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发布时间:2024-01-09 01:57:41

[单选题] Which of the following is true of life insurance companies?
A. They primarily hold long-term assets that are not particularly liquid.
B. They primarily hold short-term liquid assets.
C. Payouts to policyholders are relatively predictable.
D. Both A and C of the above are true.

更多"[单选题] Which of the following is tru"的相关试题:

[单选题] Which of the following statements are true of Treasury bills?
A. The market for Treasury bills is extremely deep and liquid.
B. Occasionally, investors find that earnings on T-bills do not compensate them for changes in purchasing power due to inflation.
C. By volume, most Treasury bills are sold to individuals who submit noncompetitive bids.
D. All of the above are true.
E. Only A and B of the above are true.
[单选题] Which of the following statements is TRUE? ( )
A. Nian can eat up all the beasts on earth at one time
B. Nian is a tall beast that likes to eat farm animals
C. Nian is afraid of paper-cuts
D. Nian doesn’t like to use his own mind.
[单选题] Which of the following are true statements about participants in the money markets?
A. Large banks participate in the money markets by selling large negotiable CDs.
B. The U.S. government and corporations borrow in the money markets because cash inflows and outflows are rarely synchronized.
C. The Federal Reserve is the single most influential participant in the U.S. money market.
D. All of the above are true.
E. Only A and B of the above are true.
[单选题] Which of the following is true regarding the Gordon growth model?
A. Dividends are assumed to grow at a constant rate forever.
B. The dividend growth rate is assumed to be greater than the required return on equity.
C. Both A and B of the above.
D. Neither A nor B of the above.
[单选题] Which of the following are true of mortgages?
A. More than 80 percent of mortgage loans finance residential home purchases.
B. The National Banking Act of 1863 rewarded banks that increased mortgage lending.
C. Most mortgages during the 1920s and 1930s were balloon loans.
D. All of the above are true.
E. Only A and C of the above are true.
[单选题] Which of the following are true of mortgage interest rates?
A. Interest rates on mortgage loans are determined by three factors: current long-term market rates, the term of the mortgage, and the number of discount points paid.
B. Mortgage interest rates tend to track along with Treasury bond rates.
C. The interest rate on 15-year mortgages is lower than the rate on 30-year mortgages, all else the same.
D. All of the above are true.
E. Only A and B of the above are true.
[单选题] Which of the following types of life insurance provides no savings element?
A. Term
B. Whole
C. Universal
D. None of the above
[单选题] Which of the following is true of mortgage interest rates?
A. Mortgage rates are closely tied to Treasury bond rates, but mortgage rates tend to stay below Treasury rates because mortgages are secured with collateral.
B. Longer-term mortgages have higher interest rates than shorter-term mortgages.
C. Interest rates are higher on mortgage loans on which lenders charge points.
D. All of the above are true.
E. Only A and B of the above are true.
[单选题] Which of the following are true for the current yield?
A. The current yield is defined as the yearly coupon payment divided by the price of the security.
B. The current yield and the yield to maturity always move together.
C. The formula for the current yield is identical to the formula describing the yield to maturity for a discount bond.
D. All of the above are true.
E. Only A and B of the above are true.
[单选题]Which one of following is the rate at which a stock's price is expected to appreciate?
A. Current yield
B. Total return
C. Dividend yield
D. Capital gains yield
E. Coupon rate
Difficulty: 1 Easy
Topic: Stock dividends
Learning Objective: 08-01 Explain how stock prices depend on future dividends and dividend growth.
[单选题] Which life insurance policy usually requires the insured to pay a level premium for the duration of the policy, and the overpayment accumulates as a cash value that can be borrowed by the insured at reasonable rates?
A. Whole life
B. Term
C. Universal life
D. None of the above
[单选题] Which of the following financial intermediaries are depository institutions?
A. A savings and loan association
B. A commercial bank
C. A credit union
D. All of the above
E. Only A and C of the above
[单选题] Which of the following statements regarding the funding of Social Security is false?
A. In 2010, workers contributed 6.2% of their wages up to a maximum of $106,800.
B. Employers contribute an amount equal to the workers' contributions.
C. Interest, dividend, rent, and royalty income are also taxed to provide supplemental funds for Social Security.
D. Contributions exceeding the amounts paid to current Social Security recipients are invested in Treasury bonds to build up a Social Security trust fund.
[填空题]Which of the following description is correct about the standard precaution?


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