Passage Four
When an icon (偶像) lasts for more than a century, there is a reason. But what is it about the teddy bear that makes it a lasting symbol in our society Trends experts say that when an icon is rooted in reality, when people grow to love it, and when it represents something larger, it tends to last.
America’s affair with the teddy bear began in the fall of 1902 when then-President Theodore Roosevelt went on a bear hunting trip in the South. He had no luck till the fifth day when he spotted a bear and raised his rifle to shoot--then lowered it when he saw a baby bear in the line of fire, eating honey from its paws. Roosevelt is reputed to have said, "I don’t shoot baby bears." Another story has Roosevelt refusing to shoot a wounded bear.
Washington Post cartoonist Clifford Berryman depicted the bear incidents and began using bears in many political cartoons on many subjects. Soon toy and novelty makers started creating
A. naming it after President Roosevelt
B. designing a series of teddy bear toys
C. representing its stories in political cartoons
D. representing it on greeting cards
In Washington D. C. , 1600 Pennsylvania
Avenue is a very special address. It is the address of the White House, the home
of the president of the United States. Originally the White House was gray and was called the presidential Palace. It was built from 1792 to 1800. At this time, the city of Washington itself was being built It was to be the nation’s new capital city. George Washington, the first president, and Pierre Charles L’ Enfant, a French engineer, chose the place for A. painted gray and white B. made of gray stone C. made of white stone D. made very warm in winter [多选题]禁止将氧气瓶与( )放在一起运送。
A.乙炔气瓶 B.易燃物品 C.装有可燃气体的容器 D.装有可燃液体的容器 [单选题]在开展优质服务活动中,正确认识和处理服务与( )的关系。
A.效率 B.效益 C.个人形象 D.企业形象 [判断题]在燃烧反应过程中,如果发生的燃烧产物不能再燃烧,则称为不完全燃烧,其燃烧产物称为不完全燃烧产物。( )(中)
A.正确 B.错误 [单项选择]基础的“埋深”是指( )。
A. 从室外设计地面到基础顶面的深度 B. 从室外设计地面到基础底面的深度 C. 从室内设计地面到基础顶面的深度 D. 从室内设计地面到基础底面的深度 [单选题]遇列车调度电话不通,需改用电话闭塞法以及恢复基本闭塞法时,两端车站值班员直接以( )办理,并通知司机。
A.车站值班干部命令 B.安全生产指挥中心指示 C.电话记录 [判断题]分乘与旅行变更同时发生时,按分乘票数核收一次手续费。( )
A.正确 B.错误 [多选题]操作人员在设备设施的维护安全管理中要做到“四懂”是指( )。
A.A、懂结构 B.B、懂维护 C.C、懂原理 D.D、懂性能 E.E、懂用途 我来回答: 提交