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发布时间:2024-07-15 18:55:08

[填空题]Mr.Smith paid much money for the suit.
Mr.Smith ______ much money On the suit.

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[简答题]Mr.Smith paid much money for the suit.
Mr.Smith ______ much money On the suit.


Mr John has paid much attention to his weight reduction programs. Just last year, for example, when he was the main speaker at the company dinner, he said he had put on 30 pounds instead of losing the forty he had promised he would.
The year before that, he joined a health club. He exercised every day and ate less food. After three months however be began making excuses about why he couldn’t go there more often.
As the health club failed to work, he joined Weight Watchers but stopped going because he was the only man there. And he hates following any of the diet programs. John’s latest action is to join a walking club to "walk off" the weight.

He was( )when he spoke at the company dinner last year.
A. lighter than the year before
B. heavier than the year before
C. with the Weight Watchers
D. planning to go on diet
[单项选择]How much will he be paid a week
A. $116 a week.
B. $160 a week.
C. $150 a week.
[单项选择]A. She spends too much money.
B. She likes money too much.
C. She enjoys going out for shopping.
D. She likes to argue about shopping.
How much money does the man need
A. (A) Fourteen dollars.
B. (B) Fifteen dollars.
C. (C) Forty dollars.
D. (D) Fifty dollars.
[单项选择]How much will him be paid a week( ).
A. 116 a week.
B. 160 a week.
C. 150 a week.
[单项选择]In the woman’s opinion, who paid the money spent on advertisements()
A. Advertisers. 
B. Manufacturers. 
C. Customers. 
D. Sellers.
[单项选择]How much money will he lend to Kate
A. Fifteen dollars.
B. Fifty dollars.
C. Thirty-five dollars.
[单项选择]How much money does the clerk owe the woman
A. $ 3.
B. $ 15.
C. $ 11.
D. $ 4.
[单项选择]Although they could earn much money, businessmen used to be regarded as( )with a lower social status even than that of farmers.
A. miserly
B. arduous
C. eminent
D. generous
[单项选择]Happiness is directly related to how much money we make. We’ve known that for a while. So it shouldn’t be surprising that our earnings also correlate with suicide rates. A new paper from the San Francisco Federal Reserve shows that, all else being equal, suicide risks are higher in wealthier neighborhoods, a morbid demonstration of the folly of trying to "keep up with the Joneses."
Daniel Wilson, senior economist at the San Francisco Fed, and two co-authors found that for two individuals with the same income but living in two different counties, the one who lives in the county with a higher average income is 4.5% more likely to commit suicide. At first it might seem surprising, but it begins to make sense when you think about how we tend to compare ourselves to those around us.
You might assume that suicide rates would be elevated in lower-income neighborhoods and counties, and the study’s authors do point to findings that higher income generally lowers suicide risk. For exam
A. suicide risk also relates to one’s work status.
B. making less than $34,000 means a higher suicide risk.
C. each dollar above $75,000 is effective on happiness.
D. income from $34,000 to $102,000 weighs a little influence.


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