发布时间:2023-10-16 03:49:33

[单项选择]Just as the soil is a part of the earth, ______ the atmosphere.
A. as it is
B. the same is
C. so is
D. and equally is

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Escaping from the Earth
The Earth has a force that pulls things toward itself. We call this force gravity(地心引力). This is something we live with all the time, and we take it for granted and hardly ever think about it. But it is a most important factor in rocket operation and must be overcome if we are to get anywhere in space, or off the ground at all.
Take the throwing of a hall as an example. The harder the ball is thrown, the faster and higher it will go. What is the secret Its speed. If we could throw the ball hard enough it would go up and up forever and never come down. The speed at which it would have to be thrown to do this is known as escape speed. Of course, we cannot throw a ball hard enough because the speed required to escape completely from the Earth’s gravity is seven miles per second, or over twenty-five thousand miles per hour.
Once escape speed has been reached by a spacecraft(宇宙飞船), no further power is needed. A rocket aimed
A. To travel as fast as it can.
B. To overcome the Earth gravity.
C. To get away from the air resistance.
D. To have strong power in its operation.

[简答题]The interview--about 2 minutes In this part the interlocutor asks questions to each of the candidates in turn. You have to give information about yourself and express personal opinions.
[填空题]Compared with the dry, oxidized soil in Moscow, the water-logged soil in Novgorod is favorable to ________.
[填空题]Most theories about the evolution of Earth have the same general point of view.

[填空题]The greenhouse effect has warmed the Earth when the Earth came into being.

[单项选择]San Francisco is located on the central part of the California shoreline. It is a principal gate ()
A. to the East
B. to the West
C. to the North
D. to the South
[多项选择]Why a company might relocate to another part of the same country
[简答题]Discussion--about 5 minutes In this part of the test the examiner reads out a scenario and gives you some prompt material in the form of pictures or words. You have 30 seconds to look at the prompt card, an example of which is below, and then about 2 minutes to discuss the scenario with your partner. After that the examiner will ask you more questions related to the topic. For two or three candidates {{B}}Scenario{{/B}} I’m going to describe a situation. Your company is planning to hold a new product launch. Talk together about the topic the company could arrange in the product launch and decide which 3 you think are most important. Here are some ideas to help you. {{B}}Prompt material{{/B}} · Advertisement · Posters · Market prespect · Raw material · Output · Cost · Consumer
[单项选择]How to approach Listening Test Part Three · In this part you listen twice to a long conversation, interview or monologue, and answer eight questions. · Before you listen, read the questions. Think about what will be said. · Note all possible answers as you listen for the first time. Do not make an immediate decision. · Listen for overall meaning. Do not choose an answer just because you hear the same words in the recording as in the question. · Decide on your final answer only after you have listened for the second time. · You will hear Katherine and Andrew, students at a business school, discussing their experiences and views of business. · For each question 23 - 30, mark one. letter (A, B or C) for the correct answer. · You will hear the recording twice.What does she think is the purpose of the latest course exercise A. to improve understanding of strategy B. to extend knowledge of branding issues C. to increase ability to evaluate data


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