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发布时间:2024-09-15 02:45:43

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Racial Prejudice

In some countries where racial prejudice is acute,violence has been taken for granted as a means of
solving differences,and this is not even questioned.There are countries________(51)the white man
imposes his rule by brute(粗暴的)force ; there are countries where the black man protests by______ (52)
fire to cities and by looting and pillaging(抢劫).Important people on both sides , who would appear to be
reasonable men , get up and calmly argue in ___________( 53 ) of violence as if it were a legitimate(合法的)
solution,________(54)any other. What is really frightening,what really________(55)you with despair,is
the realization that when it comes to the crunch(关键时刻),we have made no actual_________ (56) at
all.We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint,but our instincts remain basically unchanged.The
whole of the recorded_________(57)of the human race,that tedious documentation of violence,has taught
us absolutely nothing. We have still not learnt that__________(58)never solves a problem but makes it
more acute.The sheer horror,the bloodshed and the suffering___________(59)nothing. No solution ever comes to
___________(60)the morning after we dismally(阴郁地)contemplate the smoking ruins and wonder what hit us.
The truly reasonable men who___________(61)where the solutions lie are finding it harder and harder
to get a hearing. They are despised,mistrusted and even persecuted___________(62)their own kind because
they advocate such apparently outrageous things as law enforcement. if half the energy that goes into
_________(63)acts was put to good use,if our efforts were directed at. _________(64)up the slums and
ghettos(贫民窟),at improving living-standards and providing education and employment for all, we would
not have gone a long way to
___________(65)at a solution. _________(52)

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 Racial PrejudiceIn so"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Racial Prejudice

In some countries where racial prejudice is acute,violence has been taken for granted as a means of
solving differences,and this is not even questioned.There are countries________(51)the white man
imposes his rule by brute(粗暴的)force ; there are countries where the black man protests by______ (52)
fire to cities and by looting and pillaging(抢劫).Important people on both sides , who would appear to be
reasonable men , get up and calmly argue in ___________( 53 ) of violence as if it were a legitimate(合法的)
solution,________(54)any other. What is really frightening,what really________(55)you with despair,is
the realization that when it comes to the crunch(关键时刻),we have made no actual_________ (56) at
all.We may wear collars and ties instead of war-paint,but our instincts remain basically unchanged.The
whole of the recorded_________(57)of the human race,that tedious documentation of violence,has taught
us absolutely nothing. We have still not learnt that__________(58)never solves a problem but makes it
more acute.The sheer horror,the bloodshed and the suffering___________(59)nothing. No solution ever comes to
___________(60)the morning after we dismally(阴郁地)contemplate the smoking ruins and wonder what hit us.
The truly reasonable men who___________(61)where the solutions lie are finding it harder and harder
to get a hearing. They are despised,mistrusted and even persecuted___________(62)their own kind because
they advocate such apparently outrageous things as law enforcement. if half the energy that goes into
_________(63)acts was put to good use,if our efforts were directed at. _________(64)up the slums and
ghettos(贫民窟),at improving living-standards and providing education and employment for all, we would
not have gone a long way to
___________(65)at a solution. _________(65)
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Some Unusual Celebrations

Some holidays are well-known all around the world.Among them are New Year’s Eve celebrations.
Also common are days in honor of love and friendship,like Valentine's Day?Each country has its own spe-
cial holidays,too,often to mark important events in its history.Schools,banks,and government offices all
close on days like these. ________ (46)A few of them are really very strange.
Of course,they are not strange to the people who celebrate them.Perhaps that is because the
celebrations have long traditions.Consider April Fool's Day,for example.No one knows when or why it be-
gan.Today it is celebrated in many countries一France,England,and Australia,among others.On this
day,people play practical jokes._________(47)The ones who laugh are the ones playing the jokes.The
people they fool often get angry,Does celebrating this day make sense to you?
Dyngus Day in Poland seems strange,too.On this day,it is traditional for boys to pour water over the
heads of girls.Here is the strangest part:They do it to girls they like.
Other unusual celebrations take place in a single city or town.A holiday called La Tomatina is celebrated
in Bunol,Spain.Every year,in late August,big trucks carry more than 200,000 pounds of tomatoes into
this little town. __________ (48)For two hours,people in the streets throw tomatoes at each other. Every-
one ends up red from head to toe.
August 10 marks the start of the Puck Fair,an Irish festival with a very unusual tradition.People from
the town of Killorglin go up into the mountains and catch a wild goat. __________.(49)
There are also some celebrations that are really strange.In the United States,sometimes one person
gets an idea for a new holiday and tries to get others to accept it.Whose idea was Public Sleeping Day?That
one is on February 28.It may seem strange,but it sounds like more fun than the one on February 9.
__________ (50)
Do you like the idea of inventing a new holiday'1 If you do,then you will want to mark March 26 on
your calendar. That is Make Up Your Own Holiday Day. __________ (50)
A.Some of the days people celebrate,however,are less serious.
B.Jokes are supposed to be funny,but these jokes do not make everyone laugh.
C.Some people have fun imagining new holidays.
D.They bring him back to town,put a crown on his head,and make him king for three days.
E.Then begins the world's biggest food fight.
F.That is supposed to be Toothache Day.


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