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发布时间:2024-07-11 04:14:42

[单选题]Text 1 On January lst the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation did something that may help to change the practice of science.It brought into force a policy,foreshadowed two years earlier,that research it supports must,when published,be freely available to all.On March 23rd it followed this up by announcing that iiwill pay the cost of putting such research in one particular repository of freely availablc papers.To a layman,this may sound neither controversial nor ground-breaking.But the crucial word is"freely".It means papers reporting Gates-sponsored research cannot be charged for.No pay walls.No journal subscriptions.That is not a new idea,but the foundation's announcement gives it teeth.It means recipients of Gates'largesse can no longer offer their papers to journals such as Nature,the New England Joiu-na!o[Medicine or the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,since reading the contents ofthese publications costs money.One criticism,in a world where most non-commercial scientific research is sponsored by governments,is that there should be no further charge for reading the results of taxpayer-funded work.Journals,in other words,should have no cover or subscription price.A second is that the process of getting a paper published takes too long.Months-sometimes years-can pass while a hopeful researcher first finds a journal willing to publish,and then waits for peer review and the negotiation of amendments.That keeps others in the field in the dark about new results for longer than is really necessary,and thus slows down the progress of science.Third,though this is less easy to prove,many researchers suspect that anonymous peer review is sometimes exploited by rivals to delay the publication of competitors'papers.Partial solutions to some of these problems have been tried.The Gates foundation is experimenting with carrots,as well as sticks.It has offered the publishers of one top-flight journal,Science$l00,000 to make papers published this year about Gates-sponsored research free to read from the beginning.If this goes well,the experiment may be extended to other publications.Similarly,there is a movement among some publishers to make papers free to the reader by charging the authors for the costs of publication-usually in the range of$2,000-$3,000 per paper.But many now think these are half-measures,and that a real revolution in the idea of scientific publishing is needed.23.The following are mentioned as criticisms to taxpayer-funded research EXCEPT
A.the unwillingness of many researchers to publish the original data.
B.the peer review process having failed to do what it should.
C.much long cycle for a paper to get published.
D.the demand of free access to scientific papers.

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[单选题]Text 1 On January lst the Bill&Melinda Gates Foundation did something that may help to change the practice of science.It brought into force a policy,foreshadowed two years earlier,that research it supports must,when published,be freely available to all.On March 23rd it followed this up by announcing that iiwill pay the cost of putting such research in one particular repository of freely availablc papers.To a layman,this may sound neither controversial nor ground-breaking.But the crucial word is"freely".It means papers reporting Gates-sponsored research cannot be charged for.No pay walls.No journal subscriptions.That is not a new idea,but the foundation's announcement gives it teeth.It means recipients of Gates'largesse can no longer offer their papers to journals such as Nature,the New England Joiu-na!o[Medicine or the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences,since reading the contents ofthese publications costs money.One criticism,in a world where most non-commercial scientific research is sponsored by governments,is that there should be no further charge for reading the results of taxpayer-funded work.Journals,in other words,should have no cover or subscription price.A second is that the process of getting a paper published takes too long.Months-sometimes years-can pass while a hopeful researcher first finds a journal willing to publish,and then waits for peer review and the negotiation of amendments.That keeps others in the field in the dark about new results for longer than is really necessary,and thus slows down the progress of science.Third,though this is less easy to prove,many researchers suspect that anonymous peer review is sometimes exploited by rivals to delay the publication of competitors'papers.Partial solutions to some of these problems have been tried.The Gates foundation is experimenting with carrots,as well as sticks.It has offered the publishers of one top-flight journal,Science$l00,000 to make papers published this year about Gates-sponsored research free to read from the beginning.If this goes well,the experiment may be extended to other publications.Similarly,there is a movement among some publishers to make papers free to the reader by charging the authors for the costs of publication-usually in the range of$2,000-$3,000 per paper.But many now think these are half-measures,and that a real revolution in the idea of scientific publishing is needed.25.The author's attitude toward free academic publication is
[单选题]Text 1 In January commuters voted Birmingham New Street one of Britain's worst railway stations.Each day nearly 150.000 people move through a structure built for half as many.But by next year it will be transformed.with 400 tonnes of undulating steel cladding and a vaguely eyeball appearance.The station will have"the wow factor",boasts Sir Albert Bore,the leader of Birmingham city council.It will also show how much attitudes to railway stations have changed.Railxvay stations are the chief exception to the rule that Britain invests too little in infrastructure.Of the I 7 big termini managed by Network Rail,the owner of Britain's tracks,11 are being redeveloped or have recently been completed.Five other stations,including Reading and Northampton,are being spruced up by local councils and Network Rail.Somc simply need to be expanded:the number of train journeys has risen by 35%since 2005.But the design of New Street suggests aspirations well beyond more easeful travel.The building would not look out of place in Dubai and is striking,if slightly incongruous,in the grey West Midlands.City planners wanted something monumental,like Grand Central station in New York,says Sir Bernard Zissman,chaiman of the independent design paneL"Twenty or thirty years ago business people were more likely to arrive in a city by car,"explains Jon Neale of Jones Lang LaSatle,a property specialist.Town planners duly carved out motorways and roundabouts to entice them.In 1962 a local politician claimed that a new design for Birmingham,involving an inner ring road,would make it"one ofthe finest city centres in Europe".Cities now measure their appeal by their stations.Businesses cluster around them:at King's Cross,a once-grimy part of north London,a postcode has been created for all the new buildings around the station,which was redeveloped in 2013.John Lewis,an upmarket department store,will open in the mall above New Street(which is indeed called"Grand Central")along with 60 0ther shops.The council hopes it will pull in visitors to the city.Such ambition recalls the stations ofthe 19th century.Those structures"spoke to the corporate sensibility of a city,"says Tristram Hunt,an MP and historian,by combining commerce with the sheen of civic pride.The first New Street station,built in 1851,had the largest single-span roofin the country at the time.It was tom down by enthusiastic 1960s town planners.Now some ofits original lustre may retum. What used to be the situation in Birmingham railway station?
A.Abstract vision.
B.The biggest one in England.
C.Steel cladding structure.
D.One of the most crowded one in Britain.
[单选题]On 03 January an irrevocable documentary credit for usd 500,000 is confirmeD. On 17 January the confirming bank receives an amendment cancelling the documentary credit which it advises to the beneficiary. As at 18 january, what is the liability of both banks? ( )
A.Issuing and confirming bank - usd 0.
B.Issuing and confirming bank usd 500,000.
C.Issuing bank - usd 0 confirming bank - usd 500,000.
D.Issuing bank - usd 500,000 confirming bank - usd 0.
[单选题]Text 4 As the nation experiences one of the worst flu seasons in years,thousands of Americans have already died from influenza,according to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.Though the season peaked in February,the CDC recently warned that we should prepare for a second wave of cases to hit before we emerge from the season entirely.Now,it appears more than 50,000 could die from the flu before the season ends.Perhaps most troubling is that this year marks a century since the deadliest viral outbreak in human history,which claimed the lives of 670,000 American men,women and children and as many as 50 to 100 million people worldwide.Among the lessons medical researchers gleaned from the catastrophic event is the critical importance of getting vaccinated.It's a lesson that much of the public continues to ignore,even as our scientific understanding of communicable diseases continues to grow.-The strain in tlus flu season,H3N2,is particularly nasty.It's similar to the HINl strain that set off the 1918 influenza pandemic,and it has resulted in high rates of death,particularly among the elderly.Researchers have struggled to create effective vaccines for the H3N2 strain;this year's flu vaccine is only about 36 percent effective at protecting against the virus,compared to an average of 45 percent over the past seven years.Nonetheless,it does provide some protection,and the unvaccinated are hit much harder without it.Earlier this year,a healthy young man from Pittsburgh did not get vaccinated and died soon afier getting the flu.While low vaccine efficacy means that those who get vaccinated can still contract the flu,it remains common sense and good civic behavior to get vaccinated.As a result of herd immunity,even low efficacy vaccines are enough to curb a pandemic from happening if vaccination rates are high.Flu vaccines did not exist during the pandemic of 1918,which is why it was so deadly.Yet year after year few Americans bother to get vaccinated.In economic terms,the herd immunity benefits of vaccination are a"public good."If I am vaccinated,I cannot exclude anyone from the herd immunity that I now offer.Similarly,someone enjoying my herd immunity does not diminish someone else's ability to enjoy my herd immunity.What typically happens when a public good like the flu vaccine is available is that many,perhaps most,people underinvest.They free ride off other people who get the vaccine.If too many people opt out of vaccination,communities become wlnerable to flu epidemics.According to the CDC,only 38 percent of the population chose to get vaccinated as ofNovember 2017.Low rates ofvaccination are particularly dangerous for children and the elderly,who are especially susceptible to influenza.As individuals,we have veU little control over the strain of the flu that emerges in a given year,or the efficacy of a vaccine,but we do have complete control over whether we get vaccinated.The public's response to a bad fiu outbreak or to low vaccine efficacy should be an increase in flu vaccinations,not a decrease.39.The author implies in the last paragraph that faced with a bad flu outbreak,
A.the public should try to enhance the efficacy of a vaccine.
B.effective vaccines should be used to control over it.
C.the public should make a quicker response to it.
D.emphasis should be laid more on vaccination than a vaccine efficacy.
[单选题]Text 2 An old saying has it that half of all advertising budgets are wasted-the trouble is,no one knows which half.In the internet age,at least in theory,this fraction can be much reduced.By watching what people search for,click on and say online,companies can aim“behavioural”ads at those most likely to buy.In the past couple of weeks a quarrel has illustrated the value to advertisers of such fine-grained information:Should advertisers assume that people are happy to be tracked and sent behavioural ads?Or should they have explicit permission?In December 2010 America's Federal Trade Cornmission(FT C)proposed adding a"do not track"(DNT)option to internet browsers,so that users could tell adwertisers that they did not want to be followed.Microsoft's Internet Explorer and Apple's Safari both offer DNT;Google's Chrome is due to do so this year.In February the FTC and Digltal Adwertising Alliance(DA A)agreed that the industry would get cracking on responging to DNT requests.On May 31st Microsoft Set off the row:It said that Internet Explorer 10,the version due to appear windows 8,would have DNT as a default.It is not yet clear how advertisers will respond.Geting a DNT signal does not oblige anyone to stop tracking,although some companies have promised to do so.Unable to tell whether someone really objects to behavioural ads or whether they are sticking with Microsoft’s default,some may ignore a DNT signal and press on anyway.Also unclear is why Microsoft has gone it alone.Atter all,it has an ad business too,which it says will comply with DNT requests,though it is still working out how.If it is trying to upset Google,which relies almost wholly on default will become the norm.DNT does not seem an obviously huge selling point for windows 8-though the firm has compared some of its other products favourably with Google's on that count before.Brendon Lynch,Microsoft's chief privacy officer,bloggde:"we believe consumers should have more control."Could it really be that simple?29.which of the following is ture according to Paragraph.6?
A.DNT may not serve its intended purpose
B.Advertisers are willing to implement DNT
C.DNT is losing its popularity among consumers
D.Advertisers are obliged to offer behavioural ads


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