave the building
straight away.You should walk down the stairs and should not use the lift一there may be a
power cut as a result of the earthquake and you could find yourself trapped inside the lift for
In the street
If you are in the street when the earthquake takes place,do not stand near buildings,
fences or walls一move away as quickly as possible and try to find a large open space to wait
in.Standing under trees could also be dangerous. As soon as an earthquake occurs,students should leave the building.
C.Not mentioned


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