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发布时间:2024-01-19 01:09:27

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇

Credit Card Only Works When Spoken To

A credit card that will not work unless it hears its owner's voice could become an
important weapon in the fight against fraud(欺骗).
The card requires users to give a spoken password that it recognizes using a built-in
voice-recognition chip.The idea is to prevent thieves using a stolen card or fraudsters using
someone else's credit card details to buy goods online.
A model built by engineers at Beepcard in Santa Monica,California,represents the
first attempt to pack a microphone,a loudspeaker,a battery and a voice-recognition chip
into a standard-sized credit card.
They are not quite there yet:the card is the length and width of an ordinary credit card,
but it is still about three times as thick.The company now plans to make it thinner.
The voice card is based on an earlier Beepcard technology designed to prevent fraud in
online transactions.This earlier card has no microphone,but has a built-in loudspeaker
that it uses to " squawk"(发出叫声)a voice ID signal via a computer's microphone to an
online server.
By verifying(证实)that the signal matches the card details,the server can establish
that the user is not simply keying in a credit card number but actually has the card to hand.
The ID code changes each time the card is used in a pre-ordered sequence that only the server knows.
This prevents fraudsters recording the beeps, noting the card details and then playing
back the audible ID when they key in the details later.But this earlier technology cannot
prevent fraudulent use of stolen cards.The new one can.
The new voice card also identifies itself by its ID squawk,but it will not do this until it
has verified the legitimate(合法的)user's spoken password. Thieves will be unable to use
the card because even if they knew the password they would have to be able to copy the
owner's voice with a high degree of accuracy.
The challenge for Beepcard has been to develop voice-recognition and audio circuitry
that can be powered by a mini battery embedded(嵌入的)in a credit card. To maximize
battery life,the electronics are only switched on when the card is being used.Pressing a
button on the card's surface prompts it to utter "Say your password" in female voice.If the
voice-recognition software proves that the password is authentic(真实的),it sends its ID
squawk which the server then identifies,allowing the transaction to proceed. What can we learn from the last paragraph about the voice card?
A.Only female voice passwords could be recognized.
B.Further improvement should be made to extend battery life.
C.There is no!imit to its application.
D.Female customers like to use it.

更多"[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇Credit Card Only W"的相关试题:

[不定项选择题]共用题干 第二篇

Credit Card Only Works When Spoken To

A credit card that will not work unless it hears its owner's voice could become an
important weapon in the fight against fraud(欺骗).
The card requires users to give a spoken password that it recognizes using a built-in
voice-recognition chip.The idea is to prevent thieves using a stolen card or fraudsters using
someone else's credit card details to buy goods online.
A model built by engineers at Beepcard in Santa Monica,California,represents the
first attempt to pack a microphone,a loudspeaker,a battery and a voice-recognition chip
into a standard-sized credit card.
They are not quite there yet:the card is the length and width of an ordinary credit card,
but it is still about three times as thick.The company now plans to make it thinner.
The voice card is based on an earlier Beepcard technology designed to prevent fraud in
online transactions.This earlier card has no microphone,but has a built-in loudspeaker
that it uses to " squawk"(发出叫声)a voice ID signal via a computer's microphone to an
online server.
By verifying(证实)that the signal matches the card details,the server can establish
that the user is not simply keying in a credit card number but actually has the card to hand.
The ID code changes each time the card is used in a pre-ordered sequence that only the server knows.
This prevents fraudsters recording the beeps, noting the card details and then playing
back the audible ID when they key in the details later.But this earlier technology cannot
prevent fraudulent use of stolen cards.The new one can.
The new voice card also identifies itself by its ID squawk,but it will not do this until it
has verified the legitimate(合法的)user's spoken password. Thieves will be unable to use
the card because even if they knew the password they would have to be able to copy the
owner's voice with a high degree of accuracy.
The challenge for Beepcard has been to develop voice-recognition and audio circuitry
that can be powered by a mini battery embedded(嵌入的)in a credit card. To maximize
battery life,the electronics are only switched on when the card is being used.Pressing a
button on the card's surface prompts it to utter "Say your password" in female voice.If the
voice-recognition software proves that the password is authentic(真实的),it sends its ID
squawk which the server then identifies,allowing the transaction to proceed. What is the advantage of the new voice card?
A.It recognizes only its owner's spoken password.
B.It doesn't need to work with an on!mne server.
C.It requires less ID information.
D.It has a playback function.
[不定项选择题]Man can eventually land on Venus only when
A.the algae have done their work
B.the atmosphere becomes cooler
C.there is oxygen
D.it rains there
[不定项选择题]共用题干 When We Are Asleep

Everyone dreams,but some people never recall their dreams,or do so very rarely.
Other people always wake up with vivid recollections(记忆)of their dreams, though they
forget them very quickly.In an average night of eight hours' sleep,an average adult will
dream for around one hundred minutes,probably having three to five dreams,each lasting
from ten to thirty minutes.
Scientists can detect when someone is having a dream by using an instrument which
measures the electrical waves in the brain.During dreaming,these waves move more
quickly.Breathing and pulse rate also increase,and there are rapid eye movements under
the lids,just as though the dreamer were really looking at moving objects.These signs of
dreaming have been detected in all mammals(哺乳动物)studied, including dogs,
monkeys, cats, and elephants, and also some birds and reptiles(爬行动物).This period
of sleep is called the"D"state.Babies experience the"D"state for around 50%of their
sleep;the period reduces to around 25%by the age of 10.
Dreams take the form of stories,but they may be strange and with incidents not
connected,which make little sense.Dreams are seldom without people in them and they
are usually about people we know.One estimate says that two-thirds of the"cast"of our
dream dramas are friends and relations.Vision seems an essential part of dreams,except
for people blind from birth.Sound and touch are senses also often aroused,but smell and
taste are not frequently involved.In"normal"dreams,the dreamer may be taking part,or
be only an observer. But he or she cannot control what happens in the dream.
However,the dreamer does have control over one type of dream.This type of dream is
called a "lucid"(清醒的)dream. Not everyone is a lucid dreamer. Some people are
occasional lucid dreamers.Others can dream lucidly more or less all the time.In a lucid
dream,the dreamer knows that he is dreaming. In a lucid dream we can use Morse code to communicate with others.
C.Not mentioned
[不定项选择题]共用题干 When Teen Dating Turns Abusive and Violent

When teens start dating,parents' worries grow.__________(46)Nearly 10 percent of teenagers experience some form of violence in their dating relationships,according to the U.S.Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.
Dating violence encompasses physical,emotional and sexual abuse,the CDC notes.___________ (47)A study in the January issue of Pediatrics found that teens who had experienced dating violence were more likely to binge drink,smoke,have depression symptoms,think about suicide and experience additional intimate partner violence than were their peers who'd never experienced dating violence.
Often,though,abusive behavior starts with teasing and name-calling,which teens may see as a normal part of a relationship but which,according to the CDC,can lead to more serious violence, such as hitting or rape.
Nancy Diaz,a domestic violence consultant who has provided services to Outreach in New York City,said that when she explains verbal abuse to teens,many think it's just normal conversation. __________(48) "It's the cycle of violence,"Diaz said.
If a teen girl slaps a teen boy,the boy often says it's not abuse because it doesn't hurt,but Diaz explains that it is._________(49)"That's rape,but the girls don't think of it as rape,"Diaz said.
For parents,protection starts with knowing the person their teen is dating."Invite them in,or offer to drive them somewhere," Diaz said."Just make sure you know who they're connecting with."__________(50)"Look for sores,bruises or scratches,and check out what they're doing on social media like Facebook." ________(50)
A.Often their own mothers,who may be young,have spoken to them in just that way.
B.Beyond the immediate effects of violent relationships,longer-range impacts loom.
C.She said that some gangs initiate girls by forcing them to have sex with all of the gang's members.
D.Many violent relationships bring much physical harm.
E.Discovering that abuse is occurring can be hard,but"watch out for social isolation,with-drawal from friends and activities,"Diaz said.
F.Experts say that dating violence should be on their list of concerns.
[不定项选择题]共用题干 Family History
In an age when technology is developing faster than ever before,many people are being ______(1)to the idea of looking back into the past.One way they can do this is by investigating their own family history.They can try to______(2) out more about where their families came from and what they did.This is now a fastgrowing hobby,especially in countries with a______(3) short history,like Australia and the United States.
It is______(4)thing to spend some time______(5) through a book on family history and to take the______(6)to investigate your own family's past.It is______(7) another to carry out the research work successfully.It is easy to set about it in a disorganized way and______(8) yourself many problems which could have been______(9)with a little forward planning.
If your own family stories tell you that you are______(10) with a famous character,whether hero or criminal,do not let this idea take over your research.Just______(11) it as an interesting possibility.A simple system______(12)collecting and storing your information will be adequate to start with;a more complex one may only get in your______(13).The most important thing, though,is to______(14)started.Who knows what you ______(15) find? 8._________


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