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[单选题]关于GGSN system-user的配置,下面说法不正确的是()。 Which of the following statements is wrong about system-user configuration on the GGSN? ( )
A.需要配置了authentication-template。 The authentication-template needs to be configured.
B.不需要配置了authorization-template。 The authorization-template does not need to be configured.
C.需要配置了default-privilege-level。 The default-privilege-level needs to be configured.
D.需要配置了登录帐户。 The login account needs to be configured.

更多"[单选题]关于GGSN system-user的配置,下面说法不正确的"的相关试题:

[单选题]关于GGSN的CPU配置,下面说法不正确的是()。 Which of the following statements is incorrect about CPU configurations of the GGSN? ( )
A.CSU 单板CPU0作为SLB模块,CPU2作为CU模块。 CPUO of the CSU board is used as the SLB module and CPU2 is used as the CU module.
B.SLB单板两个CPU禁止配置成处理业务CPU组,只进行信令消息分担转发处理。 The two CPUs on the SLB board are forbidden to be configured as a service processing CPU group, and they only balance and forward signaling messages.
C.GSU和SLB单板的CPU配置1+1备份方式,CU无备份。 CPUs of the GSU board and the SLB board are configured in 1+1 backup mode, and the CU works in no backup mode.
D.GSU/CU组和SLB CPU组查询结果CPU的Appstatus为Master/Slave状态关系。 According to the GSU/CU group and SLB CPU group query results, the Appstatus of the CPU is master/slave.
[单选题]关于GGSN的IP地址、路由配置,下面说法不正确的是()。 Which of the following statements is wrong about IP address and route configurations on the GGSN? ( )
A.子接口的MAC偏移需要与父接口不能一样。 MAC offset of the sub-interface cannot be the same as that of the parent interface.
B.PFU对外物理接口端口模式需要和互联设备端口模式一致,速率、协商模式双方必须一样。 The port mode, rate, and negotiation mode should be completely the same between the external physical interface of the PFU and the interconnected device.
C.PFU物理端口配置必须有端口描述,便于数据核查和日常维护。 The physical port of the PFU must have the corresponding interface description, to facilitate data checking and daily maintenance.
D.根据组网规划指导要求,设备开局网络规划必须是双平面,不允许有单点故障,开局中要进行组网倒换测试。 According to requirements of networking planning, the network must be a dual-plane network, with no single-point fault. During office commissioning, we should carry out network switchover tests.
[单选题]关于商用局GGSN的组网情况,下面说法不正确的是()。 Which of the following statements is incorrect about the networking structure of the GGSN in a commercial office? ( )
A.推荐采用GN,GI口采用静态路由来保证传输的可靠性。 It is recommended that GN and Gi interfaces use static routes to ensure transmission reliability.
B.Gn、Ga、Gi(net、wap)路由必须分布在不同PFU单板的实接口。 Routes of Gn, Ga, and Gi (net, wap) interfaces should be located on real interfaces of different PFU boards.
C.一块PFU单板拔出后,路由能够自动切换到另一块PFU单板物理接口。 When one PFU board is removed, its route can automatically switch over to the physical interface of another PFU board.
D.若采用OSPF发布地址段时,需要确认内部每段地址都已经发布出去。 While using the OSPF to distribute address segments, we need to confirm that each internal IP segment has been distributed successfully.
[多选题]关于商用局GGSN的组网情况,下面说法正确的是()。 Which of the following statements are correct about the networking structure of the SGSN in commercial offices? ( )
A.推荐采用GN,GI口采用静态路由来保证传输的可靠性。 It is recommended that GN,Gi interfaces use the static route to ensure transmission reliability.
B.Gn、Ga、Gi(net、wap)路由必须分布在不同PFU单板的实接口。 Routes of Gn, Ga, and Gi (net, wap) interfaces should located on different PFU physical interface.
C.一块PFU单板拔出后,路由能够自动切换到另一块PFU单板物理接口。 When one PFU board was unplugged, the route should switch over to another PFU board automatically.
D.若采用OSPF发布地址段时,需要确认内部每段地址都已经发布出去。 If use the ospf to distribute the IP segment, make sure every network IP segment has been distributed successfully.
[多选题]V4 GGSN中,需要配置的逻辑接口包括()。 On V4 GGSN, which logical interfaces need to be configured? ( )
[多选题]有关xGW GGSN的告警过滤规则说法正确的是? Which of the following statements are correct about alarm filtering rules of the xGW GGSN? ( )
A.只有本客户端不显示,但告警仍然入库 Alarm filtering rules are not displayed on the local client, but alarms are still saved to the database.
B.只有本客户端不显示,但告警不入库 Alarm filtering rules are not displayed on the local client, but alarms are not saved to the database.
C.所有客户端均不显示,但告警仍然入库 Alarm filtering rules are not displayed on any client, but alarms are still saved to the database.
D.所有客户端均不显示,告警也不入库 Alarm filtering rules are not displayed on any client, but alarms are not saved to the database.
A. VSW为必配单板,VSW可支持2/3/4/5G。
D.VBP根据需要配置, VBPc5是4G基带板,VBPd0为5G基带板。
[多选题]关于GGSN的NTP配置,下面说法正确的是()。 About GGSN NTP configuration, which statements are correct?
A.ntp server vrf mng配置了NTP时钟源地址 NTP server vrf mng should have configured NTP resource ip address
B.ntp source配置了xgw管理口地址 NTP source should have configured xGW management interface address.
C.ntp enable
D.ntp destination配置了时钟源地址 NTP destination should have configured ntp resource ip address
[多选题]关于GGSN的CPU配置,下面说法正确的是()。 About GGSN CPU configuration, which statement is correct?
A.CSU 单板CPU0作为SLB模块,CPU2作为CU模块。 CPUO of CSU board should be SLB module and CPU2 should be CU module.
B.SLB单板两个CPU禁止配置成处理业务CPU组,只进行信令消息分担转发处理。 SLB board can not configured as service CPU group, it only work for the signal load balance and transmission process.
C.GSU和SLB单板的CPU配置1+1备份方式,CU无备份。 GSU and SLB works in 1+1 backup mode, CU without backup mode.
D.GSU/CU组和SLB CPU组查询结果CPU的Appstatus为Master/Slave状态关系。 The appstatus of GSU,CU,SLB group should be master/slave.
[多选题]关于 RP 下面说法正确的是:
A.RP 是由 BSR 路由器选举出来的
B.PIM-SM 网络中 RP 只能通过手工指定
C.RP 是 RPT 树的树根
D.PIM-SM 网络中所有路由器都需要知道 RP 的位置
[多选题]关于GGSN system-user的配置,下面说法正确的是()。 About system-user configuration on GGSN, which statements are correct?
A.需要配置了authentication-template. need to configure authentication-template.
B.不需要配置了authorization-template。 no need to configure authorization-template
C.需要配置了default-privilege-level。 Need to configure default-privilege-level.
D.需要配置了登录帐户。 Need to configure the login account.
[多选题]关于GGSN与OCS的互联配置,下面说法正确的是()。 About interconnection configuration between GGSN and OCS, which of the following statements are correct? ( )
A.配置本局节点 Configure local node
B.配置邻接局节点 Configure adjacent node
C.配置TCP链路 Configure TCP link
D.配置diameter链路 Configure diameter link
[多选题]关于GGSN的IP地址、路由配置,下面说法正确的是()。 About the GGSN ip address and route configuration, which statement is correct?
A.子接口的MAC偏移需要与父接口不能一样。 mac offset of subinterface can not be same with the located interface.
B.PFU对外物理接口端口模式需要和互联设备端口模式一致,速率、协商模式双方必须一样。 PFU interface must keep consistent with peer interface on mode, speed, negotiated mode.
C.PFU物理端口配置必须有端口描述,便于数据核查和日常维护。 PFU physical interface must have the interface description so that we can do data check and daily maintenance.
D.根据组网规划指导要求,设备开局网络规划必须是双平面,不允许有单点故障,开局中要进行组网倒换测试。 According to the network design rules, the network must be dual network. Single point trouble is forbidden and network switchover test should be done when commissioning.
[多选题]在GGSN的Gi口上配置OSPF,一般需要发布哪些网段?() Which of the following IP segments need to be distributed when you configure the ospf for the Gi interface of GGSN?( )
A.GI口接口地址网段. IP segment of the Gi interface
B.IP pool网段 IP pool segment
C.GTP地址网段 GTP's IP address segment
D.GN口地址网段 IP segment of the Gn interface
[多选题]在GGSN的Gn口上配置OSPF,一般需要发布哪些网段?() Which of the following IP segments need to be distributed when you configure the OSPF for the Gn interface of GGSN?( )
A.GI口接口地址网段. IP segment of the Gi interface
B.IP pool网段 IP pool segment
C.GTP地址网段 GTP's IP address segment
D.GN口地址网段 IP segment of the Gn interface


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