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发布时间:2023-11-30 05:15:54

[单选题]I’ve already told you that I′ m going to buy it, ____________
A.however much it costs
B.how much does it cost
C.however does it cost much
D.no matter how it costs

更多"[单选题]I’ve already told you that I′ "的相关试题:

[单选题]You don't know what you've got till it's gone,Joni Mitchell rold us.So now that the 2018 Nobel Prize in Literature will be postponed-it seems worth asking what,exactly,the prize gives us.For decades,the choices of the Swedish Academy have failed to provoke much interest from American publishers and readers.This i.s not just because American readers are resistant to fiction in translation,as publishers often complain.On the contrary,over the last two decades,many foreign writers have made a major impact on American literature.But then,the failure of the Swedish Academy to reflect the actual judgment of literary history is nothing new.If you drew a Venn diagram showing the winners of the Nobel Prize in one circle and the most influential and widely read 20th-century writers in the other,their area of overlap would be surprisingly small.Does this mean that a different group of critics and professors in a bigger,more diverse country woulcl have done a better job at picking the winners?Very possibly.In the mind of the general public,the Nobel basically descends from the sky to bless the winner.But it is nothing more or less than the decision of a particular group of readers,with their own strengths and weaknesses.And the problem with the Nobel Prize in Literature goes deeper.No matter who is in the room where it happens,the Nobel Prize is based on the idea that merit can best be determined by a small group of specialists.This may make sense for the prizes in the sciences,since those fields are less than penetrable to anyone but fellow practitioners.Even in the sciences,however,there is a growing sense that the tradition of awarding the prize to just one or two people distoris the way modern science is actually practiced today:Most important discoveries are the work of teams,not of individual geniuses brooding in isolation.Literature is at least produced by individual authors;but in this case,the Nobel's reliance on seemingly expert judgment runs into a different problem.For literature is not addressed to an audience of experts;it is open to the judgment of every reader.Nor is literature proZressive,with new discoveries replacing old ones:Homer is just as groundbreaking today as he was 2,500 years ago.This makes it impossible to rank literary works according to an objective standard of superiority.Good criticism helps people to find the books that will speak to them,but it doesn't attempt to simply name"the most outstanding work,"in the way the Nobel Prize does.A book earns the status of a classic,not because it is approved by a committee or put on a syllabus,but simply because a lot of people like it for a long time.Literary reputation can only emerge on the free market,not through central planning. Which of the following is true of the Nobel Prize in Literature according to Para.3?
A.Its judges are narrow-minded.
B.lts value is overstated by the public.
C.Its decision is interfered by amateurs.
D.Its rewards for the winners are falling.
[单选题]Tony, you’ve got a fever. You_______ that cold shower last night. A.might not have
A.could have haD
B.hadn’t have
C.shouldn’t have ha
[单选题]Make sure you've got the passports and tickets and ___________ before you leave.
[单选题]Tony, you′ ve got a fever. You__________ that cold shower last night.
A.might not have
B.could have had
C.hadn't have
D.shouldn't have had
[单选题]"I think you've made a mistake,"he said mildly.
[单选题]--You′ ve made big progress, but it is not good enough. --Yes, so I should try ___________.
[简答题]It's impossible not to like imho.If you've spent any time online,you've seen the word at least a dozen times.It usually sets off an opinion from the text around it Those jeans don't look very good imho But it's a pliable little devil.Depending on its context,imho can function as a gentle nudge or a punch in the gut.It can ease you into the persuasive mode:This is all smart but imho you need to talk to him again.It can spring-load sarcasm:imho this column is Absolutely Correct.It can set off a punch line:Nuclear war sounds pretty bad imho.Much like lol or omg,it can convey a huge range of possible meanings.It can even be a little phatic Yet on we ednesday imho suffered an apparent crisis.Employees at BuzzFeed reportedly coule not agree on what the letters in imho represented.Some staffers claimed they meant"in my humble opinion."Others said that imho stood for"in my honest opinion.They turned it into content and posted a poll(which is silly,because democracy alone cannot determine correct usage).The debate soon metastasized across the English-speaking internet At press time,their poll showed"honest"in the lead with about 11,000 more votes.Here at The Atlantic,my colleague Alexis Madrigal has already weighed in on the debate:According to dozens guidebooks dating back to the early days of the internet,imho stands for in my humble opinion.What's more,there are many books that list humble alone,and many that list humble and honest.But there are none that list only honest Etymologically speaking,Alexis is correct.The h in imho clearly did originate from humble.But he's wrong about what imho means today.Sorry,Alexis-I'm just being honest.Think about it Honest and humble have two wildly different meanings.They’re not even talking about the same quality Honest conveys something about the truth value of the statement that follows.Humble communicates its tone and emotional charge If imho could legitimately mean either humble or honestand half of us have been using it one way,and the other half the other-then we live in semantic anarchy.We were all typing,clickety-clacking with our fingers,but we werent communicating anything.If imho can mean humble or honest,then the internet is full of noise and empty of soul But of course this isn't the case.We all know what imho means It is a set of letters that can introduce friendly advice,a stern caesura,or a joke.In other words,imho is a word.It joins the many other initialisms that have been ratified into ordinary words:snafu,radar,laser,zip code.Specifically,imho is a discourse marker-a word or phrase like however,well,or anyway that acts as glue in a piece of writing.And it's a pretty good word imho.It's a lot cuter than the other discourse markers.But then again,what do I know?I'm not a linguist or anything fwiw.
[单选题]You never told us why you were late for the party,
A.weren’t you
B.didn’t you
C.had you
D.did you
[单选题]“Rex told me you have moved.” “Yes,into a_______.”
A.two-storey house
B.house of two story
C.house of two stories
D.two-stories house
[单选题]—I‘ve been told to pay the rent. —But it‘s already been pai D.It______by someone else.
A.must be
B.may be
C.must be paid
D.must have been paid
[单选题]—I‘ve be en told to pay the rent. —But it‘s already been paid.It______by someone else.
A.must be
B.may be
C.must be paid
D.must have been paid


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