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发布时间:2023-10-01 14:12:21

[不定项选择题]The author easily built a team of his company because __________.
A.they were underpaid at their previous jobs
B.they were turned down by other companies
C.they were confident of the author and his business
D.they were satisfied with the salaries in his company

更多"[不定项选择题]The author easily built a t"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Lifetime Employment in Japanese Companies
In most large Japanese companies,there is a policy of lifetime employment.What this means is that when people leave school or university to join an enterprise,they can expect to remain with that organization until they retire.In effect,the employee gets job security for life,and can only be fired for serious mistakes in work.Even in times of business recession,he or she is free from the fear of being laid off.
One result of this practice is that the Japanese worker identifies closely with his company and feels strong loyalty to it.By working hard for the company,he believes he is safeguarding his own future.It is not surprising that devotion to one's company is considered a great virtue in Japan.A man is often prepared to put his firm's interests before those of his immediate family.
The job security guaranteed by this system influences the way employees approach their work.They tend to think in terms of what they can achieve throughout their career.This is because they are not judged on how they are performing during a short period of time.They can afford to take a longer perspective than their western counterparts.
This marriage between the employee and the company-the consequence of lifetime employment-may explain why Japanese workers seem positively to love the products their company is producing and why they are willing to stay on after work,for little overtime pay,to participate in earnest discussions about the quality control of their products. The passage mainly discusses how lifetime employment is viewed.
C.Not mentioned
[不定项选择题]共用题干 His Own Way to Express Love
Yesterday was our three-year anniversary.We didn't do anything romantic;we just walked hand in hand and talked about our past and the future.This was pretty much what I had expected.
Andy is an unromantic guy : no sweet words or roses.Smart as he is,he is a little bit shy expressing his love. In contrast , I am an outspoken(直言不讳)girl who likes to show her feelings directly .So needless to say,I often feel that he is insensitive.I envy other girls who are surrounded by sweet words.
I was in this sullen mood until I heard a beautiful sentence one day:“If one does not love you in the way you like,it does not mean that he does not love you.”This simple but sensible sentence made me think about our happy days and recall his deep concern for me.
One cold winter night,I got a high fever. He hurried to my dormitory and took me to the hospital.He was in such a hurry that he even forgot to wear socks.After arrival,he ran through the hospital handling all the formalities(手续).When I was put on a drip(点滴),he told me interesting stories to make me happy. Being held in his warm arms and listening to his tender(温柔的)voice,I had never felt so safe and comfortable.Gradually,I fell asleep.When I woke up 15 minutes later , he was still mumbling(咕浓地说)to me. He explained that if he had stopped talking I would have woken up.At that moment,I found love in his eyes.
Another time,I had a bad quarrel with my best friend.Although I knew it was my fault,I refused to admit it.I was angry when he insisted I apologize to her. He said that it was difficult to admit a mistake,but this was what everyone should do. The next morning,I apologized to my friend and asked for her forgiveness.
My unromantic boyfriend cares about my health like my father,understands me like my mother and helps me like my elder brother. The word“sullen”in paragraph 3 could be best replaced by______.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Batteries Built by Viruses
What do chicken pox,the common cold,the flu,and AIDS have in common?They're all diseases caused by viruses,tiny microorganisms that can pass from person to person. It's no wonder that when most people think about viruses,finding ways to steer clear of viruses is what's on people's minds.
Not everyone runs from the tiny disease carriers,though. In Cambridge,Massachu- setts,scientists have discovered that some viruses can be helpful in an unusual way. They are putting viruses to work,teaching them to build some of the world's smallest rechargeable batteries.
Viruses and batteries may seem like an unusual pair,but they're not so strange for engi-neer Angela Beicher,who first came up with the idea. At the Massachusetts Institute of
Technology(MIT)in Cambridge,she and her collaborators bring together different areas of science in new ways.In the case of the virus-built batteries,the scientists combine what they know about biology,technology and production techniques.
Beicher's team includes Paula Hammond,who helps put together the tiny batteries,and
Yet-Ming Chiang,an expert on how to store energy in the form of a battery.“We're working on things we traditionally don't associate with nature,”says Hammond.
Many batteries are already pretty small. You can hold A,C and D batteries in your hand. The coin-like batteries that power watches are often smaller than a penny. However, every year,new electronic devices like personal music players or cell phones get smaller than the year before. As these devices shrink,ordinary batteries won't be small enough to fit in-side.
The ideal battery will store a lot of energy in a small package. Right now,Belcher's model battery,a metallic disk completely built by viruses,looks like a regular watch battery. But inside,its components are very small一so tiny you can only see them with a powerful microscope.
How small are these battery parts?To get some idea of the size,pluck one hair from your head. Place your hair on a piece of white paper and try to see how wide your hair is一 pretty thin,right?Although the width of each person's hair is a bit different,you could probably fit about 10 of these virus-built battery parts,side to side,across one hair. These micro-batteries may change the way we look at viruses. Which of the following is true of Belcher's battery mentioned in paragraph 6?
A.It is made of metal.
B.It is a kind of watch battery.
C.It can only be seen with a microscope.
D.It is a metallic disk with viruses inside it.


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