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发布时间:2023-11-15 01:28:53

[单选题]-- It's nearly ten o'clock. It's time for you to go to bed, Kate!
--OK. _________, Dad.
A.See you later
C.Good evening
D.Good night

更多"[单选题]-- It's nearly ten o'clock. It"的相关试题:

[单选题]( )S1: What’s the matter with you? S2:I’ve got a headache and a sore throat. Sometimes I feel cold.Q: Which is not mentioned in the conversation?
A.A headache
B.A cough
C.A sore throat
D.A cold
[单选题]S-O-R行为模式中,O代表( )。
[单选题]( )You are on the radar reference line of the fairway
A.You are on the east side of the fairway
B.You are proceeding towards the east side of the fairway
C.You are on the fairway reference line on the radar
D.You are leaving the radar reference line of the fairway
[单选题]S-O-R行为模式中,S代表( )。
The teacher is already standing here.D.o you know when she _____?
A. comes
B. came
C. is coming
D. was coming
[单选题]S1:Have you laid the dunnage as instructed? S2:I think so. S1:What have you done with the bilges? S2:The bilges have been covered with planks. S1:Where did you find the dunnage planks? The planks you use are not dry enough. S2:I'm sorry for that. What else could we use for dunnage? S1:You could have used mats. Please don’ t forget to floor off each tier of drums with dunnage planks. S2:Sure. I see. Is single dunnage all right for this part of heavy cargo? S1:I told you to lay it in two layers with the lower layer athwartship and the upper layer fore and aft. Have you arranged some heavy planks at the bulkhead? S2:Yes, we have put some heavy planks at the bulkhead to prevent the steel pipes from shifting. 1:What has been used to cover the bilges?( )
A. Mats.
B. plastic sheet.
C. planks.
D.heavy planks.
[单选题]( )S1:Do you have any rooms available? S2:There are two rooms free at the moment, but they are only available tonight. Q:Who is the second speaker most probably?
A.An immigration officer
B.A customs officer
C.A hotel clerk
D.A bank clerk
[单选题]( )S1: Do you have an automatic pilot? S2:Yes, we have an automatic pilot. Q:What are they talking about?
A.the RADAR system of the ship
B.the communication system onboard
C.the steering system of the ship
D.the pilotage services of the port
[单选题]( )S1:Do you have your seaman’s book and passport? S2: Yes, here you are. Q:What does the first speaker want to do?
A.He wants to obtain his seaman’s book and passport
B.He wants to show his seaman’s book and passport
C.He wants to give the second speaker’s seaman’s book and passport
D.He wants to see the second speaker’s seaman’s book and passport
[单选题]( )S1:Are you under imminent danger? S2:Yes, danger of damage by sea. Q:What is the danger?
A.Breaking apart
B.Heavy listing
C.Decreasing stability
D.Damage by sea
[单选题]( )S1:Do you need some bonded stores? S2: We just got some at the last port. But if your prices are more reasonable, we may buy some more wine and cigarettes. Q:What can you learn from the conversation?
A.The vessel didn ‘ t need any bonded stores
B.The vessel may take some bonded stores
C.The wine and cigarettes are expensive at this port
D.The wine and cigarettes are expensive at the last port
[单选题]( )S1:What problems do you have? S2:I have problems with engines. Q:What happened to the vessel?
A.She had an engine failure
B.She had a steering gear failure
C.Something is wrong with her propeller
D.Something is wrong with her cargo gear


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