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发布时间:2023-11-19 04:59:50

[单选题]We have undercarriage trouble, we'd like to _______ .
B.make a full stop landing
C.touch and go
D.go around

更多"[单选题]We have undercarriage trouble,"的相关试题:

[单项选择]No matter how little money we have, we should get into the habit of ______ some in the bank regularly.

A. laying
B. withdrawing
C. putting
D. depositing
[单选题]We have trouble in extending landing gear, we'd like to _______ .
A.make a ditching
B.go around
C.make a touch and go
D.make a belly landing
[单项选择]When something happens ______ we like, we usually feel joy or happiness, which is a positive and powerful emotion and for which we all strive.
A. upon
B. to
C. that
D. what
[单项选择]We'd like to ______ a table for five for dinner this evening.
A. preserve
B. reserve
C. retain
D. sustain
[单项选择]We'd like to cancel the order for the goods because of the change in the home market.
A. 我们喜欢购买东西,只是为了满足家庭的需要。
B. 我们想要撤销商品的订单,是因为家庭市场起了变化。
C. 因为超市价格发生了变化,我们想要退货。
D. 由于国内市场的变化,我们想取消该批货物的订单。
[简答题]We inform you that we have been engaged in this business for the past 25 years. We, therefore, feel that because of our past years' experience, we are well qualified to take care of your interests at this end.
[单项选择]—I'd like to see the movie very much, but I have no money on me.
—That's OK. This is my ( ).
A. offer
B. treat
C. turn
D. service
[单选题]We_ _ have proved great adventurers, but we have done the greatest march ever made inthe past ten years.
A.needn' t
B.may not
C.shouldn' t
D.mustn' t
[单项选择]All the information we have collected in relation to that case______very little.

A. makes up for
B. adds up to
C. comes up with
D. puts up with
[单项选择]()we have finished the book, we shall start doing some exercises.
A. For now
B. Since that
C. Now that
D. Since already
[单项选择]If we ______ sooner, we might have got there.
A. started
B. had started
C. would have started
D. start
[单项选择]Speaker A: So we'll have a week off. Have a nice holiday.
Speaker B: ______.
[单项选择]—Good morning. Can I help you
—I'd like to have this package ______, madam.
A. be weighed
B. to be weighed
C. to weigh
D. weighed
[单项选择]The door______. We'd better have it repaired.

[单项选择]Since we have never been here before, we do not know which bus()
A. should we take'
B. to be taking
C. to take
D. should take

We have already covered the topic of network addresses. The first  (1) in a block (in classes A, B, and C) defines the network address. In classes A, B, and C,if the hostid is all ls,the address is called a direct broadcast address. It is used by a(2) to send a packet to all hosts in a specific network. All hosts will accept a packet having this type of destination address. Note that this address can be used only as a (3) address in an IP packet. Note also that this special address also reduces the number of available hostid for each netid in classes A,B,and C. In classes A, B, and C, an address with all ls for the netid and hostid (32bits) define a (4) address in the current network.A host that wants to send a message to every other host can use this address as a destination address in an IP packet. However, a router will block a packet having this type of address to confine the broadcasting to the (5) network. Note that this address belongs to class E.

A. neighbor
B. next
C. remote
D. local
[单项选择]Pubs have fanciful names like "The Red Lion" or "The Pig and Whistle" and they often have picutre on a signboard outside to _________ the name.

A. justify
B. illustrate
C. modify
D. clarify
[单项选择]We'll ______ you as soon as we have any further information.

A. notify
B. signify
C. communicate
D. impart


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