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发布时间:2024-02-17 02:38:57

[单选题]Performing a series of trial runs before launching large-scale production of any new product is common _____at Juvo, Inc.

更多"[单选题]Performing a series of trial r"的相关试题:

[单选题]There was a simultaneous trial taking place in the next building.
[单选题]There was a simultaneous trial taking place in the next building.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Clinical Trials

1 Many clinical trials are done to see if a new drug or device is safe and effective for people
to use .Sometimes clinical trials are used to study different ways to use the standard
treatments so they will be more effective,easier to use,and/or decrease side effects.
Sometimes,studies are done to learn how to best use the treatment in a different group,
such as children,in whom the treatment was not previously tested.
2 It is important to test drugs and medical products in the people they are meant to help,It
is also important to conduct research in a variety of people because different people may
respond differently to treatments.Some people participate in clinical trials because they
have exhausted standard treatment options.Other people participate in trials because they
want to contribute to the advancement of medical knowledge.
3 The FDA(食品及药物管理局)works to protect participants in clinical trials and to
ensure that people have reliable information as they decide whether to join a clinical trial.
Although efforts are made to control the risks to clinical trial participants,some risks may be
unavoidable because of the uncertainty inherent(内在的)in medical research studies
involving new medical treatments.
4 People should learn as much as possible about the clinical trials that interest them.They
should also feel comfortable discussing their questions and concerns with members of the
health care team. Prospective(预期的)participants should understand what happens
during the trial,the type of health care they will receive,and any costs to them.Anyone
considering a clinical trial should also know that there are benefits and risks associated with
participating. Learn as much as you can about a clinical trial_________.
A.for some patients
B.before participation
C.in humans
D.medical knowledge
E.during the trial
F.candidates for clinical trials
[不定项选择题]共用题干 第三篇

On the Trial of the Honey Badger

On a recent field trip to the Kalahari Desert,a team of researchers learnt a lot more about honey
badgers(灌).The team employed a local wildlife expert,Kitso Khama,to help them locate and follow the
badgers across the desert. Their main aim was to study the badgers'movements and behaviour as discreetly
(谨慎地)as possible,without frightening them away or causing them to change their natural behaviour. They
also planned to trap a few and study them close up before releasing them.In view of the animal's reputation,
this was something that even Khama was reluctant to do.
"The problem with honey badgers is that they are naturally curious animals,especially when they see
something new,"he says."That,combined with their unpredictable nature,can be a dangerous mixture.If
they sense you have food,for example,they won't be shy about coming right up to you for something to eat.
They're actually quite sociable creatures around humans,but as soon as they feel they might be in danger,
they can become extremely vicious(凶恶的). Fortunately this is rare , but it does happen."
The research confirmed many things that were already known.As expected,honey badgers ate any crea-
tures they could catch and kill.Even poisonous snakes,feared and avoided by most other animals,were not
safe from them.The researchers were surprised,however,by the animal's fondness for local melons,probably
because of their high water content. Previously researchers thought that the animal got all of its liquid require-
ments from its prey(猎物).The team also learnt that,contrary to previous research findings,the badgers oc-
casionally formed loose family groups.They were also able to confirm certain results from previous research,
including the fact that female badgers never socialised with each other.
Following some of the male badgers was a challenge,since they can cover large distances in a short
space of time.Some hunting territories cover more than 500 square kilometers.Although they seem happy to
share these territories with other males,there are occasional fights over an important food source,and male
badgers can be as aggressive towards each other as they are towards other species.
As the badgers became accustomed to the presence of people,it gave the team the chance to get up close
to them without being the subject of the animals'curiosity一or their sudden aggression.The badgers'eating
patterns,which had been disrupted,returned to normal.It also allowed the team to observe more closely some
of the other creatures that form working associations with the honey badger,as these seemed to adopt the
badgers'relaxed attitude when near humans. What happened when honey badgers got used to humans around them?
A.They became less aggressive towards other creatures.
B.They lost interest in people.
C.They started eating more.
D.Other animals started working with them.
[单选题]What should management do before accepting outside funding?
A.Conduct an in-depth review of the proposal
B.Grant seats on the board to the investor
C.Discuss the deal with customers
D.Consider the reputation of the investor
[单选题]Before starting to write effect analysis essay, one should_____between cause and effect.


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