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发布时间:2023-10-08 18:54:20

[单项选择]()the visibility to reduce to one mile by heavy rain,it()be impossible to rescue the vessel in distress.
A. Was/would
B. Were/would
C. Is/will
D. Is/is to

更多"()the visibility to reduce to one m"的相关试题:

[单项选择]()will reduce the visibility.
A. dust
B. sea water
C. land sand
D. wind
[单项选择]One engine manufacturer recommends heavy fuel oil should not be heated above 80℃ to 95℃ (176 ℉ TO 203℉) before purificationThis upper limit should be observed to ensure against()
A. flattening of the bowl neoprene O-rings
B. operation within the explosive rang of the fuel
C. excessive purifier operating pressures
D. excessive oil viscosity
[单项选择]One method of controlling rats on vessels is by rat-proofing. Rat-proofing is accomplished by ().
A. installing rat guards on the mooring lines when in port
B. keeping foods protected and avoiding the accumulation of garbage
C. eliminating possible living spaces for rats when the ship is constructed
D. trapping and/or poisoning the rats
[判断题]链(cable)是计量1n mile以下短距离的一种长度单位,1链等于1/10n mile。
A. 微观不平度十点高度
B. 微观不平度
C. 轮廓最大高度
D. 轮廓算术平均偏差
[单项选择]Our house is about a mile from the railway station and there are not many houses().
A. in between
B. far apart
C. among them
D. from each other
[单项选择]When visibility is about 1 nautical mile only, we say that visibility is().
A. very
B. good
C. moderate
D. poor
[单项选择]Our house is about a mile away from the railway station and there are not many houses()
A. in between
B. far apart
C. among them
D. from each other
[单项选择]As you approach Kate Aubrey Bar Light (mile 788 AHP),yoursearchlight will show what type of marking at the light? ()
A. Green square
B. Red and green banded square
C. Green triangle
D. Green diamond
[单项选择]As you approach Giles Bend Cutoff Light (mile 367.7 LDB),what type of daymark would you see on the light structure?()
A. Green diamond
B. Green triangle
C. Red diamond
D. Red square
A. 小于
B. 大于
C. 远大于
D. 约等于
[单项选择]1 nautical mile is the lenth of an arc of a great circle which subtends an angel of()at the center of the Earth.
A. 1degree
B. 1 minute
C. 1second
D. 1.5 degree
[单项选择]A heavy steel curved arch constructed athwartships and above the after deck on a towing vessel is sometimes called a().
A. main brace
B. tow span
C. jockey bar
D. None of the above
[单项选择]As you approach mile 659.4 AHP,you see on the right descending bank a flashing green light. This light marks().
A. a lock that is open
B. a sunken barge
C. a dolphin,water intake and discharge
D. the end of a wharf
[单项选择]As you approach mile 427.6 AHP,you see on the right side a white buoy with orange bands and diamond. This buoy marks().
A. a cable crossing
B. a sunken barge
C. a submerged discharge pipe
D. the end of a wharf
[单项选择]On a Mercator chart,1 nautical mile is equal to().
A. 1 minute of longitude
B. 1 degree of longitude
C. 1 minute of latitude
D. 1 degree of latitude
[单项选择]A whistle signal of one prolonged,one short,one prolonged and one short blast,is sounded by a vessel().
A. at anchor
B. towing a submerged object
C. being overtaken in a narrow channel
D. in distress
[单项选择]A signal of one prolonged,one short,one prolonged,and one short blast,in that order is given by a vessel().
A. engaged on pilotage duty
B. in distress
C. at anchor
D. being overtaken in a narrow channel


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