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发布时间:2024-07-08 06:44:53

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Smartphone Customers Up for Grab

About 10 years ago I met an advertising executive in New York who explained the difficulty of advertising a new brand of deodorant(除臭剂)to consumers."Most people never change their deodorant,"I remember him saying,"They pick one brand when they are young,and stick with it for a long,long time.If it works,why switch?"
The same theory can be applied________(46)Once they have picked a type of phone, whether it's Apple iOS,Google Android or something else,it's difficult,and often expensive,to switch.Consumers become comfortable with the interface and design of the phone and the apps they have purchased on that platform.________(47)
That is why the race to pull in smartphone buyers is going to be especially severe over the next 18 to 24 months.________(48)there are still hundreds of millions of mobile phone owners around the world who have yet to move from a standard mobile or feature phone to its smarter,more
intelligent big brother:the smartphone.
Yet the change is happening at a much quicker pace than technology analysts and companies originally theorized.A report issued this week by Nielsen,the market research firm,found that among Americans________(49)55 percent opted for a smartphone.This is up from 34 percent a year ago.
At this point,who will lead that market is not up for debate.Android has been growing at a pace no one could have imagined,even Google.The company said this week that it now activates more than 500,000 Android devices each day.
Mr. Llamas said Apple,which changed the smartphone game in 2007 when it introduced the iPhone,potentially has a ceiling with consumers as its mobile phone is often more expensive than those of its competitors.
Although millions of customers flock to Apple products for their beauty,simplicity and powerful brand,many can't afford a new iPhone.This could change________(50)As some analysts expect. "Right now the iPhone only comes in one flavor;it's not like other Apple products like the iPod where there are several different sizes,shapes and prices,"Mr. Llamas said. _______(46)
A.Although it may seem that everyone owns a smartphone these days,
B.if Apple offers a less expensive model of the iPhone later this year.
C.to customers who are making the switch to smartphones today.
D.who purchased a new mobile phone in the last three months,
E.The smartphone race is still raging.
F.If it works,why switch?

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 Smartphone Customers "的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 Smartphone Customers Up for Grab

About 10 years ago I met an advertising executive in New York who explained the difficulty of advertising a new brand of deodorant(除臭剂)to consumers."Most people never change their deodorant,"I remember him saying,"They pick one brand when they are young,and stick with it for a long,long time.If it works,why switch?"
The same theory can be applied________(46)Once they have picked a type of phone, whether it's Apple iOS,Google Android or something else,it's difficult,and often expensive,to switch.Consumers become comfortable with the interface and design of the phone and the apps they have purchased on that platform.________(47)
That is why the race to pull in smartphone buyers is going to be especially severe over the next 18 to 24 months.________(48)there are still hundreds of millions of mobile phone owners around the world who have yet to move from a standard mobile or feature phone to its smarter,more
intelligent big brother:the smartphone.
Yet the change is happening at a much quicker pace than technology analysts and companies originally theorized.A report issued this week by Nielsen,the market research firm,found that among Americans________(49)55 percent opted for a smartphone.This is up from 34 percent a year ago.
At this point,who will lead that market is not up for debate.Android has been growing at a pace no one could have imagined,even Google.The company said this week that it now activates more than 500,000 Android devices each day.
Mr. Llamas said Apple,which changed the smartphone game in 2007 when it introduced the iPhone,potentially has a ceiling with consumers as its mobile phone is often more expensive than those of its competitors.
Although millions of customers flock to Apple products for their beauty,simplicity and powerful brand,many can't afford a new iPhone.This could change________(50)As some analysts expect. "Right now the iPhone only comes in one flavor;it's not like other Apple products like the iPod where there are several different sizes,shapes and prices,"Mr. Llamas said. _______(50)
A.Although it may seem that everyone owns a smartphone these days,
B.if Apple offers a less expensive model of the iPhone later this year.
C.to customers who are making the switch to smartphones today.
D.who purchased a new mobile phone in the last three months,
E.The smartphone race is still raging.
F.If it works,why switch?
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Smartphone Customers up for Grab

About 10 years ago I met an advertising executive in New York who explained the difficulty of advertising a new brand of deodorant(除臭剂)to consumers."Most people never change their deodorant,"I remember him saying."They pick one brand when they are young,and stick with it for a long,long time.If it works,why switch?"
The same theory can be applied_______(46)Once they have picked a type of phone,whether it's Apple iOS,Google Android or something else,it's difficult,and often expensive,to switch? Consumers become comfortable with the interface and design of the phone and the apps they have purchased on that platform._______(47)
That is why the race to pull in smartphone buyers is going to be especially severe over the next 18 to 24 months._______(48)there are still hundreds of millions of mobile phone owners around the world who have yet to move from a standard mobile or feature phone to its smarter,more intelligent big brother:the smartphone.
Yet the change is happening at a much quicker pace than technology analysts and companies originally theorized.A report issued this week by Nielsen,the market research firm,found that among Americans_______(49)55 percent opted for a smartphone.This is up from 34 percent a year ago.
At this point,who will lead that market is not up for debate.Android has been growing at a pace no one could have imagined,even Google.The company said this week that it now activates more than 500,000 Android devices each day.
Mr. llamas said Apple,which changed the smartphone game in 2007 when it introduced the iPhone,potentially has a ceiling with consumers as its mobile phone is often more expensive than those of its competitors.
Although millions of customers flock to Apple products for their beauty,simplicity and powerful brand,many can't afford a new iPhone.This could change_______(50)as some analysts expect. "Right now the iPhone only comes in one flavor;it's not like other Apple products like the iPod where there are several different sizes,shapes and prices,"Mr. Llamas said. ________(50)
A.Although it may seem that everyone owns a smartphone these days,
B.if Apple offers a less expensive model of the iPhone later this year,
C.to customers who are making the switch to smartphones today.
D.who purchased a new mobile phone in the last three months
E.The smartphone race is still raging.
F.If it works,why switch?
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Operation Migration
If you look up at the sky in the early fall in the northern part of North America,you may see groups of birds.These birds are flying south to places where they can find food and warmth for the winter.They are migrating(迁徙).The young birds usually learn to migrate from their parents.They follow their parents south.In one unusual case,however,the young birds are following something very different.These birds are young whooping cranes,and they are following an airplane!
The whooping crane is the largest bird that is native to North America.These birds al-most disappeared in the 1800s.By 1941,there were only about 20 cranes alive.In the 1970s, people were worried that these creatures were in danger of disappearing completely.As a result,the United States indentified whooping cranes as an endangered species that they needed to protect.
Some researchers tried to help.They began to breed whooping cranes in special parks to increase the number of birds.This plan was successful.There were a lot of new baby birds.As the birds became older,the researchers wanted to return them to nature.However,there was a problem:These young birds did not know how to migrate.They needed human help.
In 2001,some people had a creative idea.They formed an organization called Operation Migration.This group decided to use very light airplanes,instead of birds,to lead the young whooping cranes on their first trip south.They painted each airplane to look like a whooping crane.Even the pilots wore special clothing to make them look like cranes.The cranes began to trust the airplanes,and the plan worked.
Today,planes still lead birds across approximately 1,200 miles(1,931 kilometers), from the United States-Canadian border to the Gulf of Mexico.They leave the birds at differ-ent sites.If a trip is successful,the birds can travel on their own in the future.Then,when these birds become parents,they will teach their young to migrate.The people of Operation Migration think this is the only way to maintain the whooping crane population.
Operation Migration works with several other organizations and government institutes.Together,they assist hundreds of cranes each year.However,some experts predict that soon,this won't be necessary.Thanks to Operation Migration and its partners,the crane population will continue to migrate.Hopefully,they won't need human help any more. If operation Migration is successful,whooping cranes will______.
A.learn to migrate on their own
B.follow airplanes south every year
C.live in Canada all year round
D.be unable to fly back


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