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发布时间:2024-09-20 04:28:55

[不定项选择题]资料:The soybean prices ended higher this Monday as traders expect supplies to remain tight. The actively July contract for soybeans rose 20 cents to settle at $14.85 a bushel. The U.S. government's weekly prediction for soybean exports was higher than traders expected, said Mike Zulo. President of a consulting company in Atchison, Kansas. Supplies for beans have been extraordinarily tight as China's demand for soymeal continues to increase even as U.S. production stays relatively steady, he said. Soybean prices have risen about 15 percent this year. “That U.S. D. A. number caused the trade to refocus on just how razor-thin supplies are heading in to next fall's harvest.” Zulo said. What can be inferred from the passage about next fall’s soybean harvest?
A.It’s not worth noticing.
B.It will rise 15 percent.
C.It’s still uncertain.
D.It will be razor-thin.

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[不定项选择题]资料:The soybean prices ended higher this Monday as traders expect supplies to remain tight. The actively July contract for soybeans rose 20 cents to settle at $14.85 a bushel. The U.S. government's weekly prediction for soybean exports was higher than traders expected, said Mike Zulo. President of a consulting company in Atchison, Kansas. Supplies for beans have been extraordinarily tight as China's demand for soymeal continues to increase even as U.S. production stays relatively steady, he said. Soybean prices have risen about 15 percent this year. “That U.S. D. A. number caused the trade to refocus on just how razor-thin supplies are heading in to next fall's harvest.” Zulo said. Why did the prices of soybean rise according to the passage?
A.Because the general production of soybean stayed steady.
B.Because the supplies were expected to keep tight.
C.Because China’s demand for soybean increased.
D.Because the trade of soybean was quite active.
[不定项选择题]The soybean prices ended higher this Monday as traders expect supplies to remain tight The actively traded July contract for soybeans rose 20 cents to settle at $14.85 a bushel. The U.S government’s weekly prediction for soybean exports was higher than traders expected, said Mike Zulo, president of a consulting company in Atchison Kansas Supplies for beans have been extraordinarily tight as China’s demand for soybean continues to increase even as U.S production stays relatively steady he said Soybean prices have risen 15 percent this year “That U.S. D. A. number caused the trade to refocus on just how razor-thin supplies are heading in to next fall’s harvest” Zulo said What can be inferred from the passage about next fall’s soybean harvest?
A.It’s not worth noticing
B.It will rise 15 percent
C.It’s still uncertain
D.It will be razor-thin
[不定项选择题]资料:Economic performance is improving in most of the world's leading economies but is still short of a self-sustaining upswing, the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development said on Wednesday. In an update to its economic forecasts, the Paris-based international organisation representing advanced economies said that more private sector investment was needed for the expansion to endure, for wages to rise sustainability and for inequalities to be tackled. Although all leading economies are now recording positive growth, Catherine Mann, the OECD's chief economist, urged governments to “curb your enthusiasm [ because] strong and sustained medium-term global growth is not yet secured”. The OECD's economic outlook shows upgrades to the 2017 growth forecasts in China, Russia and Europe excluding the UK with the world outlook also appearing stronger in 2018. World growth should rise from a low of 3.1 per cent in 2016, to 3.5 per cent this year and 3.7 per cent in 2018, the OECD forecast, with the US, the Eurozone, Brazil and Russia contributing most to the improved global outlook. China's predicted growth rate of 6.8 per cent in 2017 and 6.6 per cent in 2018 has been revised higher by 0.2 percentage points in both years and although India's growth rate has been revised down, reflecting adjustment to its new goods and services tax, it is likely to remain the fastest growing large economy in the world. Only the UK, which remains embroiled in Brexit negotiations, has a deteriorating outlook. Responding to the OECD's forecast that the British economy will be the slowest growing in the Group of Seven in 2018 having been near the top of the league table in 2016, the British Treasury said it was not complacent. What is the best title for the passage?
A.The prosperity of the leading economies
B.The engine of the world economy
C.China,the trail blazer of the world economy
D.Global economy improving but lacks self-sustaining upswing
[不定项选择题]资料A市甲股份有限公司(以下简称甲公司)成立于2006年3月,从事化工产品生产,是增值税的一般纳税人。2010年5月,甲公司召开董事会会议,拟审议通过下列事项:更换公司总经理和财务负责人,更换由职工代表担任的公司董事,修改公司章程的部分条款。2011年8月,甲公司经证券监督管理机构核准,开始向社会发行股票募集资金;同年12月,甲公司股票在证券交易所上市交易。2012年10月,甲公司董事刘某参加董事会会议期间,获悉本公司将收购乙上市公司的股份,可能对甲公司股价产生较大影响,于是立即电话通知朋友赵某买进甲公司股票。2013年1月,甲公司因排放污染物超标,被A市环保部门处以5万元罚款;甲公司对处罚决定不服,向人民法院提起行政诉讼。2013年5月,甲公司向小规模纳税人丙公司销售一批化工产品,开具的普通发票上注明的销售价款为58.5万元。 甲公司就销售给丙公司化工产品所取得的收入计算增值税时,销项税额为:


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