Text 1 All that fault-finding about lowering cholesterol and eating less fat must finally be paying off. According to a study published in the New England Journal of Medicine, more Americans are eating a healthy diet now than 30 years ago. In tact, according to researchers from the University of North Carolina, just about the only people who ate right in the mid-1960s were poor black people, who simply couldn’t afford the steaks and high-protein meals that were then considered the most nutritious. According to survey data collected by the US Department of Agriculture, more than 16% of poor black people in 1965 ate a healthy diet, compared with less than 5% of high-income whites. A. Many people haven’t realized the importance of many other healthy diets. B. It is not clear whether we should eat more fiber, sodium, fruits, etc.. C. Fiber, sodium, fruits and vegetables, grams and legumes are healthy diets. D. We didn’t make it loud to people that they should have more other diets. [单选题]284 3 2 3
( )是施工班组限额领取施工用料的依据。 A.工程概况说明 B.施工决算 C.施工预算 D.质量评估报告 [单选题]镜头1:汽车驶过,主任翁在吃西瓜;镜头2:汽车驶过,主人翁在吃盒饭;镜头3:汽车驶过,主人翁来到女朋友家中,这段镜头的组接方式属于()。
A.利用相似体 B.承接性镜头 C.遮挡镜头 D.两极镜头 [填空题]调查研究是获取信息、了解情况的()手段。
[单项选择]依法收贷的对象为( )。
A. 逾期贷款 B. 展期贷款 C. 不良贷款 D. 到期贷款 [多选题]各法人行社审计部门要将反洗钱工作的信息安全保护工作作为()的重要内容。
A.培训 B.查看 C.监督检查 D.审计 [单选题]我国推出的5年期国债期货合约标的的面值为( )万元人民币。
A.100 B.150 C.200 D.250 [单选题]承兑银行存在合法()事由拒绝支付的,应自接到商业汇票的次日起3日内作成拒绝付款证明,连同商业银行承兑汇票邮寄持票人开户银行转交持票人。
A.争辩 B.抗辩 C.付款 D.收款 [单选题]客户询问的方法之一为留置调查,它的优点是( )。
A.灵活性强 B.被调查者可不受调查人员意见的影响 C.调查费用低 D.节省调查时间 [单项选择]Robert: Mary, I'd like you to meet my new neighbor, Tom. Mary: Hello, Tom. It's nice to meet you. Tom: ______
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