更多"[单选题]10.Industrial policy refers to"的相关试题:
[单选题]10.Industrial policy refers to:
A.A.an activist policy by the government of an industrial country to stimulate the dev elopment of an industry
B.B.the granting of a subsidy to a domestic industry to stimulate the development of an industry
C.C.the granting of a subsidy to a domestic industry to counter a foreign subsidy
D.D.all of the above
[单选题]11.Game theory refers to:
A.A.a method of choosing the optimal strategy in conflict situations
B.B.the granting of a subsidy to correct a domestic distortion
C.C.the theory of tariff protection
D.D.none of the above
[单选题]14.Transfer pricing refers to:
A.A.risk diversification
B.B.the pricing of the technology transferred
C.C.the artificial overpricing of components shipped to an affiliate in a higher tax nat ion
D.D.portfolio theory
[单选题]4.An international cartel refers to:
B.B.an organization of exporters
C.C.an international commodity agreement
D.D.voluntary export restraints
[单选题]8.International trade theory refers to:
A.A.the microeconomic aspects of international trade
B.B.the macroeconomic aspects of international trade
C.C.open economy macroeconomics or international finance
D.D.all of the above
[单选题]13.The Leontief paradox refers to the empirical finding that U.S.
A.A.import substitutes are more K-intensive than exports
B.B.imports are more K-intensive than exports
C.C.exports are more L-intensive than imports
D.D.exports are more K-intensive than import substitutes
[单选题]15. The brain drain refers to transfer of:
A.A.technology from developed to developing nations
B.B.skilled labor and professionals from developed to developing nations
C.C.unskilled labor from developing to developed nations
D.D.skilled labor and professionals from less advanced to more advanced nations
[单选题]13.The most-favored-nation principle refers to:
A.A.extension to all trade partners of any reciprocal tariff reduction negotiated by the U.S.with any of its trade partners
B.B.multilateral trade negotiation
C.C.the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
D.D.the International Trade Organization
[单选题]( ) The new policy will benefit the elders a lot that people over 70 can take buses .
B.free charge
C.for freedom
D.for free
[单选题]11.The policy of import substitution was most vigorously followed by:
A.A.large developing nations during the 1970’s
B.B.large developing nations during the 1960’s
C.C.small developing nations during the 1970’s
D.D.small developing nations during the 1960’s
[单选题]12.What is the advantage of a policy of import substitution?
A.A.setting up an industry to replace imports minimizes risk of failure because the m arket for the product already exists in the nation as evidenced by the nation’s impo rts of the commodity
B.B.It is easier for developing nations to protect their domestic market against foreig n competition than to force developed nations to lower their trade barriers against t heir manufactured exports
C.C.foreign firms are induced to establish tariff factories to overcome the tariff wall o f developing nations
D.D.all of the above