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发布时间:2024-02-29 03:51:29

[填空题]Most theories about the evolution of Earth have the same general point of view.

更多"Most theories about the evolution o"的相关试题:

[填空题]What do we know about sea Most of us have seen it. Many of us have swum in it. We know that it looks very pretty when the sun is shining on it. And we also know that the sea is full of waves. Waves are beautiful to look at, but they can (11) ships at sea, as well as houses and buildings near the shore. What causes waves Most waves are caused by winds blowing over the (12) of the water. The sun heats the earth, causing the air to rise and the winds to blow. The winds blow across the sea, pushing little waves into enormous ones. When the wind is blowing at 120 (13) per hour, most waves will be about 12 meters high. In 1933 the United States (14) the largest measured wave in history. It rose in the Pacific Ocean to a (15) of 34 meters.
[单项选择]Most of O.Henry’s stories are about the life of the poor in ( ).
A. Washington
B. New York
C. Hawaii
D. Seattle

Escaping from the Earth
The Earth has a force that pulls things toward itself. We call this force gravity(地心引力). This is something we live with all the time, and we take it for granted and hardly ever think about it. But it is a most important factor in rocket operation and must be overcome if we are to get anywhere in space, or off the ground at all.
Take the throwing of a hall as an example. The harder the ball is thrown, the faster and higher it will go. What is the secret Its speed. If we could throw the ball hard enough it would go up and up forever and never come down. The speed at which it would have to be thrown to do this is known as escape speed. Of course, we cannot throw a ball hard enough because the speed required to escape completely from the Earth’s gravity is seven miles per second, or over twenty-five thousand miles per hour.
Once escape speed has been reached by a spacecraft(宇宙飞船), no further power is needed. A rocket aimed
A. To travel as fast as it can.
B. To overcome the Earth gravity.
C. To get away from the air resistance.
D. To have strong power in its operation.

[单项选择]Several theories of evolution had historically preceded that of Charles Darwin, although he expounded upon the stages of development.
A. found fault with
B. explained in detail
C. outlined briefly
D. offered in published form
[简答题]To improve higher education, the most important thing we should do is to produce ______.

[单项选择]1 The Earth might have been sent into an ice age by the break-up of a supercontinent 750 million years ago, creating a global snowball.
2 The break-up probably caused an increase in rainfall and weathering of rock, say climatologists. This would have sucked greenhouse gases out of the atmosphere and caused a run-away cooling effect. The mechanism could explain how the entire planet becomes encased in a mass of ice, as many researchers think it has done in the past.
3 The theory that the Earth was once completely frozen emerged in the 1960s, when scientists realized that global freezing could happen if the polar ice sheets grew above a certain threshold size. Because bright ice reflects sunlight and heat back into space, growing ice sheets cause further cooling. This feedback loop could tip the climate system into a deep freeze.
4 The planet could eventually thaw as carbon dioxide from volcanoes poking through the ice warm it.
5 In the late 1980s, Joe Kirschv


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