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发布时间:2024-09-17 04:45:45

[多选题]About the subclavian artery, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.The right subclavian artery arises directly from the aortic arch.
B.The left subclavian artery arises from the brachiocephalic trunk
C.The pulsation of the subclavian artery can be detected by pressing firmly on the place above medial
D.The inferior thyroid artery arises directly from the subclavian artery.
E.The axillary artery is the continuation of the subclavian artery.

更多"[多选题]About the subclavian artery, w"的相关试题:

[多选题]About the left coronary artery, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It arises from the posterior aortic sinus.
B.It emerges between the root of the pulmonary trunk and the left auricle.
C.Its main branches are anterior and poterior interventricular branches.
D.Th eanterior interventricular branch is accompanied by the great cardiac vein.
E.The left coronary artery distributes to the anterior two thirds of the interventricular septum.
[多选题]About the right coronary artery, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It arises from the right aortic sinus.
B.It emerges between the root of the pulmonary trunk and the right auricle.
C.Its main branches are posterior interventricular branch and the circumflex branch.
D.The posterior interventricular branch is accompanied by the middle cardiac vein.
E.It distributes to the anterior part of the interventricular septum (室间隔).
[多选题]About the paranasal sinuses, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.Each sinus communicates with the nasal cavity on its own side via drainage duct.
B.The maxillary sinus is large cavity and drains into the middle nasal meatus.
C.The frontal sinus lies in the frontal bone and drains into the superior nasal meatus.
D.The ethmoidal sinus opens into inferior nasal meatus.
E.The spenoidal sinus is contained within the sphenoid bone and opens into sphenoethmoidal recess (蝶
Which statement about vlan operation on cisco catalyst switches is true?
A. when a packet is received from an 802..1.Q trunk,the vlan id can be determined from the source MACaddress table.
B. unkown unicast frames are retransmitted only to the ports that belong to the same vlan
C. ports between switches should be configured in access mode so that vlans can span across the ports
D. broadcast and multicast frames are retransmitted to ports that are configured on different vlan.
[多选题]About the gallbladder, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It produces the bile to promote the digestion and absorption of fat..
B.It located in the fossa for gallbladder (胆囊窝) of the liver.
C.It can be divided into three parts: fundus of gallbladder (胆囊底), body of gallbladder and cystic d
D.The surface marking of the fundus of gallbladder lies at the point where the right midclavicular lin
E.The cystic duct and the common hepatic duct (肝总管) join together to form the common bile duct .
[多选题]About the pericardium, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is a fibrous sac which encloses only the heart.
B.It consists of the fibrous pericardium and serous pericardium.
C.The serous pericardium can be subdivided into visceral layer (脏层) and parietal layer (壁层).
D.The pericardial cavity is a potential space between the fibous pericardium and serous pericardium.
E.The transverse sinus and oblique sinus are located within the pericardial cavity.
[多选题]About facial nucleus, which of the following descriptions are correct ?
A.It situates in the pons.
B.It is deep to the facial colliculus.
C.It is one of the special visceral motor nuclei.
D.It gives fibers to form the facial nerve.
E.The abdducent nerve wind it.
Which statement is correct about the internetwork shown in the diagram?
A. Switch2. is the root bridge.
B. Spanning Tree is not running.
C. HostD and Server1. are in the same subnet.
D. No collision can occur in traffic between Host B and Host C
E. If Fa0./0. is down on Router1., HostA cannot access Server1..
F. If Fa0./1. is down on Switch3., HostC cannot access Server 2..
[多选题]About the stomach, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is the most distensible part of the alimentary canal.
B.It is divided into four regions: cardiac part, body of stomach, pyloric antrum (幽门窦)and pyloric c
C.It has two surfaces, two borders and two orifices.
D.The right concave border is named the lesser curvature of stomach (胃小弯).
E.The orifice by which the stomach communicates with the duodenum is called the cardiac orifice.
[多选题]About the ureters, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.The paired ureters convey the urine from the renal pelvises to the urinary bladder.
B.The ureter can be divided into abdominal portion, pelvic portion and intramural portion (壁内部).
C.In the female, about 2 cm lateral to the cervix of uterus (子宫颈), the ureter is crossed anteriorly
D.The intramural portion is the shortest part of the ureter, and passes through the wall of the urinar
E.Each ureter has two normal constrictions
[多选题]About the nose, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is not only the beginning part of respiratory duct, but also the olfactory organ (嗅觉 器官).
B.It can be divided into 2 parts: external nose and nasal cavity.
C.The nasal cavity is subdivided into nasal vestibule (鼻前庭) and proper nasal cavity (固有鼻腔).
D.On the lateral walls of nasal cavity are three bony projections, the superior, middle, and inferior
E.The paranasal sinuses open into the nasal cavity.
[多选题]About the duodenum, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is the shortest part of the small intestine.
B.It is curved around the head of the pancreas in the form of the letter " C ".
C.It is divided into four segments: superior part, descending part, anterior part and posterior part.
D.The superior part presents the duodenal bulb (十二指肠球), which is the prevalent area of duodenal u
E.The descending part presents the longitudinal fold of duodenum (十二指肠纵襞) and major duodenal pap
[多选题]About the pharynx, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It can be divided into nasopharynx, oropharynx and laryngopharynx.
B.On each lateral wall of the nasopharynx presents the pharyngeal opening of auditory tube (咽鼓管咽口
C.Anteriorly, the oropharynx communicates with the oral cavity through the isthmus of fauces.
D.The laryngopharynx communicates with the cavity of the larynx through the inlet of the larynx (喉口)
E.All parts of the pharynx are a common passage for food and air.
[多选题]About the kidney, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.Each kidney has two ends, two borders and two surfaces.
B.The central part of the lateral border has the renal hilum (肾门).
C.The structures, which pass through the renal hilum, are enclosed together by the connective tissue t
D.From superior to inferior, the order of structures in the renal pedicle is renal vien, renal artery,
E.The left kidney is lower than the right kidney
[多选题]About the liver, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is the largest gland in the body.
B.Its main function is to secrete the bile (胆汁) to promote the digestion and absorption of fat.
C.Its large portion lies in the right hypochondriac region (右季肋区)and epigastric region (腹上部), s
D.The visceral surface can be divided into right lobe, left lobe, quadrate lobe (方叶) and caudate lob
E.The structures that enter or come out the porta hepatis are enclosed by connective tissue and form t
[多选题]About the esophagus, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.It is a muscular tube, approximately 25 cm long.
B.It can be divided into cervical , thoracic and abdominal portions.
C.Posteriorly, the cervical portion is adjacent to the anterior wall of trachea.
D.The three narrows in the esophagus course are called constrictions of esophagus (食管狭窄).
E.The third constriction lies at the place where it passes through the esophageal hiatus.
[多选题]About the heart, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.The coronary sulcus (冠状沟) marks the division between the atria and ventricles.
B.The anterior interventricular groove (前室间沟) and posterior interventricular groove denote the par
C.The anterior interventricular branch (前室间支) of the left coronary artery passes through the anter
D.The great cardiac vein (心大静脉) passes through the posterior interventricular groove.
E.The interatrial groove (房间沟) indicates the partition between the right and left atria.
[多选题]About aqueous humor, which of the following descriptions are correct ?
A.It is colorless, transparent and watery fluid.
B.It fills the chambers of the eye.
C.It comes from the secretion of ciliary body.
D.?It passes through the iridocorneal angle (虹膜角膜角) to the ophthalmic vein (眼静脉) directly.
E.It plays a part in refracting the light ertering the eye.
[多选题]About the ovaries, which of the following descriptions are correct?
A.Each ovary lies in the ovarian fossa on the lateral wall of the pelvic cavity.
B.Each ovary has two extremities, two borders and two surfaces.
C.The superior extremity is also called the uterine extremity.
D.At the middle portion of the posterior border is the hilum of ovary.
E.The suspensory ligament of the ovary (卵巢悬韧带)contains the ovarian vessels and nerves.


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