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发布时间:2023-10-02 13:36:40

[单项选择]He worked hard to perfect his craft, and before his 20th birthday, he added the tympani, marimba and xylophone to his repertoire.()
A. 他训练非常刻苦,不断提高自己的技艺,在二十岁生日之前,就将定音鼓、立奏木琴、柔音木琴等演奏加入了他的保留节目单。
B. 他努力训练,不断完善自己的技术,在二十岁前,就在原有的乐器种类里增加了定音鼓、立奏木琴、和柔音木琴。
C. 他刻苦努力以提高自己的技艺,不到20岁,就把定音鼓、马林巴琴和木琴加入了他的全部器乐曲目中。
D. 他非常刻苦,努力完善自己的演奏技巧,没到20岁,除了原来就会演奏的乐器之外,还能熟练演奏定音鼓、马林巴琴、柔音木琴等乐器。

更多"He worked hard to perfect his craft"的相关试题:

[单项选择]He hopes to()his paintings before the public in New York very soon.
A. exhibit
B. expose
C. express
D. experience
[单项选择]He does his work carefully but he is terribly ()it.
A. careful about
B. good at
C. slow at
D. interested in
[单项选择]()he saw his mother in person did he apologized.
A. Only
B. Until
C. Only when
D. Only until
[单项选择]Although he did not know London well, he made his way()to the airport.
A. easy enough
B. enough
C. easily enough
D. enoug heasily
[单项选择]He had a()look in his eyes. He must have been shocked.
A. empty
B. bare
C. blank
D. hollow
[单项选择]Johnson seldom tells his parents where he goes, ()?
A. doesn’t he
B. does he
C. has he
D. hasn’t he
[单项选择]He was()about his new job.
A. over the moon
B. on the moon
C. off the moon
D. above the moon
[单项选择]While studying he was financially dependent ()his wife.
A. to
B. of
C. on
D. from
[单项选择]He carried on()after his accident.
A. to work
B. work
C. working
D. worked
[单项选择]For some years after his graduation, he()some of his classmates, but as times went by, he dropped them one by one
A. caught up with
B. kept in touch with 
C. kept up
D. made up with
[单项选择]He seldom does his homework at school on weekdays,()he?
A. doesn‘t
B. isn‘t
C. does
D. is
[单项选择]He()his rose bushes carefully with insecticide every evening.
A. distributed
B. discharged
C. spread
D. sprayed
[单项选择]His hope()when he heard that there were some survivors in the shipwreck.
A. highlighted
B. soared
C. inspired
D. flourished
[单项选择]Before she left on the trip, she()hard.
A. had trained;
B. has trained
C. would trained
[单项选择]Before sailing,mariners on duty shall check the headings of magnetic compass by comparison with().
A. ship's clock
B. engine movement recorder
C. repeaters
D. navigation lights
[单项选择]His company went()after he failed in the business.
A. decent
B. negative
C. bankrupt
D. acute
[单项选择]He gave us a good()of his experience.
A. demonstration
B. frequency
C. description
D. instruction
[单项选择]He()for military service against the wishes of his parents.
A. volunteered
B. fancied
C. entered
D. imagined


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