发布时间:2023-09-28 01:35:04

[填空题]But for his help, I ()(我不可能这么早完成).

更多"But for his help, I ()(我不可能这么早完成)."的相关试题:

A. 贴标签或错误标签
B. 夸大和缩小
C. 选择性概括
D. 个性化
[单项选择]A seaman lost his continuous discharge book during the voyage. Upon discharge from Articles,he should be issued a().
A. letter of service on company letterhead signed and sealed by the master
B. Record of Entry in a Continuous Discharge Book for use in applying for a duplicate book
C. Certificate of Discharge with the white copy forwarded to the Commandant
D. Mutual Release (CG-2119),and the articles should be annotated as to the loss
[单项选择]A lookout can leave his station().
A. at the end of the watch
B. at any time
C. ONLY when properly relieved
D. 15 minutes before the end of the watch
[单项选择]The carrier is entitled to limit his liability to the stated sum per package or unit even if he failedto exercise due diligence to make the vessel().
A. to be seaworthy
B. being seaworthy
C. be seaworthy
D. seaworthy
[单项选择]Machinery operating features are designed to help conserve energy.Which of the following results will not contribute to energy conservation?()
A. Reduction of friction
B. Insulation of hot surfaces
C. Lubrication of moving parts
D. Elevation of cooler outlet temperatures
[单项选择]()closed his eyes than the doorbell rang.
A. Hardly had he
B. Scarcely he had
C. No sooner had he
D. As soon as he had
[单项选择]His trial was a mockery of justice.()
A. 对他进行审判就是藐视正义。
B. 对他的审判必是对公理的嘲笑。
C. 由他来主持审判就是践踏公正。
D. 要嘲弄正义那就审判他嘛。
[单项选择]I hesitated about taking his side until I knew the whole story.()
A. 对是否支持他我一直犹豫不决,在了解整个情况后就站在他一边了。
B. 在了解全部真相之前我一直拿不定主意,是否支持他。
C. 我在完全了解事实真相后,才打消顾虑,改为支持他的立场。
D. 我一直在犹豫,不过后来了解全面的情况后,就站在他一边了。
[填空题]Bernard Shaw began his career as a dramatist in 1892, when his first play "()"(1892) was put on by the independent theater society.
[判断题]Swift is a master satirist. His satire is usually masked by an outward gravity and an apparent earnestness which renders his satire all the more powerful. His "A Modest Proposal" is generally taken as a perfect model.
[单项选择]The Master may have his/her license suspended or revoked for().
A. carrying stowaways
B. sailing shorthanded
C. being negligent
D. All of the above
[单项选择]Johnson seldom tells his parents where he goes, ()?
A. doesn’t he
B. does he
C. has he
D. hasn’t he
[单项选择]He worked hard to perfect his craft, and before his 20th birthday, he added the tympani, marimba and xylophone to his repertoire.()
A. 他训练非常刻苦,不断提高自己的技艺,在二十岁生日之前,就将定音鼓、立奏木琴、柔音木琴等演奏加入了他的保留节目单。
B. 他努力训练,不断完善自己的技术,在二十岁前,就在原有的乐器种类里增加了定音鼓、立奏木琴、和柔音木琴。
C. 他刻苦努力以提高自己的技艺,不到20岁,就把定音鼓、马林巴琴和木琴加入了他的全部器乐曲目中。
D. 他非常刻苦,努力完善自己的演奏技巧,没到20岁,除了原来就会演奏的乐器之外,还能熟练演奏定音鼓、马林巴琴、柔音木琴等乐器。
[单项选择]Professor Wang ,()for his informative lectures, was warmly received by his students.
A. knowing
B. known
C. to be known
D. having known


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