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发布时间:2024-07-13 06:53:37

[单选题] Since the stock market decline in 2000, the number of companies funded and the total funds invested by venture capital firms have ________.
A. held steady
B. declined
C. increased slightly
D. increased sharply

更多"[单选题] Since the stock market declin"的相关试题:

[简答题] In a bull market stock prices are rising, on average.
[单选题] The stock market is important because
A. it is where interest rates are determined.
B. it is the most widely followed financial market in the United States.
C. it is where foreign exchange rates are determined.
D. all of the above.
[单选题] Stock prices since the 1980s have been
A. relatively stable, trending upward at a steady pace.
B. relatively stable, trending downward at a moderate rate.
C. extremely volatile.
D. unstable, trending downward at a moderate rate.
[单选题] A declining stock market index due to lower share prices
A. reduces people's wealth and as a result may reduce their willingness to spend.
B. increases people's wealth and as a result may increase their willingness to spend.
C. decreases the amount of funds that business firms can raise by selling newly issued stock.
D. both A and C of the above.
E. both B and C of the above.
[单选题] A rising stock market index due to higher share prices
A. increases people's wealth and as a result may increase their willingness to spend.
B. increases the amount of funds that business firms can raise by selling newly issued stock.
C. decreases the amount of funds that business firms can raise by selling newly issued stock.
D. both A and B of the above.
[简答题] A stock's market value will be higher the higher the investor's required rate of return is, all else being equal.
[单选题] ________ was the stock market's worst one-day drop in history in the 1980s.
A. Black Friday
B. Black Monday
C. Blackout Day
D. none of the above
[单选题]You expect interest rates to decline in the near future even though the bond market is not indicating any sign of this change. Which one of the following bonds should you purchase now to maximize your gains if the rate decline does occur?
A. Short-term; low coupon
B. Short-term; high coupon
C. Long-term; zero coupon
D. Long-term; low coupon
E. Long-term; high coupon
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Interest rate risk
Learning Objective: 07-02 Explain bond values and yields and why they fluctuate.
[简答题] The capital market is a financial market in which only short-term debt instruments (generally those with an original maturity of less than one year. are traded.
[单选题] The money market is the market in which ________ are traded.
A. new issues of securities
B. previously issued securities
C. short-term debt instruments
D. long-term debt and equity instruments
[单选题] Market timing
A. takes advantage of time differences between the east and west coasts of the United States.
B. takes advantage of arbitrage opportunities in foreign stocks.
C. takes advantage of the time lag between the receipt and execution of orders.
D. is discouraged by the stiff fees mutual funds charge every investor for buying and then selling shares on the same day.
[单选题] Money market transactions
A. do not take place in any one particular location or building.
B. are usually arranged purchases and sales between participants over the phone by traders and completed electronically.
C. are both A and B of the above.
D. are none the the above.
[单选题] Money market instruments
A. are usually sold in large denominations.
B. have low default risk.
C. mature in one year or less.
D. are characterized by all of the above.
E. are characterized by only A and B of the above.
[单选题] Changes in stock prices
A. affect people's wealth and their willingness to spend.
B. affect firms' decisions to sell stock to finance investment spending.
C. are characterized by considerable fluctuations.
D. all of the above.
E. only A and B of the above.
[单选题] Financial market activities affect
A. personal wealth.
B. spending decisions by individuals and business firms.
C. the economy's location in the business cycle.
D. all of the above.
[单选题] Governments never issue stock because
A. they cannot sell ownership claims.
B. the Constitution expressly forbids it.
C. both A and B of the above.
D. neither A nor B of the above.
[判断题]Since states possess territorial sovereignty, the municipal courts of a state are capable of trying cases in which foreign factors are involved.
[单选题] Late trading and market timing
A. allow large, favored investors in a mutual fund to profit at the expense of other investors in the fund.
B. hurt ordinary investors by increasing the number of fund shares and diluting the fund's net asset value.
C. are both A and B of the above.
D. are none of the above.


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