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发布时间:2024-03-09 06:10:40

[单选题]Five minutes earlier,__we could have caught the last train.

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[单选题]Five minutes earlier,__.we could have caught the last train.
[单选题]Text 3 The past five years have been a bad time to be a taxpayer in Europe.Across the continent,govemments have relied heavily on tax rises to cut budget deficits,increasing the total burden by almost 5%of GDP in France and Greece.But rather than raise taxes any further,many countries are startin8 to cut them.The European Commission reckons that the euro zone's tax-to-GDP ratio stabilised in 2013 and is now falliry;.In January France announced plans to cut payroll taxes by 30 billion.This month Italy unveiled income-tax cuts worth 10 billion for those earning less than 25,000 a year.This week Britain proposed tax cuts for most people on low or medium incomes.Ireland and Sptun are also planning tax cuts later this year.Lower taxes may be popular,but how are such giveaways being financed?Few countries have Lhe scope to borrow much more.The commission has criticised France and Spain for repeatedly missing their deficit-reduction targets,though it is not taking action agsunst them.Italy's high level of public debt,which hit 133%of GDP in 2013,has also landed it on the commission's fiscal"watch list".Instead,most countries plan to pay for their tax proposals with public-spending cuts.Italy says it will reduce spendirg by an extra 7 billion this year and save a further 2.2 billion thanks to lower yields on its debt-though these figures may prove optimistic.The politician8 hope that lower taxes will boost growth.As euro-zone countries cannot devalue or lower their own interest rates,tax cuts are one of the few ways of trimming business costs fast,says Guillaume Menuet at Citigroup.France and Italy both hope to improve their competitiveness by reducing the tax"wedge"between employers'costs and what workers actually take home.In 2012 this tax take reached nearly 50%of the payroll biU in France and Italy,against an OECD average of just 36%.Some economists doubt that cutting income tax,Italy's approach,is the best way forward.Instead,they favour slashing Europe's high employer-paid socild security charges,as France proposes to do.Ihis would directly lower labour costs,encouraging companies to hire extra workers as well as to increase their invesLmenl.That would aLso give a welcome boost to growth. The author's attitude towards France's proposal seems to be_____
[单选题]In a move that could revolutionize the way we buy groceries,Amazon opens its first supermarket without checkouts-human or self-service--to shoppers on Monday.Amazon Go,in Seattle,has been tested by staff for the past year.It uses hundreds of ceiling-mounted cameras and electronic sensors to identify each customer and track what items they select.Purchases are billed to customers'credit cards when they leave the store On entering the store,shoppers walk through gates,swiping their smartphones loaded with the Am-azon Go app.Then they are free to put anything into their own shopping bags.With the help of sensors on the shelves,items are added to customers'Amazon Go account as they pick them up-and delete any they put back.And an electronic receipt is issued as they exit The store opened to employees of the online retail giant in December 2016 and had been expected to allow the public in more quickly.But there were some teething problems with correctly identifying shoppers of similar body types--and children moving items to the wrong places on shelves,according to an Amazon insider.Gianna Puerini said the store had operated well during the test phase Hundreds of infra-red ceiling cameras have been trained over the last year to differentiate between customers as they move around the store,and between items for sale,even those with similar appearances.There are weight sensors on the shelves to help indicate if an item has been taken or put back And some items carry a visual dot code,like a bar code,to help cameras identify them.Amazon isnt offering any information on how accurate the system is.One thing we do know:they're on to the less-than-honest.A New York Times journalist had a go at shoplifting some cans of soft drink,but the system spotted it and put them on his bill Amazon has not said if it will be opening more Go stores,which are separate from the Whole Foods chain that it bought last year for$13.7bn(E10.7bn).As yet the company has no plans to introduce the technology to the hundreds of Whole Foods stores.However,retailers know that the faster customers can make their purchases,the more likely they are to return.Making the dreaded supermarket queue a thing of the past will give any retailer a huge advantage over its competitors In its third quarter results in October,Amazon for the first time put a figure on the revenues generated by its physical stores:S 1.28bn.Yet almost all of that was generated by Whole Foods.While its stores may not yet be money spinners,analysts have said Amazon is using them to raise brand awareness and promote its Prime membership scheme.Brian Olsavsky,Amazon chief financial officer,recently hinted that rivals should expect more Amazon shops in the months and years ahead You will see more expansion from us-it's still early,so those plans will develop over time,he said in october In the last paragraph,Brian Olsavsky implies that
A.revenues generated by Go shops surpass that of Whole Foods
B.there will be more Amazon retailer stores in the future
C.Whole Food stores are more competitive than Go shops
D.the retailer stores will take place of the Whore Foods
[单选题] We study five days ()_week and on Sundays we often play ()football.
A. a;the
B. 不填;a
C. an;a
D. a;不填
[单选题] We have known each other () we were young.
A. for
B. since
C. after
D. before
[单选题]__we have finished the text,we shall start doing more revision exercises.
A.For now
B.Since that
C.Now that
D.By now
[单选题]We_ _ have proved great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever made inthe past ten years.
A.needn' t
B.may not
C.shouldn' t
D.mustn' t
[单选题]If we__sooner,we might have got there.
B.had started
C.would have started
[单选题]题目 37
Jerry did not regret giving the comment but felt _____he could have expressed it differently.
[单选题]We have undercarriage trouble, we'd like to _______ .
B.make a full stop landing
C.touch and go
D.go around
[判断题] We have the society under control and I have confiscated his cigarettes and lighter. ( )


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