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发布时间:2024-10-01 02:28:53

[单选题]In order to avoid overshooting the altitude, due to speedbrake retraction in ALT* mode, retract the speedbrakes at least ???____ft before the selected altitude.  

更多"[单选题]In order to avoid overshooting"的相关试题:

[单选题]If the radio altitude indications fluctuate or GPWS warnings are activated during taxi on contaminated runways,
A. disregard it because the radio altimeters may not compute any dat
B. check the MEL
C. taxi back to check the pitot probes.
[单选题]optimum altitude is:
A. The altitude at which the airplane covers the maximum distance per kilogram (pound) of fuel (best specific range).
B. The highest altitude the aircraft can reach with step clim
C. The maximum altitude at maximum cruise thrust in level flight and maximum altitude at maximum climb thrust with 300 ft/min vertical speed and 0.3 g margin.
[单选题]Maximum altitude is:
A. The altitude at which the airplane covers the maximum distance per kilogram (pound) of fuel (best specific range).
B. The highest altitude the aircraft can reach with step clim
C. The maximum altitude at maximum cruise thrust in level flight and maximum altitude at maximum climb thrust with 300 ft/min vertical speed and 0.3 g margin.
[单选题]Altitude warning is composed of C chord sound and PFD’s altitude window pulses in yellow or flashes in amber. Which of the following is correct?
A. FWC generates altitude warning when the aircraft approaches a preselected altitude or flight level or when it deviates from its selected altitude or flight level
B. This warning results from a comparison between the altitude (ADIRS) and the preselected altitude displayed on FCU.
C. Both of the above
[单选题]If FCU selected altitude is equal to or close to the acceleration altitude, then the FMA will switch ____.
A. From SRS to CLB
B. From SRS to OP CLB
C. From SRS to ALT*
[单选题]The maximum normal cabin altitude:
[单选题]The runway altitude limitation for normal takeoff is ____ft.
[单选题]When difference between the altitude, displayed on the CAPT and F/O PFD, is greater than ____, local warning CHECK ALT will appeared on PFD.
A. A. 500 ft, if BARO ref STD is selected or 250 ft, if QNH (or QFE) is selected
B. B. 500 ft, if BARO ref STD or QNH (or QFE) is selected
C. C. 250 ft, if BARO ref STD or QNH (or QFE) is selected
[单选题]About standby speed and standby altitude replacing normal speed and altitude, which of the followings is correct?
A. It will happen when all three ADR are off
B. The standby speed is based on AOA value and slat/flap configuration. The standby altitude is GPS altitude
C. Both of the above
[单选题]On what cabin altitude will digital presentation pulses?
A. Above or equal to 9550 feet.
B. Above or equal to 8600 feet.
C. Above or equal to 8800 feet.
[单选题]The green filled circle next to the altitude indication represents linear deviation. Which of the followings is correct?
A. This symbol appears next to the altitude corresponding to the theoretical vertical profile computed by the FMGC. It is displayed from the top of descent down to the MAP altitude.
B. The flight crew can read the linear deviation directly from the altitude scale. The range is±500 ft.
C. Both of the above
[单选题]Maximum flight altitude when flaps/slats extended is:
A. 15000ft
B. 18000ft
C. 20000ft
[单选题]Maximum altitude at which the landing gear may be extended is ____ft.
[单选题]Maximum altitude of APU bleed for one pack is:
A. 39800ft
B. 15000ft
C. 22500ft
[单选题]As a general rule, an altitude that is ft below the optimum flight level produces a significant penalty (approximately 5 % of fuel).
[单选题]Maximum altitude of APU bleed for two pack is:
A. 39000ft
B. 15000ft
C. 22500ft
[单选题]The EGPWS uses the geometric altitude. The geometric altitude is calculated by means of a specific algorithm that uses data from the terrain database and the following as inputs:
A. A. The pressure altitude, radio altitude
B. B. The GPS altitude, radio altitude
C. C. The pressure altitude, GPS altitude, radio altitude
[单选题]In case of altitude failure, what will happen to barometric altimeter?
A. altitude scale will be out of view
B. red ALT flag will be displayed
C. Both of the above
[单选题]Flight 8 000 ft below the optimum altitude produces a penalty of more than against trip fuel.


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